The following table gives an overview of the doxygen special commands and the version in which they were introduced.
- New in 1.0.0
- \\
- \#
- \$
- \&
- \@
- \<
- \>
- \a
- \addindex
- \anchor
- \arg
- \author
- \b
- \brief
- \bug
- \c
- \class
- \code
- \date
- \def
- \defgroup
- \deprecated
- \dontinclude
- \e
- \endcode
- \endhtmlonly
- \endlatexonly
- \endlink
- \endverbatim
- \enum
- \example
- \exception
- \f$
- \f[
- \f]
- \file
- \fn
- \htmlonly
- \image
- \include
- \ingroup
- \internal
- \latexonly
- \line
- \link
- \mainpage
- \namespace
- \overload
- \page
- \par
- \param
- \ref
- \relates
- \return
- \retval
- \sa
- \section
- \skip
- \skipline
- \struct
- \subsection
- \throw
- \typedef
- \union
- \until
- \var
- \verbatim
- \verbinclude
- \version
- \warning
- New in 1.1.0
- \invariant
- \post
- \pre
- New in 1.1.3
- \endif
- \if
- \name
- New in 1.1.4
- \hideinitializer
- \nosubgrouping
- \showinitializer
- \todo
- New in 1.1.5
- \attention
- \remarks
- \since
- New in 1.2.0
- \em
- \li
- \note
- \p
- New in 1.2.1
- \test
- New in 1.2.7
- \addtogroup
- \htmlinclude
- New in 1.2.8
- \interface
- \weakgroup
- New in
- \else
- \elseif
- \ifnot
- New in 1.2.10
- \dotfile
- \package
- New in 1.2.14
- \~
- New in 1.2.17
- \copydoc
- New in 1.2.18
- \n
- \subsubsection
- New in 1.3.1
- \xrefitem
- New in 1.3.2
- \callgraph
- \endxmlonly
- \xmlonly
- New in 1.3.4
- \dot
- \enddot
- \relatesalso
- New in 1.3.7
- \%
- \endmanonly
- \includelineno
- \manonly
- \property
- New in 1.3.8
- \category
- \paragraph
- \private
- \privatesection
- \protected
- \protectedsection
- \protocol
- \public
- \publicsection
- New in 1.3.9
- \dir
- New in 1.4.0
- \cond
- \endcond
- \see
- New in 1.4.2
- \subpage
- New in 1.4.7
- \callergraph
- New in 1.5.2
- \endmsc
- \msc
- New in 1.5.3
- \details
- New in 1.5.4
- \f{
- \f}
- New in 1.5.5
- \headerfile
- New in 1.5.6
- \copybrief
- \copydetails
- \tparam
- New in 1.5.7
- \extends
- \implements
- \memberof
- New in 1.6.2
- \"
- New in 1.7.2
- \authors
- \endinternal
- \endrtfonly
- \mscfile
- \related
- \relatedalso
- \remark
- \returns
- \rtfonly
- \short
- \throws
- New in 1.7.3
- \::
- \result
- New in 1.7.5
- \cite
- \copyright
- \snippet
- New in 1.8.0
- \.
- \tableofcontents
- New in 1.8.3
- \vhdlflow
- New in 1.8.4
- \|
- \docbookonly
- \enddocbookonly
- \endsecreflist
- \idlexcept
- \pure
- \refitem
- \secreflist
- New in 1.8.6
- \diafile
- \endparblock
- \parblock
- New in 1.8.7
- \--
- \---
- \latexinclude
- New in 1.8.8
- \enduml
- \startuml
- New in 1.8.10
- \hidecallergraph
- \hidecallgraph
- New in 1.8.12
- \includedoc
- \snippetdoc
- \snippetlineno
- New in 1.8.15
- \=
- \emoji
- \hiderefby
- \hiderefs
- \showrefby
- \showrefs
- New in 1.8.18
- \docbookinclude
- \maninclude
- \rtfinclude
- \xmlinclude
- New in 1.9.0
- \noop
- \static
- New in 1.9.2
- \concept
- \f(
- \f)
- New in 1.9.3
- \raisewarning
- New in 1.9.5
- \fileinfo
- \lineinfo
- \showdate
- New in 1.9.6
- \qualifier
- New in 1.9.7
- \doxyconfig
- New in 1.9.8
- \collaborationgraph
- \directorygraph
- \groupgraph
- \hidecollaborationgraph
- \hidedirectorygraph
- \hidegroupgraph
- \hideincludedbygraph
- \hideincludegraph
- \includedbygraph
- \includegraph
- \module
- New in 1.10.0
- \hideinheritancegraph
- \hideinlinesource
- \inheritancegraph
- \showinlinesource
- New in 1.11.0
- \important
- \subparagraph
- \subsubparagraph
- New in 1.12.0
- \hideenumvalues
- \showenumvalues
- New in 1.13.0
- \plantumlfile
- \?
- \!