63 for (
const auto &child : t.children())
65 std::visit(*
this, child);
Node representing an anchor.
Node representing an auto List.
Node representing an item of a auto list.
Node representing a citation of some bibliographic reference.
Node representing a dia file.
Node representing a dot file.
Node representing an emoji.
Node representing a Hypertext reference.
Node representing a horizontal ruler.
Node representing an HTML blockquote.
Node representing a HTML table caption.
Node representing a HTML table cell.
Node representing a HTML description data.
Node representing a Html description list.
Node representing a Html description item.
Node representing a Html list.
Node representing a HTML list item.
Node representing a HTML table row.
Node representing a HTML table.
Node representing an image.
Node representing a include/dontinclude operator block.
Node representing an included text block from file.
Node representing an entry in the index.
Node representing an internal section of documentation.
Node representing an internal reference to some item.
Node representing a line break.
Node representing a link to some item.
Node representing a word that can be linked to something.
Node representing a msc file.
Node representing an block of paragraphs.
Node representing a paragraph in the documentation tree.
Node representing a parameter list.
Node representing a parameter section.
Node representing a uml file.
Node representing a reference to some item.
Root node of documentation tree.
Node representing a reference to a section.
Node representing a list of section references.
Node representing a normal section.
Node representing a separator.
Node representing a simple list.
Node representing a simple list item.
Node representing a simple section.
Node representing a separator between two simple sections of the same type.
Node representing a style change.
Node representing a special symbol.
Root node of a text fragment.
Node representing a simple section title.
Node representing a URL (or email address)
Node representing a verbatim, unparsed text fragment.
Node representing a VHDL flow chart.
Node representing some amount of white space.
Node representing a word.
Node representing an item of a cross-referenced list.
This is an alternative implementation of QCString.
void operator()(const DocHtmlBlockQuote &q)
void operator()(const DocHtmlDescTitle &dt)
void operator()(const DocParamSect &s)
void operator()(const DocInclude &)
void operator()(const DocHtmlDetails &d)
void operator()(const DocPlantUmlFile &df)
void operator()(const DocPara &p)
void operator()(const DocAutoListItem &li)
void operator()(const DocSimpleSect &s)
void operator()(const DocURL &u)
void operator()(const DocHtmlCell &c)
void operator()(const DocIndexEntry &)
void operator()(const DocLink &l)
void operator()(const DocHtmlSummary &s)
void filter(const QCString &str)
void operator()(const DocXRefItem &x)
void operator()(const DocStyleChange &)
void operator()(const DocWhiteSpace &)
void operator()(const DocDotFile &df)
void operator()(const DocLineBreak &)
void operator()(const DocAutoList &l)
void operator()(const DocSeparator &)
void operator()(const DocInternal &i)
void operator()(const DocHtmlList &l)
void operator()(const DocParamList &)
void operator()(const DocIncOperator &)
void operator()(const DocFormula &)
void operator()(const DocTitle &t)
TextDocVisitor(TextStream &t)
void operator()(const DocSimpleListItem &)
void visitChildren(const T &t)
void operator()(const DocVerbatim &s)
void operator()(const DocHtmlHeader &h)
void operator()(const DocSecRefList &l)
void operator()(const DocHtmlRow &r)
void operator()(const DocSection &s)
void operator()(const DocMscFile &df)
void operator()(const DocInternalRef &r)
void operator()(const DocHtmlListItem &li)
void operator()(const DocDiaFile &df)
void operator()(const DocRef &r)
void operator()(const DocHorRuler &)
void operator()(const DocSimpleList &l)
void operator()(const DocHtmlCaption &c)
void operator()(const DocParBlock &pb)
void operator()(const DocHtmlDescData &dd)
void operator()(const DocWord &w)
void operator()(const DocVhdlFlow &)
void operator()(const DocAnchor &)
void operator()(const DocRoot &r)
void operator()(const DocSimpleSectSep &)
void operator()(const DocHRef &h)
void operator()(const DocText &t)
void operator()(const DocLinkedWord &w)
void operator()(const DocHtmlTable &t)
void operator()(const DocHtmlDescList &dl)
void operator()(const DocSecRefItem &s)
void operator()(const DocImage &i)
Text streaming class that buffers data.