Here is a list of all functions with links to the files they belong to:
- c -
- call_method_children() : docnode.h
- caseConvert() : utf8.cpp
- charsToIndex() : searchindex.cpp
- checkAndOpenFile() : pre.l
- checkAndUpdatePath() : xml.l
- checkBlocks() : util.cpp, util.h
- checkConfiguration() : doxygen.cpp, doxygen.h
- checkContLines() : fortrancode.l
- checkEncoding() : configimpl.l
- checkExtension() : util.cpp, util.h
- checkFileName() : configimpl.l
- checkForKnRstyleC() : scanner.l
- checkFormula() : commentscan.l
- checkIfHtmlEndTagEndsAutoList() : docnode.cpp
- checkIfTypedef() : util.cpp, util.h
- checkList() : configimpl.l
- checkMarkdownMainfile() : doxygen.cpp
- checkPageRelations() : doxygen.cpp
- checkPngResult() : dotrunner.cpp
- checkStructuralIndicator() : commentscan.l
- checkVhdlString() : vhdlcode.l
- classEqualsReflist() : latexdocvisitor.cpp
- classHasVisibleChildren() : classdef.cpp, classdef.h
- classHasVisibleRoot() : classdef.cpp, classdef.h
- classInheritedProtectionLevel() : classdef.cpp, classdef.h
- classOutputFileBase() : xmlgen.cpp
- classVisibleInIndex() : classdef.cpp, classdef.h
- cleanUpDoxygen() : doxygen.cpp, doxygen.h
- cleanUpPaths() : configimpl.l
- clearAll() : doxygen.cpp
- clearCommentStack() : commentcnv.l
- clearSubDirs() : util.cpp, util.h
- codeFolding() : code.l, fortrancode.l, pycode.l, vhdlcode.l
- codeFreeVhdlScanner() : vhdlcode.h
- codeSymbolType2Str() : types.h
- codify() : pycode.l, xmlcode.l
- codifyLines() : code.l, fortrancode.l, lexcode.l, pycode.l, sqlcode.l, vhdlcode.l, xmlcode.l
- codifyMapLines() : vhdlcode.l
- collectJSTreeFiles() : ftvhelp.cpp
- combineArgsAndException() : memberdef.cpp
- combineDeclarationAndDefinition() : memberdef.cpp, memberdef.h
- combineUsingRelations() : doxygen.cpp
- common_attributes() : dotdirdeps.cpp
- compareDirDefs() : dirdef.cpp, dirdef.h
- compareDoxyfile() : doxygen.cpp
- compareFileDefs() : filedef.cpp, filedef.h
- compareString() : vhdldocgen.cpp
- compileOptions() : layout.cpp
- compounddefExists() : sqlite3gen.cpp
- compoundIcon() : ftvhelp.cpp
- computeClassRelations() : doxygen.cpp
- computeCommonDirPrefix() : dirdef.cpp
- computeDirDependencies() : dirdef.cpp, dirdef.h
- computeExpression() : pre.l
- computeIdealCacheParam() : doxygen.cpp
- computeIndent() : commentcnv.l, doctokenizer.l, fortranscanner.l, pyscanner.l, scanner.l
- computeIndentExcludingListMarkers() : markdown.cpp
- computeMemberReferences() : doxygen.cpp
- computeMemberRelations() : doxygen.cpp
- computeMemberRelationsForBaseClass() : doxygen.cpp
- computePageRelations() : doxygen.cpp
- computeQualifiedIndex() : util.cpp, util.h
- computeTemplateClassRelations() : doxygen.cpp
- computeTooltipTexts() : doxygen.cpp
- computeVerifiedDotPath() : doxygen.cpp
- configFileToString() : configimpl.l
- configStringRecode() : configimpl.l
- constexpYYget_extra() : constexp_p.h
- constexpYYlex() : constexp_p.h
- constexpYYparse() : constexp_p.h
- constexpYYwrap() : constexp.l
- containsEnvVar() : configimpl.l
- containsWord() : util.cpp, util.h
- contexts() : htmldocvisitor.cpp
- convertCharEntitiesToUTF8() : util.cpp, util.h
- convertCppComments() : commentcnv.h, commentcnv.l
- convertFileId2Var() : ftvhelp.cpp
- convertFileNameFortranParserCode() : util.cpp, util.h
- convertIndexWordToAnchor() : htmldocvisitor.cpp
- convertMapFile() : msc.cpp
- convertNameToFile() : util.cpp, util.h
- convertProtectionLevel() : util.cpp, util.h
- convertStringToBool() : configimpl.l
- convertToComment() : configimpl.l
- convertToCompoundType() : doxygen.cpp
- convertToDocBook() : docbookgen.cpp, docbookgen.h
- convertToHtml() : util.cpp, util.h
- convertToHtmlAndTruncate() : htmlhelp.cpp
- convertToId() : util.cpp, util.h
- convertToJSString() : util.cpp, util.h
- convertToLaTeX() : latexgen.cpp, latexgen.h
- convertToPSString() : diagram.cpp
- convertToXML() : util.cpp, util.h
- convertUnicodeToLower() : caseconvert.h
- convertUnicodeToUpper() : caseconvert.h
- convertUTF8CharToUnicode() : utf8.cpp
- convertUTF8ToLower() : utf8.cpp, utf8.h
- convertUTF8ToUpper() : utf8.cpp, utf8.h
- copyEntry() : fortranscanner.l
- copyExtraFiles() : doxygen.cpp
- copyFile() : util.cpp, util.h
- copyIcon() : doxygen.cpp
- copyLatexStyleSheet() : doxygen.cpp
- copyLogo() : doxygen.cpp
- copyStyleSheet() : doxygen.cpp
- copyToOutput() : commentcnv.l
- correctId() : util.cpp, util.h
- correctPath() : dir.cpp
- correctURL() : util.cpp, util.h
- countAliasArguments() : aliases.cpp
- countAnnotatedClasses() : index.cpp
- countClassesInTreeList() : index.cpp
- countClassHierarchy() : index.cpp
- countConcepts() : index.cpp
- countDirs() : index.cpp
- countFiles() : index.cpp
- countGroups() : index.cpp
- countLines() : code.l, fortrancode.l, lexcode.l, pycode.l, sqlcode.l, vhdlcode.l, xmlcode.l, xml.l
- countMembers() : doxygen.cpp
- countNamespaces() : index.cpp
- countRelatedPages() : index.cpp
- createClassDef() : classdef.cpp, classdef.h
- createClassDefAlias() : classdef.cpp, classdef.h
- createConceptDef() : conceptdef.cpp, conceptdef.h
- createConceptDefAlias() : conceptdef.cpp, conceptdef.h
- createCroppedEPS() : formula.cpp
- createCroppedPDF() : formula.cpp
- createDirDef() : dirdef.cpp
- createDocNode() : docnode.h
- createDocParser() : docparser.cpp, docparser.h
- createDVIFile() : formula.cpp
- createEPSbboxFile() : formula.cpp
- createFileDef() : filedef.cpp, filedef.h
- createGroupDef() : groupdef.cpp, groupdef.h
- createHtmlUrl() : util.cpp, util.h
- createJavaScriptSearchIndex() : searchindex_js.cpp, searchindex_js.h
- createMemberDef() : memberdef.cpp, memberdef.h
- createMemberDefAlias() : memberdef.cpp, memberdef.h
- createNamespaceDef() : namespacedef.cpp, namespacedef.h
- createNamespaceDefAlias() : namespacedef.cpp, namespacedef.h
- createOutputDirectory() : doxygen.cpp
- createPageDef() : pagedef.cpp, pagedef.h
- createPNG() : formula.cpp
- createPostscriptFile() : formula.cpp
- createRef() : docparser.cpp, docparser.h
- createSubDirs() : util.cpp, util.h
- createSVGFromPDF() : formula.cpp
- createSVGFromPDFviaInkscape() : formula.cpp
- createTagLessInstance() : doxygen.cpp
- createTemplateInstanceMembers() : doxygen.cpp
- createUsingMemberImportForClass() : doxygen.cpp