Here is a list of all functions with links to the files they belong to:
- n -
- nameIsActuallyPartOfType() : defargs.l
- nameIsOperator() : scanner.l
- namespaceHasNestedClass() : namespacedef.cpp, namespacedef.h
- namespaceHasNestedConcept() : namespacedef.cpp, namespacedef.h
- namespaceHasNestedNamespace() : namespacedef.cpp, namespacedef.h
- newEntry() : pyscanner.l, scanner.l
- newFunction() : pyscanner.l
- newLine() : fortranscanner.l
- newVariable() : pyscanner.l
- nextCodeLine() : code.l, fortrancode.l, lexcode.l, pycode.l, sqlcode.l, vhdlcode.l, xmlcode.l
- nextUTF8CharPosition() : util.cpp
- nextUtf8CharPosition() : util.h
- node2URL() : ftvhelp.cpp
- normalizeNonTemplateArgumentsInString() : util.cpp, util.h