Here is a list of all functions with links to the files they belong to:
- r -
- readAliases() : aliases.cpp, aliases.h
- readCodeFragment() : definition.cpp, definition.h
- readConfiguration() : doxygen.cpp, doxygen.h
- readDir() : doxygen.cpp
- readFileOrDirectory() : doxygen.cpp, doxygen.h
- readIncludeFile() : commentcnv.l, configimpl.l, pre.l
- readInputFile() : util.cpp, util.h
- readSVGSize() : dotfilepatcher.cpp
- readTagFile() : doxygen.cpp
- readTextFileByName() : codefragment.cpp
- recodeString() : util.h
- recognizeFixedForm() : util.cpp, util.h
- recordMetadata() : sqlite3gen.cpp
- recursivelyAddGroupListToTitle() : util.cpp
- refMapToVector() : definition.cpp
- relativePathToRoot() : util.cpp, util.h
- removeAnonymousScopes() : util.cpp, util.h
- removeEmptyLines() : util.cpp, util.h
- removeFromMap() : definition.cpp
- removeIdsAndMarkers() : pre.l
- removeLongPathMarker() : util.cpp, util.h
- removeMarkers() : pre.l
- removeRedundantWhiteSpace() : util.cpp, util.h
- renderMemberIndicesAsJs() : index.cpp
- renderQuickLinksAsJs() : index.cpp
- renderQuickLinksAsTabs() : htmlgen.cpp
- renderQuickLinksAsTree() : htmlgen.cpp
- replaceAliasArguments() : aliases.cpp
- replaceAliases() : commentcnv.l
- replaceAnonymousScopes() : util.cpp, util.h
- replaceColorMarkers() : util.cpp, util.h
- replaceComment() : commentcnv.l
- replaceCommentMarker() : commentcnv.l
- replaceFunctionMacro() : pre.l
- replaceNamespaceAliases() : namespacedef.cpp, namespacedef.h
- replaceNamespaceAliasesRec() : namespacedef.cpp
- replaceRef() : dotfilepatcher.cpp
- replaceVariables() : htmlgen.cpp
- reportError() : xml.l
- resetPDFSize() : dotrunner.cpp
- resolveAliasCmd() : aliases.cpp, aliases.h
- resolveClassNestingRelations() : doxygen.cpp
- resolveLink() : util.cpp, util.h
- resolveModuleProcedures() : fortranscanner.l
- resolveRef() : util.cpp, util.h
- resolveSymlink() : doxygen.cpp
- resolveTemplateInstanceInType() : doxygen.cpp
- resolveTrigraph() : pre.l
- resolveTypeBoundProcedures() : fortranscanner.l
- resolveTypeDef() : util.cpp, util.h
- resolveUserReferences() : doxygen.cpp
- restoreObjCContext() : code.l
- returnCharToStream() : pre.l
- rightScopeMatch() : util.cpp, util.h
- rtfFormatBmkStr() : rtfgen.cpp, rtfgen.h
- runHtmlHelpCompiler() : doxygen.cpp
- runPlantumlContent() : plantuml.cpp
- runQHelpGenerator() : doxygen.cpp