int | Portable::system (const QCString &command, const QCString &args, bool commandHasConsole=true) |
uint32_t | Portable::pid () |
QCString | Portable::getenv (const QCString &variable) |
void | Portable::setenv (const QCString &variable, const QCString &value) |
void | Portable::unsetenv (const QCString &variable) |
FILE * | Portable::fopen (const QCString &fileName, const QCString &mode) |
int | Portable::fclose (FILE *f) |
void | Portable::unlink (const QCString &fileName) |
QCString | Portable::pathSeparator () |
QCString | Portable::pathListSeparator () |
const char * | Portable::ghostScriptCommand () |
const char * | Portable::commandExtension () |
bool | Portable::fileSystemIsCaseSensitive () |
FILE * | Portable::popen (const QCString &name, const QCString &type) |
int | Portable::pclose (FILE *stream) |
double | Portable::getSysElapsedTime () |
bool | Portable::isAbsolutePath (const QCString &fileName) |
void | Portable::correctPath (const StringVector &list) |
| Correct a possible wrong PATH variable.
void | Portable::setShortDir () |
const char * | Portable::strnstr (const char *haystack, const char *needle, size_t haystack_len) |
const char * | Portable::devNull () |
bool | Portable::checkForExecutable (const QCString &fileName) |
size_t | Portable::recodeUtf8StringToW (const QCString &inputStr, uint16_t **buf) |
std::ofstream | Portable::openOutputStream (const QCString &name, bool append=false) |
std::ifstream | Portable::openInputStream (const QCString &name, bool binary=false, bool openAtEnd=false) |
void * | portable_iconv_open (const char *tocode, const char *fromcode) |
size_t | portable_iconv (void *cd, const char **inbuf, size_t *inbytesleft, char **outbuf, size_t *outbytesleft) |
int | portable_iconv_close (void *cd) |
Portable versions of functions that are platform dependent.
Definition in file portable.h.