No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
2 *
3 *
4 *
5 * Copyright (C) 1997-2015 by Dimitri van Heesch.
6 *
7 * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
8 * documentation under the terms of the GNU General Public License is hereby
9 * granted. No representations are made about the suitability of this software
10 * for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
11 * See the GNU General Public License for more details.
12 *
13 * Documents produced by Doxygen are derivative works derived from the
14 * input used in their production; they are not affected by this license.
15 *
16 */
21// translation by Dejan D. M. Milosavljevic <>;<dmilosx@ptt.yu>;<>
22// // 10x 2 Ivana Miletic for grammatical consultation.
24// UTF-8 patch by Nenad Bulatovic <>
25// translation update by Andrija M. Bosnjakovic <>
29 public:
31 // --- Language control methods -------------------
33 /*! Used for identification of the language. The identification
34 * should not be translated. It should be replaced by the name
35 * of the language in English using lower-case characters only
36 * (e.g. "czech", "japanese", "russian", etc.). It should be equal to
37 * the identification used in language.cpp.
38 */
40 { return "serbian"; }
42 /*! Used to get the LaTeX command(s) for the language support.
43 * This method should return string with commands that switch
44 * LaTeX to the desired language. For example
45 * <pre>"\\usepackage[german]{babel}\n"
46 * </pre>
47 * or
48 * <pre>"\\usepackage{polski}\n"
49 * "\\usepackage[latin2]{inputenc}\n"
50 * "\\usepackage[T1]{fontenc}\n"
51 * </pre>
52 *
53 * The English LaTeX does not use such commands. Because of this
54 * the empty string is returned in this implementation.
55 */
57 {
58 QCString result="\\usepackage[serbian]{babel}\n";
59 return result;
60 }
62 {
63 return "sr-Latn";
64 }
66 {
67 return "0x81A Serbian (Serbia, Latin)";
68 }
70 // --- Language translation methods -------------------
72 /*! used in the compound documentation before a list of related functions. */
74 //! Čini se da je ovako manje loše nego "Povezane funkcije",
75 //! što uopšte ne izgleda dobro jer ta kartica sadrži prijatelje i globalne funkcije
76 { return "Relevantne funkcije"; }
78 /*! subscript for the related functions. */
80 { return "(To nisu funkcije članice.)"; }
82 /*! header that is put before the detailed description of files, classes and namespaces. */
84 { return "Opširniji opis"; }
86 /*! header that is used when the summary tag is missing inside the details tag */
88 { return "Podrobnosće"; }
90 /*! header that is put before the list of typedefs. */
92 { return "Dokumentacija unutrašnjih definicija tipa"; }
94 /*! header that is put before the list of enumerations. */
96 //! Ovo je u skladu sa "unutrašnja klasa" što se može videti u knjizi.
97 { return "Dokumentacija unutrašnjih nabrajanja"; }
99 /*! header that is put before the list of member functions. */
101 { return "Dokumentacija funkcija članica"; }
103 /*! header that is put before the list of member attributes. */
105 {
106 if (Config_getBool(OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_FOR_C))
107 {
108 return "Dokumentacija polja";
109 }
110 else
111 {
112 return "Dokumentacija atributa";
113 }
114 }
116 /*! this is the text of a link put after brief descriptions. */
117 QCString trMore() override
118 { return "Još..."; }
120 /*! put in the class documentation */
122 { return "Spisak svih članova"; }
124 /*! used as the title of the "list of all members" page of a class */
126 { return "Spisak članova"; }
128 /*! this is the first part of a sentence that is followed by a class name */
130 { return "Ovo je spisak svih članova"; }
132 /*! this is the remainder of the sentence after the class name */
134 { return ", uključujući nasleđene članove."; }
136 /*! this is put at the author sections at the bottom of man pages.
137 * parameter s is name of the project name.
138 */
140 { QCString result="Napravljeno automatski korišćenjem alata Doxygen";
141 if (!s.isEmpty()) result+=" za projekat " + s;
142 result+=" od izvornog koda.";
143 return result;
144 }
146 /*! put after an enum name in the list of all members */
148 { return "ime nabrajanja "; }
150 /*! put after an enum value in the list of all members */
152 { return "vrednost nabrojane konstante"; }
154 /*! put after an undocumented member in the list of all members */
156 { return "definicija u"; }
158 // quick reference sections
160 /*! This is put above each page as a link to the list of all groups of
161 * compounds or files (see the \\group command).
162 */
164 { return "Moduli"; }
166 /*! This is put above each page as a link to the class hierarchy */
168 { return "Hijerarhija klasa"; }
170 /*! This is put above each page as a link to the list of annotated classes */
172 {
173 if (Config_getBool(OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_FOR_C))
174 {
175 return "Spisak struktura";
176 }
177 else
178 {
179 return "Spisak klasa";
180 }
181 }
183 /*! This is put above each page as a link to the list of documented files */
185 { return "Spisak datoteka"; }
187 /*! This is put above each page as a link to all members of compounds. */
189 {
190 if (Config_getBool(OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_FOR_C))
191 {
192 return "Sva polja struktura";
193 }
194 else
195 {
196 return "Svi članovi klasa";
197 }
198 }
200 /*! This is put above each page as a link to all members of files. */
202 {
203 //if (Config_getBool(OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_FOR_C))
204 //{
205 // return "Članovi datoteke"; // TODO: translate me
206 //}
207 //else
208 //{
209 return "Članovi datoteke";
210 //}
211 }
213 /*! This is put above each page as a link to all related pages. */
215 { return "Stranice koje imaju veze sa ovom stranicom"; }
217 /*! This is put above each page as a link to all examples. */
219 { return "Primeri"; }
221 /*! This is put above each page as a link to the search engine. */
223 { return "Traži"; }
225 /*! This is an introduction to the class hierarchy. */
227 { return "Hijerahija klasa uređena približno po abecedi:"; }
229 /*! This is an introduction to the list with all files. */
230 QCString trFileListDescription(bool extractAll) override
231 {
232 QCString result="Spisak svih ";
233 if (!extractAll) result+="dokumentovanih ";
234 result+="datoteka, sa kratkim opisima:";
235 return result;
236 }
238 /*! This is an introduction to the annotated compound list. */
240 {
242 if (Config_getBool(OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_FOR_C))
243 {
244 return "Spisak struktura sa kratkim opisima:";
245 }
246 else if (Config_getBool(OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_SLICE))
247 {
248 return "Spisak klasa sa kratkim opisima:";
249 }
250 else
251 {
252 return "Spisak klasa, struktura, unija i interfejsa sa kratkim opisima:";
253 }
254 }
256 /*! This is an introduction to the page with all class members. */
257 QCString trCompoundMembersDescription(bool extractAll) override
258 {
259 QCString result="Spisak svih ";
260 if (!extractAll)
261 {
262 result+="dokumentovanih ";
263 }
264 if (Config_getBool(OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_FOR_C))
265 {
266 result+="članova struktura/unija";
267 }
268 else
269 {
270 result+="članova klasa";
271 }
272 result+=" sa vezama ka ";
273 if (extractAll)
274 {
275 if (Config_getBool(OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_FOR_C))
276 {
277 result+="dokumentaciji svakog polja strukture/unije:";
278 }
279 else
280 {
281 result+="dokumentaciji svakog člana klase:";
282 }
283 }
284 else
285 {
286 if (Config_getBool(OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_FOR_C))
287 {
288 result+="strukturama/unijama kojima pripadaju:";
289 }
290 else
291 {
292 result+="klasama kojima pripadaju:";
293 }
294 }
295 return result;
296 }
298 /*! This is an introduction to the page with all file members. */
299 QCString trFileMembersDescription(bool extractAll) override
300 {
301 QCString result="Spisak svih ";
302 if (!extractAll) result+="dokumentovanih ";
304 if (Config_getBool(OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_FOR_C))
305 {
306 result+="funkcija, promenljivih, makro zamena, nabrajanja i definicija tipa";
307 }
308 else
309 {
310 result+="članova";
311 }
312 result+=" sa vezama ka ";
313 if (extractAll)
314 result+="datotekama u kojima se nalaze:";
315 else
316 result+="dokumentaciji:";
317 return result;
318 }
320 /*! This is an introduction to the page with the list of all examples */
322 { return "Spisak svih primera:"; }
324 /*! This is an introduction to the page with the list of related pages */
326 { return "Spisak stranica koje imaju veze sa ovom stranicom:"; }
328 /*! This is an introduction to the page with the list of class/file groups */
330 { return "Spisak svih modula:"; }
332 // index titles (the project name is prepended for these)
334 /*! This is used in HTML as the title of index.html. */
335 QCString trDocumentation(const QCString &projName) override
336 { return (!projName.isEmpty()?projName + " " : "") + "Dokumentacija"; }
338 /*! This is used in LaTeX as the title of the chapter with the
339 * index of all groups.
340 */
342 { return "Indeks modula"; }
344 /*! This is used in LaTeX as the title of the chapter with the
345 * class hierarchy.
346 */
348 { return "Hijerarhijski sadržaj"; }
350 /*! This is used in LaTeX as the title of the chapter with the
351 * annotated compound index.
352 */
354 {
355 if (Config_getBool(OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_FOR_C))
356 {
357 return "Spisak struktura/unija";
358 }
359 else
360 {
361 return "Spisak klasa";
362 }
363 }
365 /*! This is used in LaTeX as the title of the chapter with the
366 * list of all files.
367 */
369 { return "Indeks datoteka"; }
371 /*! This is used in LaTeX as the title of the chapter containing
372 * the documentation of all groups.
373 */
375 { return "Dokumentacija modula"; }
377 /*! This is used in LaTeX as the title of the chapter containing
378 * the documentation of all classes, structs and unions.
379 */
381 {
382 if (Config_getBool(OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_FOR_C))
383 {
384 return "Dokumentacija stuktura/unija";
385 }
386 else if (Config_getBool(OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_VHDL))
387 {
389 }
390 else
391 {
392 return "Dokumentacija klasa";
393 }
394 }
396 /*! This is used in LaTeX as the title of the chapter containing
397 * the documentation of all files.
398 */
400 { return "Dokumentacija datoteke"; }
402 /*! This is used in LaTeX as the title of the document */
404 { return "Priručnik"; }
406 /*! This is used in the documentation of a file as a header before the
407 * list of defines
408 */
410 { return "Makro zamene"; }
412 /*! This is used in the documentation of a file as a header before the
413 * list of typedefs
414 */
416 { return "Definicije tipa"; }
418 /*! This is used in the documentation of a file as a header before the
419 * list of enumerations
420 */
422 { return "Nabrajanja"; }
424 /*! This is used in the documentation of a file as a header before the
425 * list of (global) functions
426 */
428 { return "Funkcije"; }
430 /*! This is used in the documentation of a file as a header before the
431 * list of (global) variables
432 */
434 { return "Promenljive"; }
436 /*! This is used in the documentation of a file as a header before the
437 * list of (global) variables
438 */
440 { return "Vrednosti nabrojanih konstanti"; }
442 /*! This is used in the documentation of a file before the list of
443 * documentation blocks for defines
444 */
446 { return "Dokumentacija makro zamene"; }
448 /*! This is used in the documentation of a file/namespace before the list
449 * of documentation blocks for typedefs
450 */
452 { return "Dokumentacija definicije tipa"; }
454 /*! This is used in the documentation of a file/namespace before the list
455 * of documentation blocks for enumeration types
456 */
458 { return "Dokumentacija nabrajanja"; }
460 /*! This is used in the documentation of a file/namespace before the list
461 * of documentation blocks for functions
462 */
464 { return "Dokumentacija funkcije"; }
466 /*! This is used in the documentation of a file/namespace before the list
467 * of documentation blocks for variables
468 */
470 { return "Dokumentacija promenljive"; }
472 /*! This is used in the documentation of a file/namespace/group before
473 * the list of links to documented compounds
474 */
476 {
477 if (Config_getBool(OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_FOR_C))
478 {
479 return "Strukture i unije";
480 }
481 else
482 {
483 return "Klase, strukture i unije";
484 }
485 }
487 /*! This is used in the standard footer of each page and indicates when
488 * the page was generated
489 */
490 QCString trGeneratedAt(const QCString &date,const QCString &projName) override
491 {
492 QCString result="[" + date + "] Napravljeno automatski ";
493 if (!projName.isEmpty()) result+=" za projekat " + projName;
494 result+=" upotrebom ";
495 return result;
496 }
498 /*! this text is put before a class diagram */
499 QCString trClassDiagram(const QCString &clName) override
500 {
501 return QCString("Dijagram nasleđivanja za klasu ") + clName + ":";
502 }
504 /*! this text is generated when the \\warning command is used. */
506 { return "Upozorenje"; }
508 /*! this text is generated when the \\version command is used. */
510 { return "Verzija"; }
512 /*! this text is generated when the \\date command is used. */
513 QCString trDate() override
514 { return "Datum"; }
516 /*! this text is generated when the \\return command is used. */
518 { return "Vrednost funkcije"; }
520 /*! this text is generated when the \\sa command is used. */
522 { return "Takođe pogledati"; }
524 /*! this text is generated when the \\param command is used. */
526 { return "Parametri"; }
528 /*! this text is generated when the \\exception command is used. */
530 { return "Izuzeci"; }
532 /*! this text is used in the title page of a LaTeX document. */
534 { return "Napravio"; }
537// new since 0.49-990307
540 /*! used as the title of page containing all the index of all namespaces. */
542 { return "Spisak prostora imena"; }
544 /*! used as an introduction to the namespace list */
545 QCString trNamespaceListDescription(bool extractAll) override
546 {
547 QCString result="Spisak svih ";
548 if (!extractAll) result+="dokumentovanih ";
549 result+="prostora imena sa kratkim opisom:";
550 return result;
551 }
553 /*! used in the class documentation as a header before the list of all
554 * friends of a class
555 */
557 { return "Prijatelji"; }
560// new since 0.49-990405
563 /*! used in the class documentation as a header before the list of all
564 * related classes
565 */
567 { return "Dokumentacija prijatelja i relevantnih funkcija"; }
570// new since 0.49-990425
573 /*! used as the title of the HTML page of a class/struct/union */
575 ClassDef::CompoundType compType,
576 bool isTemplate) override
577 {
578 QCString result( "Dokumentacija " );
579 switch(compType)
580 {
581 case ClassDef::Class: result+="klase "; break;
582 case ClassDef::Struct: result+="strukture "; break;
583 case ClassDef::Union: result+="unije "; break;
584 case ClassDef::Interface: result+="interfejsa "; break;
585 case ClassDef::Protocol: result+="protokola "; break;
586 case ClassDef::Category: result+="kategorije "; break;
587 case ClassDef::Exception: result+="izuzetka "; break;
588 default: break;
589 }
590 if (isTemplate) result += "šablona ";
591 result += clName;
592 return result;
593 }
595 /*! used as the title of the HTML page of a file */
596 QCString trFileReference(const QCString &fileName) override
597 {
598 QCString result = "Opis datoteke ";
599 result += fileName;
600 return result;
601 }
603 /*! used as the title of the HTML page of a namespace */
604 QCString trNamespaceReference(const QCString &namespaceName) override
605 {
606 QCString result="Opis prostora imena ";
607 result += namespaceName;
608 return result;
609 }
612 { return "Javni članovi"; }
614 { return "Javni slotovi"; }
616 { return "Signali"; }
618 { return "Zajednički javni članovi"; }
620 { return "Zaštićeni članovi"; }
622 { return "Zaštićeni slotovi"; }
624 { return "Zajednički zaštićeni članovi"; }
626 { return "Privatni članovi"; }
628 { return "Privatni slotovi"; }
630 { return "Zajednički privatni članovi"; }
632 /*! this function is used to produce a comma-separated list of items.
633 * use generateMarker(i) to indicate where item i should be put.
634 */
635 QCString trWriteList(int numEntries) override
636 {
637 QCString result;
638 // the inherits list contain `numEntries' classes
639 for (int i=0;i<numEntries;i++)
640 {
641 // use generateMarker to generate placeholders for the class links!
642 result+=generateMarker(i); // generate marker for entry i in the list
643 // (order is left to right)
645 if (i!=numEntries-1) // not the last entry, so we need a separator
646 {
647 if (i<numEntries-2) // not the fore last entry
648 result+=", ";
649 else // the fore last entry
650 result+=" i ";
651 }
652 }
653 return result;
654 }
656 /*! used in class documentation to produce a list of base classes,
657 * if class diagrams are disabled.
658 */
659 QCString trInheritsList(int /*numEntries*/) override
660 {
661 return "Spisak osnovnih klasa: ";
662 }
664 /*! used in class documentation to produce a list of derived classes,
665 * if class diagrams are disabled.
666 */
667 QCString trInheritedByList(int /*numEntries*/) override
668 {
669 return "Spisak izvedenih klasa: ";
670 }
672 /*! used in member documentation blocks to produce a list of
673 * members that are hidden by this one.
674 */
675 QCString trReimplementedFromList(int numEntries) override
676 {
677 return "Menja definiciju iz "+trWriteList(numEntries)+".";
678 }
680 /*! used in member documentation blocks to produce a list of
681 * all member that overwrite the implementation of this member.
682 */
683 QCString trReimplementedInList(int numEntries) override
684 { //! Ako već ne možemo jednu reč (redefinicija), da uskladimo sa prethodnim i izbacimo upotrebu roda
685 return "Definicija je izmenjena u "+trWriteList(numEntries)+".";
686 }
688 /*! This is put above each page as a link to all members of namespaces. */
690 { return "Članovi prostora imena"; }
692 /*! This is an introduction to the page with all namespace members */
693 QCString trNamespaceMemberDescription(bool extractAll) override
694 {
695 QCString result="Spisak svih ";
696 if (!extractAll) result+="dokumentovanih ";
697 result+="članova prostora imena sa vezama prema ";
698 if (extractAll)
699 result+="dokumentaciji svakog člana prostora imena: ";
700 else
701 result+="prostorima imena kojima pripadaju: ";
702 return result;
703 }
704 /*! This is used in LaTeX as the title of the chapter with the
705 * index of all namespaces.
706 */
708 { return "Indeks prostora imena"; }
710 /*! This is used in LaTeX as the title of the chapter containing
711 * the documentation of all namespaces.
712 */
714 { return "Dokumentacija prostora imena"; }
717// new since 0.49-990522
720 /*! This is used in the documentation before the list of all
721 * namespaces in a file.
722 */
724 { return "Prostori imena"; }
727// new since 0.49-990728
730 /*! This is put at the bottom of a class documentation page and is
731 * followed by a list of files that were used to generate the page.
732 */
734 bool single) override
735 { // here s is one of " Class", " Struct" or " Union"
736 // single is true implies a single file
737 QCString result="Dokumentacija ";
738 switch(compType)
739 {
740 case ClassDef::Class: result+="ove klase"; break;
741 case ClassDef::Struct: result+="ove strukture"; break;
742 case ClassDef::Union: result+="ove unije"; break;
743 case ClassDef::Interface: result+="ovog interfejsa"; break;
744 case ClassDef::Protocol: result+="ovog protokola"; break;
745 case ClassDef::Category: result+="ove kategorije"; break;
746 case ClassDef::Exception: result+="ovog izuzetka"; break;
747 default: break;
748 }
749 result+=" je napravljena na osnovu ";
750 if (single) result+="datoteke "; else result+="sledećih datoteka:";
751 return result;
752 }
755// new since 0.49-990901
758 /*! This is used as the heading text for the retval command. */
760 { return "Karakteristične vrednosti funkcije"; }
762 /*! This is in the (quick) index as a link to the main page (index.html)
763 */
765 { return "Glavna strana"; }
767 /*! This is used in references to page that are put in the LaTeX
768 * documentation. It should be an abbreviation of the word page.
769 */
771 { return "str."; }
774// new since 0.49-991003
778 { //! Izbacujemo rod
779 return "Definicija je u redu @0 datoteke @1.";
780 }
782 { //! Izbacujemo rod
783 return "Definicija je u datoteci @0.";
784 }
787// new since 0.49-991205
791 {
792 return "Zastarelo";
793 }
796// new since 1.0.0
799 /*! this text is put before a collaboration diagram */
801 {
802 return "Klasni dijagram za "+clName+":";
803 }
804 /*! this text is put before an include dependency graph */
805 QCString trInclDepGraph(const QCString &fName) override
806 {
807 return "Graf zavisnosti datoteka za "+fName+":";
808 }
809 /*! header that is put before the list of constructor/destructors. */
811 {
812 return "Dokumentacija konstruktora i destruktora";
813 }
814 /*! Used in the file documentation to point to the corresponding sources. */
816 {
817 return "Izvorni kod.";
818 }
819 /*! Used in the file sources to point to the corresponding documentation. */
821 {
822 return "Dokumentacija.";
823 }
824 /*! Text for the \\pre command */
826 {
827 return "Preduslovi";
828 }
829 /*! Text for the \\post command */
831 {
832 return "Stanje po izvršenju";
833 }
834 /*! Text for the \\invariant command */
836 {
837 return "Invarijanta";
838 }
839 /*! Text shown before a multi-line variable/enum initialization */
841 {
842 return "Početna vrednost:";
843 }
844 /*! Text used the source code in the file index */
845 QCString trCode() override
846 {
847 return "programski kod";
848 }
850 {
851 return "Hijerarhija klasa u obliku grafa";
852 }
854 {
855 return "Prikaz hijerarhije klasa u obliku grafa";
856 }
858 {
859 return "Prikaz hijerarhije klasa u obliku nazubljenog teksta";
860 }
862 {
863 return "Indeks stranice";
864 }
867// new since 1.1.0
870 QCString trNote() override
871 {
872 return "Beleška";
873 }
875 {
876 return "Javni tipovi";
877 }
879 {
880 if (Config_getBool(OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_FOR_C))
881 {
882 return "Polja";
883 }
884 else
885 {
886 return "Javni članovi";
887 }
888 }
890 {
891 return "Zajednički javni članovi";
892 }
894 {
895 return "Zaštićeni tipovi";
896 }
898 {
899 return "Zaštićeni članovi";
900 }
902 {
903 return "Zajednički zaštićeni članovi";
904 }
906 {
907 return "Privatni tipovi";
908 }
910 {
911 return "Privatni članovi";
912 }
914 {
915 return "Zajednički privatni članovi";
916 }
919// new since 1.1.3
922 /*! Used as a marker that is put before a \\todo item */
923 QCString trTodo() override
924 {
925 return "Uraditi";
926 }
927 /*! Used as the header of the todo list */
929 {
930 return "Spisak stvari koje treba uraditi";
931 }
934// new since 1.1.4
938 { //! Izbegavanje roda. Uskladjivanje sa trReferences
939 return "Korisnici: ";
940 }
942 {
943 return "Napomene";
944 }
946 {
947 return "Pažnja";
948 }
950 {
951 return "Ovaj graf pokazuje koje datoteke direktno "
952 "ili indirektno uključuju ovu datoteku: ";
953 }
954 QCString trSince() override
955 {
956 return "Od";
957 }
960// new since 1.1.5
963 /*! title of the graph legend page */
965 {
966 return "Objašnjenje korišćenih simbola";
967 }
968 /*! page explaining how the dot graph's should be interpreted
969 * The %A in the text below are to prevent link to classes called "A".
970 */
972 {
973 return
974 "Ova stranica objašnjava kako tumačiti grafikone koje je napravio "
975 "doxygen.<p>\n"
976 "Na primer:\n"
977 "\\code\n"
978 "/*! Klasa nevidljiva zbog trenutnih ograničenja */\n"
979 "class Invisible { };\n\n"
980 "/*! Klasa kojoj se ne vidi način izvođenja */\n"
981 "class Truncated : public Invisible { };\n\n"
982 "/* Klasa bez doxygen komentara */\n"
983 "class Undocumented { };\n\n"
984 "/*! Klasa izvedena iz osnovne klase javnim izvođenjem */\n"
985 "class PublicBase : public Truncated { };\n\n"
986 "/*! Šablonska klasa */\n"
987 "template<class T> class Templ { };\n\n"
988 "/*! Klasa izvedena iz osnovne klase zaštićenim izvođenjem */\n"
989 "class ProtectedBase { };\n\n"
990 "/*! Klasa izvedena iz osnovne klase privatnim izvođenjem */\n"
991 "class PrivateBase { };\n\n"
992 "/*! Klasa korišćena u nekoj/nekim od drugih klasa */\n"
993 "class Used { };\n\n"
994 "/*! Klasa izvedena iz više osnovnih klasa */\n"
995 "class Inherited : public PublicBase,\n"
996 " protected ProtectedBase,\n"
997 " private PrivateBase,\n"
998 " public Undocumented,\n"
999 " public Templ<int>\n"
1000 "{\n"
1001 " private:\n"
1002 " Used *m_usedClass;\n"
1003 "};\n"
1004 "\\endcode\n"
1005 "Ako je \\c MAX_DOT_GRAPH_HEIGHT tag u konfiguracionoj datoteci "
1006 "postavljen na \\c 200 graf izvođenja će izgledati ovako:"
1007 "<p><center><img src=\"graph_legend."+getDotImageExtension()+"\"></center>\n"
1008 "Graf će biti odsečen ako ne stane unutar zadatih granica.\n"
1009 "<p>\n"
1010 "Pravougaonici imaju sledeća značenja:\n"
1011 "<ul>\n"
1012 "<li>Puni sivi predstavlja strukturu ili klasu za koju je graf napravljen.\n"
1013 "<li>Sa crnom ivicom predstavlja dokumentovanu strukturu ili klasu.\n"
1014 "<li>Sa sivom ivicom predstavlja strukturu ili klasu bez doxygen komentara.\n"
1015 "<li>Sa crvenom ivicom predstavlja dokumentovanu strukturu ili klasu\n"
1016 "za koju nisu prikazani svi relevantni grafovi.\n"
1017 "</ul>"
1018 "Strelice imaju sledeća značenja:\n"
1019 "<ul>\n"
1020 "<li>Tamnoplava strelica označava javno izvođenje.\n"
1021 "<li>Tamnozelena strelica označava zaštićeno izvođenje.\n"
1022 "<li>Tamnocrvena strelica označava privatno izvođenje.\n"
1023 "<li>Ljubičasta isprekidana strelica označava da je klasa sadržana "
1024 "ili korišćena u drugoj klasi. Strelica je označena imenom atributa "
1025 "preko koga se pristupa klasi/strukturi na koju pokazuje.\n"
1026 "<li>Žuta isprekidana strelica označava vezu između primerka šablona i"
1027 " šablona klase od kojeg je primerak napravljen. "
1028 "Strelica je označena stvarnim argumentima šablona.\n"
1029 "</ul>\n"
1030 ;
1031 }
1032 /*! text for the link to the legend page */
1034 {
1035 return "Objašnjenje korišćenih simbola";
1036 }
1039// new since 1.2.0
1042 /*! Used as a marker that is put before a test item */
1043 QCString trTest() override
1044 {
1045 return "Test";
1046 }
1047 /*! Used as the header of the test list */
1049 {
1050 return "Spisak testova";
1051 }
1054// new since 1.2.2
1057 /*! Used as a section header for IDL properties */
1059 {
1060 return "Osobine";
1061 }
1062 /*! Used as a section header for IDL property documentation */
1064 {
1065 return "Dokumentacija osobina";
1066 }
1069// new since 1.2.4
1072 /*! Used for Java classes in the summary section of Java packages */
1074 {
1075 if (Config_getBool(OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_FOR_C))
1076 {
1077 return "Strukture i unije";
1078 }
1079 else
1080 {
1081 return "Klase";
1082 }
1083 }
1084 /*! Used as the title of a Java package */
1085 QCString trPackage(const QCString &name) override
1086 {
1087 return "Paket "+name;
1088 }
1089 /*! The description of the package index page */
1091 {
1092 return "Paketi s kratkim opisom (ukoliko postoji):";
1093 }
1094 /*! The link name in the Quick links header for each page */
1096 {
1097 return "Paketi";
1098 }
1099 /*! Text shown before a multi-line define */
1101 {
1102 return "Vrednost:";
1103 }
1106// new since 1.2.5
1109 /*! Used as a marker that is put before a \\bug item */
1110 QCString trBug() override
1111 {
1112 return "Greška";
1113 }
1114 /*! Used as the header of the bug list */
1116 {
1117 return "Spisak grešaka";
1118 }
1121// new since 1.2.6
1124 /*! Used as ansicpg for RTF file
1125 *
1126 * The following table shows the correlation of Charset name, Charset Value and
1127 * <pre>
1128 * Codepage number:
1129 * Charset Name Charset Value(hex) Codepage number
1130 * ------------------------------------------------------
1131 * DEFAULT_CHARSET 1 (x01)
1132 * SYMBOL_CHARSET 2 (x02)
1133 * OEM_CHARSET 255 (xFF)
1134 * ANSI_CHARSET 0 (x00) 1252
1135 * RUSSIAN_CHARSET 204 (xCC) 1251
1136 * EE_CHARSET 238 (xEE) 1250
1137 * GREEK_CHARSET 161 (xA1) 1253
1138 * TURKISH_CHARSET 162 (xA2) 1254
1139 * BALTIC_CHARSET 186 (xBA) 1257
1140 * HEBREW_CHARSET 177 (xB1) 1255
1141 * ARABIC _CHARSET 178 (xB2) 1256
1142 * SHIFTJIS_CHARSET 128 (x80) 932
1143 * HANGEUL_CHARSET 129 (x81) 949
1144 * GB2313_CHARSET 134 (x86) 936
1145 * CHINESEBIG5_CHARSET 136 (x88) 950
1146 * </pre>
1147 *
1148 */
1150 {
1151 return "1252";
1152 }
1155 /*! Used as ansicpg for RTF fcharset
1156 * \see trRTFansicp() for a table of possible values.
1157 */
1159 {
1160 return "238";
1161 }
1163 /*! Used as header RTF general index */
1165 {
1166 return "Sadržaj";
1167 }
1169 /*! This is used for translation of the word that will possibly
1170 * be followed by a single name or by a list of names
1171 * of the category.
1172 */
1173 QCString trClass(bool first_capital, bool singular) override
1174 {
1175 return createNoun(first_capital, singular, "klas", "e", "a");
1176 }
1178 /*! This is used for translation of the word that will possibly
1179 * be followed by a single name or by a list of names
1180 * of the category.
1181 */
1182 QCString trFile(bool first_capital, bool singular) override
1183 {
1184 return createNoun(first_capital, singular, "datotek", "e", "a");
1185 }
1187 /*! This is used for translation of the word that will possibly
1188 * be followed by a single name or by a list of names
1189 * of the category.
1190 */
1191 QCString trNamespace(bool first_capital, bool singular) override
1192 {
1193 return createNoun(first_capital, singular, "prostor", "i") + " imena";
1194 }
1196 /*! This is used for translation of the word that will possibly
1197 * be followed by a single name or by a list of names
1198 * of the category.
1199 */
1200 QCString trGroup(bool first_capital, bool singular) override
1201 {
1202 return createNoun(first_capital, singular, "grup", "e", "a");
1203 }
1205 /*! This is used for translation of the word that will possibly
1206 * be followed by a single name or by a list of names
1207 * of the category.
1208 */
1209 QCString trPage(bool first_capital, bool singular) override
1210 {
1211 return createNoun(first_capital, singular, "stran", "e", "a");
1212 }
1214 /*! This is used for translation of the word that will possibly
1215 * be followed by a single name or by a list of names
1216 * of the category.
1217 */
1218 QCString trMember(bool first_capital, bool singular) override
1219 {
1220 return createNoun(first_capital, singular, "član", "ovi");
1221 }
1223 /*! This is used for translation of the word that will possibly
1224 * be followed by a single name or by a list of names
1225 * of the category.
1226 */
1227 QCString trGlobal(bool first_capital, bool singular) override
1228 {
1229 return createNoun(first_capital, singular, "globalni poda", "ci", "tak");
1230 }
1233// new since 1.2.7
1236 /*! This text is generated when the \\author command is used and
1237 * for the author section in man pages. */
1238 QCString trAuthor(bool first_capital, bool singular) override
1239 {
1240 return createNoun(first_capital, singular, "autor", "i");
1241 }
1244// new since 1.2.11
1247 /*! This text is put before the list of members referenced by a member
1248 */
1250 {
1251 return "Koristi";
1252 }
1255// new since 1.2.13
1258 /*! used in member documentation blocks to produce a list of
1259 * members that are implemented by this one.
1260 */
1261 QCString trImplementedFromList(int /*numEntries*/) override
1262 { //! "Definiše" je previše kratko, ispada sa de definišu same apstraktne klase
1263 return "Definiše apstraktnu funkciju deklarisanu u ";
1264 }
1266 /*! used in member documentation blocks to produce a list of
1267 * all members that implement this abstract member.
1268 */
1269 QCString trImplementedInList(int /*numEntries*/) override
1270 { //! Izbegavanje roda
1271 return "Definicija u ";
1272 }
1275// new since 1.2.16
1278 /*! used in RTF documentation as a heading for the Table
1279 * of Contents.
1280 */
1282 {
1283 return "Sadržaj";
1284 }
1287// new since 1.2.17
1290 /*! Used as the header of the list of item that have been
1291 * flagged deprecated
1292 */
1294 {
1295 return "Spisak zastarelih stvari";
1296 }
1299// new since 1.2.18
1302 /*! Used as a header for declaration section of the events found in
1303 * a C# program
1304 */
1306 {
1307 return "Događaji";
1308 }
1309 /*! Header used for the documentation section of a class' events. */
1311 {
1312 return "Dokumentacija događaja";
1313 }
1316// new since 1.3
1319 /*! Used as a heading for a list of Java class types with package scope.
1320 */
1322 {
1323 return "Tipovi u paketu";
1324 }
1325 /*! Used as a heading for a list of Java class functions with package
1326 * scope.
1327 */
1329 {
1330 return "Funkcije u paketu";
1331 }
1333 {
1334 return "Članovi u paketu";
1335 }
1336 /*! Used as a heading for a list of static Java class functions with
1337 * package scope.
1338 */
1340 {
1341 return "Statičke funkcije u paketu"; // Zajednicke funkcije u paketu
1342 }
1343 /*! Used as a heading for a list of Java class variables with package
1344 * scope.
1345 */
1347 {
1348 return "Atributi u paketu"; // Clanovi u paketu
1349 }
1350 /*! Used as a heading for a list of static Java class variables with
1351 * package scope.
1352 */
1354 {
1355 return "Statički atributi u paketu"; // Zajednicki clanovi u paketu
1356 }
1359// new since 1.3.1
1362 /*! Used in the quick index of a class/file/namespace member list page
1363 * to link to the unfiltered list of all members.
1364 */
1365 QCString trAll() override
1366 {
1367 return "Sve";
1368 }
1369 /*! Put in front of the call graph for a function. */
1371 {
1372 return "Graf poziva iz ove funkcije:";
1373 }
1376// new since 1.3.3
1379 /*! This string is used as the title for the page listing the search
1380 * results.
1381 */
1383 {
1384 return "Rezultati pretraživanja";
1385 }
1386 /*! This string is put just before listing the search results. The
1387 * text can be different depending on the number of documents found.
1388 * Inside the text you can put the special marker $num to insert
1389 * the number representing the actual number of search results.
1390 * The @a numDocuments parameter can be either 0, 1 or 2, where the
1391 * value 2 represents 2 or more matches. HTML markup is allowed inside
1392 * the returned string.
1393 */
1394 QCString trSearchResults(int numDocuments) override
1395 {
1396 if (numDocuments==0)
1397 {
1398 return "Nema dokumenata koji odgovaraju Vašem upitu.";
1399 }
1400 else if (numDocuments==1)
1401 { return "Nađen je <b>1</b> dokument koji odgovara vašem upitu."; }
1402 else if (numDocuments<5)
1403 { return "Nađena su <b>$num</b> dokumenta koji odgovaraju vašem upitu."
1404 " Najbolji su prikazani prvi."; }
1405 else
1406 { return "Nađeno je <b>$num</b> dokumenata koji odgovaraju vašem upitu."
1407 " Najbolji su prikazani prvi.";
1408 }
1409 }
1410 /*! This string is put before the list of matched words, for each search
1411 * result. What follows is the list of words that matched the query.
1412 */
1414 {
1415 return "Pronađeno:";
1416 }
1419// new since 1.3.8
1422 /*! This is used in HTML as the title of page with source code for file filename
1423 */
1424 QCString trSourceFile(const QCString& filename) override
1425 {
1426 return "Izvorni kod datoteke " + filename;
1427 }
1430// new since 1.3.9
1433 /*! This is used as the name of the chapter containing the directory
1434 * hierarchy.
1435 */
1437 { return "Hijerarhija direktorijuma"; }
1439 /*! This is used as the name of the chapter containing the documentation
1440 * of the directories.
1441 */
1443 { return "Dokumentacija direktorijuma"; }
1445 /*! This is used as the title of the directory index and also in the
1446 * Quick links of a HTML page, to link to the directory hierarchy.
1447 */
1449 { return "Direktorijumi"; }
1451 /*! This returns the title of a directory page. The name of the
1452 * directory is passed via \a dirName.
1453 */
1454 QCString trDirReference(const QCString &dirName) override
1455 { QCString result=dirName; result+="Opis direktorijuma"; return result; }
1457 /*! This returns the word directory with or without starting capital
1458 * (\a first_capital) and in sigular or plural form (\a singular).
1459 */
1460 QCString trDir(bool first_capital, bool singular) override
1461 {
1462 return createNoun(first_capital, singular, "direktorijum", "i");
1463 }
1466// new since 1.4.1
1469 /*! This text is added to the documentation when the \\overload command
1470 * is used for a overloaded function.
1471 */
1473 {
1474 return "Ovo je funkcija prekopljenog imena, razlikuje se "
1475 "od gore navedene samo po argumentima koje prihvata.";
1476 }
1479// new since 1.4.6
1482 /*! This is used to introduce a caller (or called-by) graph */
1484 { //! Možda je bolje "Graf pozivalaca ove funkcije"
1485 return "Graf funkcija koje pozivaju ovu funkciju:";
1486 }
1488 /*! This is used in the documentation of a file/namespace before the list
1489 * of documentation blocks for enumeration values
1490 */
1492 { return "Dokumentacija enum vrednosti"; }
1495// new since 1.5.4 (mainly for Fortran)
1498 /*! header that is put before the list of member subprograms (Fortran). */
1500 { return "Dokumentacija funkcija i procedura"; }
1502 /*! This is put above each page as a link to the list of annotated data types (Fortran). */
1503 /* TODO: Koji je prevod za Compound u Fortran kontekstu */
1505 { return "Složeni tipovi podataka"; }
1507 /*! This is put above each page as a link to all members of compounds (Fortran). */
1509 { return "Polja u složenim tipovima podataka"; }
1511 /*! This is an introduction to the annotated compound list (Fortran). */
1513 { return "Spisak složenih tipova podataka sa kratkim opisima:"; }
1515 /*! This is an introduction to the page with all data types (Fortran). */
1517 {
1518 QCString result=" Spisak svih ";
1519 if (!extractAll)
1520 {
1521 result+="dokumentovanih ";
1522 }
1523 result+="polja složenih tipova podataka";
1524 result+=" sa vezama ka ";
1525 if (!extractAll)
1526 {
1527 result+="dokumentaciji strukture podataka za svakog člana";
1528 }
1529 else
1530 {
1531 result+="složenim tipovima podataka kojima pripadaju:";
1532 }
1533 return result;
1534 }
1536 /*! This is used in LaTeX as the title of the chapter with the
1537 * annotated compound index (Fortran).
1538 */
1540 { return "Sadržaj složenog tipa podataka"; }
1542 /*! This is used in LaTeX as the title of the chapter containing
1543 * the documentation of all data types (Fortran).
1544 */
1546 { return "Dokumentacija tipova podataka"; }
1548 /*! This is used in the documentation of a file as a header before the
1549 * list of (global) subprograms (Fortran).
1550 */
1552 { return "Funkcije i procedure"; }
1554 /*! This is used in the documentation of a file/namespace before the list
1555 * of documentation blocks for subprograms (Fortran)
1556 */
1558 { return "Dokumentacija funkcija i procedura"; }
1560 /*! This is used in the documentation of a file/namespace/group before
1561 * the list of links to documented compounds (Fortran)
1562 */
1564 { return "Složeni tipovi podataka"; }
1566 /*! used as the title of page containing all the index of all modules (Fortran). */
1568 { return "Spisak modula"; }
1570 /*! used as an introduction to the modules list (Fortran) */
1571 QCString trModulesListDescription(bool extractAll) override
1572 {
1573 QCString result="Spisak svih ";
1574 if (!extractAll) result+="dokumentovanih ";
1575 result+="modula sa kratkim opisima:";
1576 return result;
1577 }
1579 /*! used as the title of the HTML page of a module/type (Fortran) */
1581 ClassDef::CompoundType compType,
1582 bool isTemplate) override
1583 {
1584 QCString result=clName;
1585 switch(compType)
1586 {
1587 case ClassDef::Class: result+=" Modul"; break;
1588 case ClassDef::Struct: result+=" Tip"; break;
1589 case ClassDef::Union: result+=" Unija"; break;
1590 case ClassDef::Interface: result+=" Interfejs"; break;
1591 case ClassDef::Protocol: result+=" Protokol"; break;
1592 case ClassDef::Category: result+=" Kategorija"; break;
1593 case ClassDef::Exception: result+=" Izuzetak"; break;
1594 default: break;
1595 }
1596 result+=" - sažet pregled";
1597 if (isTemplate) result+=" šablona";
1598 return result;
1599 }
1600 /*! used as the title of the HTML page of a module (Fortran) */
1601 QCString trModuleReference(const QCString &namespaceName) override
1602 {
1603 QCString result=namespaceName;
1604 result+=" - sažet pregled modula";
1605 return result;
1606 }
1608 /*! This is put above each page as a link to all members of modules. (Fortran) */
1610 { return "Članovi modula"; }
1612 /*! This is an introduction to the page with all modules members (Fortran) */
1613 QCString trModulesMemberDescription(bool extractAll) override
1614 {
1615 QCString result="Spisak svih ";
1616 if (!extractAll) result+="dokumentovanih ";
1617 result+="članova modula sa vezama ka ";
1618 if (extractAll)
1619 {
1620 result+="dokumentaciji za svakog člana modula:";
1621 }
1622 else
1623 {
1624 result+="modulima kojima pripadaju:";
1625 }
1626 return result;
1627 }
1629 /*! This is used in LaTeX as the title of the chapter with the
1630 * index of all modules (Fortran).
1631 */
1633 { return "Spisak modula"; }
1635 /*! This is used for translation of the word that will possibly
1636 * be followed by a single name or by a list of names
1637 * of the category.
1638 */
1639 QCString trModule(bool first_capital, bool singular) override
1640 {
1641 return createNoun(first_capital, singular, "modul", "i");
1642 }
1643 /*! This is put at the bottom of a module documentation page and is
1644 * followed by a list of files that were used to generate the page.
1645 */
1647 bool single) override
1648 { // here s is one of " Module", " Struct" or " Union"
1649 // single is true implies a single file
1650 QCString result="Dokumentacija za ovaj ";
1651 switch(compType)
1652 {
1653 case ClassDef::Class: result+="modul"; break;
1654 case ClassDef::Struct: result+="tip"; break;
1655 case ClassDef::Union: result+="uniju"; break;
1656 case ClassDef::Interface: result+="interfejs"; break;
1657 case ClassDef::Protocol: result+="protokol"; break;
1658 case ClassDef::Category: result+="kategoriju"; break;
1659 case ClassDef::Exception: result+="izuzetak"; break;
1660 default: break;
1661 }
1662 result+=" napravljena je automatski od sledeć";
1663 if (single) result+="e datoteke:"; else result+="ih datoteka:";
1664 return result;
1665 }
1666 /*! This is used for translation of the word that will possibly
1667 * be followed by a single name or by a list of names
1668 * of the category.
1669 */
1670 QCString trType(bool first_capital, bool singular) override
1671 {
1672 return createNoun(first_capital, singular, "tip", "ovi");
1673 }
1674 /*! This is used for translation of the word that will possibly
1675 * be followed by a single name or by a list of names
1676 * of the category.
1677 */
1678 QCString trSubprogram(bool first_capital, bool singular) override
1679 {
1680 return createNoun(first_capital, singular, "procedur", "e", "a");
1681 }
1683 /*! C# Type Constraint list */
1685 {
1686 return "Ograničenja tipova";
1687 }
1689 /*! Used for Java interfaces in the summary section of Java packages */
1691 {
1692 return "Interfejsi"; //!< Radna okruzenja. Ali to je dve reci.
1693 }
1695 QCString trDayOfWeek(int dayOfWeek, bool first_capital, bool full) override
1696 {
1697 static const char *days_short[] = { "pon", "uto", "sre", "čet", "pet", "sub", "ned" };
1698 static const char *days_full[] = { "ponedeljak", "utorak", "sreda", "četvrtak", "petak", "subota", "nedelja" };
1699 QCString text = full? days_full[dayOfWeek-1] : days_short[dayOfWeek-1];
1700 if (first_capital) return text.mid(0,1).upper()+text.mid(1);
1701 else return text;
1702 }
1703 QCString trMonth(int month, bool first_capital, bool full) override
1704 {
1705 static const char *months_short[] = { "jan", "feb", "mar", "apr", "maj", "jun", "jul", "avg", "sep", "okt", "nov", "dec" };
1706 static const char *months_full[] = { "januar", "februar", "mart", "april", "maj", "jun", "jul", "avgust", "septembar", "oktobar", "novembar", "decembar" };
1707 QCString text = full? months_full[month-1] : months_short[month-1];
1708 if (first_capital) return text.mid(0,1).upper()+text.mid(1);
1709 else return text;
1710 }
1711 QCString trDayPeriod(bool period) override
1712 {
1713 static const char *dayPeriod[] = { "pre podne", "po podne" };
1714 return dayPeriod[period?1:0];
1715 }
The various compound types.
Definition classdef.h:109
@ Interface
Definition classdef.h:112
@ Exception
Definition classdef.h:115
This is an alternative implementation of QCString.
Definition qcstring.h:101
QCString upper() const
Definition qcstring.h:239
QCString mid(size_t index, size_t len=static_cast< size_t >(-1)) const
Definition qcstring.h:226
bool isEmpty() const
Returns TRUE iff the string is empty.
Definition qcstring.h:150
Adapter class for languages that only contain translations up to version 1.6.0.
QCString trDesignUnitDocumentation() override
QCString createNoun(bool first_capital, bool singular, const QCString &base, const QCString &plurSuffix, const QCString &singSuffix="")
Definition translator.h:782
QCString trReturnValues() override
QCString trDefineDocumentation() override
QCString trGotoSourceCode() override
QCString trPrivateAttribs() override
QCString trClassHierarchy() override
QCString trDirDocumentation() override
QCString trCompoundMembers() override
QCString trMemberEnumerationDocumentation() override
Ovo je u skladu sa "unutrašnja klasa" što se može videti u knjizi.
QCString trMemberFunctionDocumentationFortran() override
QCString trFileMembers() override
QCString trNamespaces() override
QCString trProtectedSlots() override
QCString trDeprecated() override
QCString trTypeDocumentation() override
QCString trDetailedDescription() override
QCString trMonth(int month, bool first_capital, bool full) override
QCString trPage(bool first_capital, bool singular) override
QCString trMainPage() override
QCString trModulesMemberDescription(bool extractAll) override
QCString trPropertyDocumentation() override
QCString trDirectories() override
QCString trStaticPublicMembers() override
QCString trEnumerationTypeDocumentation() override
QCString trPublicTypes() override
QCString trFriends() override
QCString trFileListDescription(bool extractAll) override
QCString idLanguage() override
QCString trFile(bool first_capital, bool singular) override
QCString trRTFCharSet() override
QCString trGeneratedFromFilesFortran(ClassDef::CompoundType compType, bool single) override
QCString trGotoGraphicalHierarchy() override
QCString trGeneratedBy() override
QCString trMemberFunctionDocumentation() override
QCString trCompoundMembersFortran() override
QCString trNamespaceMemberDescription(bool extractAll) override
QCString trModules() override
QCString trConstructorDocumentation() override
QCString trGotoDocumentation() override
QCString trNamespaceDocumentation() override
QCString trModuleReference(const QCString &namespaceName) override
QCString trCompoundListFortran() override
QCString trLegendTitle() override
QCString trFunctions() override
QCString trFileIndex() override
QCString trDefines() override
QCString trRelatedPagesDescription() override
QCString trInclDepGraph(const QCString &fName) override
QCString trDataTypes() override
QCString trRelatedSubscript() override
QCString trPackageListDescription() override
QCString trGotoTextualHierarchy() override
QCString trSearchResults(int numDocuments) override
QCString trAuthor(bool first_capital, bool singular) override
QCString trPackage(const QCString &name) override
QCString trStaticPrivateAttribs() override
QCString trDate() override
QCString trPackageFunctions() override
QCString trMemberDataDocumentation() override
QCString trEvents() override
QCString trReferences() override
QCString trRTFGeneralIndex() override
QCString trLegend() override
QCString trDayPeriod(bool period) override
QCString trBug() override
QCString trExamples() override
QCString trAttention() override
QCString trParameters() override
QCString trSignals() override
QCString trTodoList() override
QCString trPrivateTypes() override
QCString trCompoundReference(const QCString &clName, ClassDef::CompoundType compType, bool isTemplate) override
QCString trNamespaceIndex() override
QCString trModuleDocumentation() override
QCString trGlobal(bool first_capital, bool singular) override
QCString trSeeAlso() override
QCString trRelatedFunctionDocumentation() override
QCString trDefinedAtLineInSourceFile() override
QCString trLegendDocs() override
QCString trCompoundReferenceFortran(const QCString &clName, ClassDef::CompoundType compType, bool isTemplate) override
QCString trStaticPublicAttribs() override
QCString trModuleIndex() override
QCString trDefinedIn() override
QCString trProtectedTypes() override
QCString trPrivateSlots() override
QCString trFileDocumentation() override
QCString trDirReference(const QCString &dirName) override
QCString trModulesList() override
QCString trStaticPackageFunctions() override
QCString trPublicAttribs() override
QCString trNamespaceMembers() override
QCString trPostcondition() override
QCString trRelatedPages() override
QCString trTypeConstraints() override
QCString trType(bool first_capital, bool singular) override
QCString trDetails() override
QCString trTypedefs() override
QCString trISOLang() override
QCString trClasses() override
QCString trCode() override
QCString trClassDiagram(const QCString &clName) override
QCString trGeneratedAutomatically(const QCString &s) override
QCString trReferenceManual() override
QCString trCallerGraph() override
QCString trNamespaceListDescription(bool extractAll) override
QCString trVariables() override
QCString trCompoundList() override
QCString trPackageAttribs() override
QCString trPackageMembers() override
QCString trCompounds() override
QCString trMemberTypedefDocumentation() override
QCString trProperties() override
QCString trFunctionDocumentation() override
QCString trDefineValue() override
QCString trSubprogram(bool first_capital, bool singular) override
QCString trExamplesDescription() override
QCString trOverloadText() override
QCString trEnumName() override
QCString trSubprogramDocumentation() override
QCString trPackageTypes() override
QCString trSearchResultsTitle() override
QCString trGeneratedAt(const QCString &date, const QCString &projName) override
QCString trInvariant() override
QCString trModulesDescription() override
QCString trIncludingInheritedMembers() override
QCString trBugList() override
QCString latexLanguageSupportCommand() override
QCString trStaticPackageAttribs() override
QCString trNamespaceList() override
QCString trTypedefDocumentation() override
QCString trExceptions() override
QCString trNamespace(bool first_capital, bool singular) override
QCString trCallGraph() override
QCString trCompoundMembersDescription(bool extractAll) override
QCString trTestList() override
QCString trSourceFile(const QCString &filename) override
QCString trProtectedAttribs() override
QCString trDirIndex() override
QCString trReturns() override
QCString trSince() override
QCString trClass(bool first_capital, bool singular) override
QCString trInheritsList(int) override
QCString trClassDocumentation() override
QCString trEnumerationValues() override
QCString trFileList() override
QCString trFileMembersDescription(bool extractAll) override
QCString trProtectedMembers() override
QCString trSubprograms() override
QCString trPrecondition() override
QCString trEnumValue() override
QCString trDefinedInSourceFile() override
QCString trCompoundIndexFortran() override
QCString trInitialValue() override
QCString trCompoundMembersDescriptionFortran(bool extractAll) override
QCString trGroup(bool first_capital, bool singular) override
QCString trCompoundIndex() override
QCString trRTFTableOfContents() override
QCString trAll() override
QCString trMember(bool first_capital, bool singular) override
QCString trRelatedFunctions() override
QCString trPrivateMembers() override
QCString trImplementedFromList(int) override
QCString trWriteList(int numEntries) override
QCString trInheritedByList(int) override
QCString trModulesIndex() override
QCString trSearch() override
QCString trModule(bool first_capital, bool singular) override
QCString trDir(bool first_capital, bool singular) override
QCString trTest() override
QCString trMemberList() override
QCString trVariableDocumentation() override
QCString trInclByDepGraph() override
QCString trImplementedInList(int) override
QCString trStaticProtectedMembers() override
QCString trWarning() override
QCString trSearchMatches() override
QCString trPageIndex() override
QCString trNamespaceReference(const QCString &namespaceName) override
QCString trModulesListDescription(bool extractAll) override
QCString trPublicSlots() override
QCString trStaticPrivateMembers() override
QCString trInterfaces() override
QCString trVersion() override
QCString trFileReference(const QCString &fileName) override
QCString trCollaborationDiagram(const QCString &clName) override
QCString trCompoundListDescriptionFortran() override
QCString trDeprecatedList() override
QCString trGraphicalHierarchy() override
QCString trGeneratedFromFiles(ClassDef::CompoundType compType, bool single) override
QCString trEnumerationValueDocumentation() override
QCString trListOfAllMembers() override
QCString trDayOfWeek(int dayOfWeek, bool first_capital, bool full) override
QCString trDocumentation(const QCString &projName) override
QCString trPackages() override
QCString trReferencedBy() override
QCString trEnumerations() override
QCString trReimplementedFromList(int numEntries) override
QCString trTodo() override
QCString trStaticProtectedAttribs() override
QCString trThisIsTheListOfAllMembers() override
QCString trClassHierarchyDescription() override
QCString trPublicMembers() override
QCString getLanguageString() override
language codes for Html help
QCString trEventDocumentation() override
QCString trNote() override
QCString trCompoundListDescription() override
QCString trRemarks() override
QCString trRTFansicp() override
QCString trHierarchicalIndex() override
QCString trPageAbbreviation() override
QCString trModulesMembers() override
QCString trMore() override
QCString trReimplementedInList(int numEntries) override
#define Config_getBool(name)
Definition config.h:33
QCString generateMarker(int id)
Definition util.cpp:290
QCString getDotImageExtension()
Definition util.cpp:6765