No Matches
commentscanYY_state Struct Reference
Collaboration diagram for commentscanYY_state:

Public Attributes

OutlineParserInterfacelangParser = nullptr
QCString inputString
QCString currentCmd
MakeEntryType currentMakeEntryType = nullptr
int inputPosition = 0
QCString fileName
int lineNr = 0
int raiseLevel = 0
QCString raisePrefix
bool inBody = FALSE
OutputContext inContext
bool briefEndsAtDot = FALSE
QCString formulaText
QCString formulaPreText
QCString formulaPostText
QCString formulaEnv
int formulaNewLines = 0
QCStringpOutputString = nullptr
QCString outputXRef
QCString blockName
XRefKind xrefKind = XRef_Item
XRefKind newXRefKind = XRef_Item
GuardType guardType = Guard_If
QCString functionProto
GuardedSectionStackguards = nullptr
Entrycurrent = nullptr
bool needNewEntry = FALSE
HtmlContextStack htmlContextStack
QCString sectionLabel
QCString sectionTitle
int sectionLevel = 0
QCString xrefItemKey
QCString newXRefItemKey
QCString xrefItemTitle
QCString xrefListTitle
Protection protection = Protection::Public
bool xrefAppendFlag = FALSE
bool inGroupParamFound = FALSE
int braceCount = 0
bool insidePre = FALSE
bool parseMore = FALSE
int condCount = 0
int commentCount = 0
QCString spaceBeforeCmd
QCString spaceBeforeIf
QCString copyDocArg
QCString guardExpr
int roundCount = 0
std::vector< int > htmlDetailsStack
bool insideParBlock = FALSE
bool inInternalDocs = FALSE
int prevPosition = 0
DocGroup docGroup
bool markdownSupport = TRUE
QCString raiseWarning
QCString anchorTitle
QCString htmlAnchorStr
bool htmlAnchor = false
bool CScode = false

Detailed Description

Definition at line 454 of file commentscan.l.

Member Data Documentation

◆ anchorTitle

QCString commentscanYY_state::anchorTitle

Definition at line 519 of file commentscan.l.

◆ blockName

QCString commentscanYY_state::blockName

Definition at line 475 of file commentscan.l.

◆ braceCount

int commentscanYY_state::braceCount = 0

Definition at line 497 of file commentscan.l.

◆ briefEndsAtDot

bool commentscanYY_state::briefEndsAtDot = FALSE

Definition at line 467 of file commentscan.l.

◆ commentCount

int commentscanYY_state::commentCount = 0

Definition at line 502 of file commentscan.l.

◆ condCount

int commentscanYY_state::condCount = 0

Definition at line 500 of file commentscan.l.

◆ copyDocArg

QCString commentscanYY_state::copyDocArg

Definition at line 505 of file commentscan.l.

◆ CScode

bool commentscanYY_state::CScode = false

Definition at line 522 of file commentscan.l.

◆ current

Entry* commentscanYY_state::current = nullptr

Definition at line 481 of file commentscan.l.

◆ currentCmd

QCString commentscanYY_state::currentCmd

Definition at line 458 of file commentscan.l.

◆ currentMakeEntryType

MakeEntryType commentscanYY_state::currentMakeEntryType = nullptr

Definition at line 459 of file commentscan.l.

◆ docGroup

DocGroup commentscanYY_state::docGroup

Definition at line 514 of file commentscan.l.

◆ fileName

QCString commentscanYY_state::fileName

Definition at line 461 of file commentscan.l.

◆ formulaEnv

QCString commentscanYY_state::formulaEnv

Definition at line 471 of file commentscan.l.

◆ formulaNewLines

int commentscanYY_state::formulaNewLines = 0

Definition at line 472 of file commentscan.l.

◆ formulaPostText

QCString commentscanYY_state::formulaPostText

Definition at line 470 of file commentscan.l.

◆ formulaPreText

QCString commentscanYY_state::formulaPreText

Definition at line 469 of file commentscan.l.

◆ formulaText

QCString commentscanYY_state::formulaText

Definition at line 468 of file commentscan.l.

◆ functionProto

QCString commentscanYY_state::functionProto

Definition at line 479 of file commentscan.l.

◆ guardExpr

QCString commentscanYY_state::guardExpr

Definition at line 507 of file commentscan.l.

◆ guards

GuardedSectionStack* commentscanYY_state::guards = nullptr

Definition at line 480 of file commentscan.l.

◆ guardType

GuardType commentscanYY_state::guardType = Guard_If

Definition at line 478 of file commentscan.l.

◆ htmlAnchor

bool commentscanYY_state::htmlAnchor = false

Definition at line 521 of file commentscan.l.

◆ htmlAnchorStr

QCString commentscanYY_state::htmlAnchorStr

Definition at line 520 of file commentscan.l.

◆ htmlContextStack

HtmlContextStack commentscanYY_state::htmlContextStack

Definition at line 484 of file commentscan.l.

◆ htmlDetailsStack

std::vector<int> commentscanYY_state::htmlDetailsStack

Definition at line 509 of file commentscan.l.

◆ inBody

bool commentscanYY_state::inBody = FALSE

Definition at line 465 of file commentscan.l.

◆ inContext

OutputContext commentscanYY_state::inContext

Definition at line 466 of file commentscan.l.

◆ inGroupParamFound

bool commentscanYY_state::inGroupParamFound = FALSE

Definition at line 496 of file commentscan.l.

◆ inInternalDocs

bool commentscanYY_state::inInternalDocs = FALSE

Definition at line 512 of file commentscan.l.

◆ inputPosition

int commentscanYY_state::inputPosition = 0

Definition at line 460 of file commentscan.l.

◆ inputString

QCString commentscanYY_state::inputString

Definition at line 457 of file commentscan.l.

◆ insideParBlock

bool commentscanYY_state::insideParBlock = FALSE

Definition at line 511 of file commentscan.l.

◆ insidePre

bool commentscanYY_state::insidePre = FALSE

Definition at line 498 of file commentscan.l.

◆ langParser

OutlineParserInterface* commentscanYY_state::langParser = nullptr

Definition at line 456 of file commentscan.l.

◆ lineNr

int commentscanYY_state::lineNr = 0

Definition at line 462 of file commentscan.l.

◆ markdownSupport

bool commentscanYY_state::markdownSupport = TRUE

Definition at line 515 of file commentscan.l.

◆ needNewEntry

bool commentscanYY_state::needNewEntry = FALSE

Definition at line 483 of file commentscan.l.

◆ newXRefItemKey

QCString commentscanYY_state::newXRefItemKey

Definition at line 490 of file commentscan.l.

◆ newXRefKind

XRefKind commentscanYY_state::newXRefKind = XRef_Item

Definition at line 477 of file commentscan.l.

◆ outputXRef

QCString commentscanYY_state::outputXRef

Definition at line 474 of file commentscan.l.

◆ parseMore

bool commentscanYY_state::parseMore = FALSE

Definition at line 499 of file commentscan.l.

◆ pOutputString

QCString* commentscanYY_state::pOutputString = nullptr

Definition at line 473 of file commentscan.l.

◆ prevPosition

int commentscanYY_state::prevPosition = 0

Definition at line 513 of file commentscan.l.

◆ protection

Protection commentscanYY_state::protection = Protection::Public

Definition at line 493 of file commentscan.l.

◆ raiseLevel

int commentscanYY_state::raiseLevel = 0

Definition at line 463 of file commentscan.l.

◆ raisePrefix

QCString commentscanYY_state::raisePrefix

Definition at line 464 of file commentscan.l.

◆ raiseWarning

QCString commentscanYY_state::raiseWarning

Definition at line 517 of file commentscan.l.

◆ roundCount

int commentscanYY_state::roundCount = 0

Definition at line 508 of file commentscan.l.

◆ sectionLabel

QCString commentscanYY_state::sectionLabel

Definition at line 486 of file commentscan.l.

◆ sectionLevel

int commentscanYY_state::sectionLevel = 0

Definition at line 488 of file commentscan.l.

◆ sectionTitle

QCString commentscanYY_state::sectionTitle

Definition at line 487 of file commentscan.l.

◆ spaceBeforeCmd

QCString commentscanYY_state::spaceBeforeCmd

Definition at line 503 of file commentscan.l.

◆ spaceBeforeIf

QCString commentscanYY_state::spaceBeforeIf

Definition at line 504 of file commentscan.l.

◆ xrefAppendFlag

bool commentscanYY_state::xrefAppendFlag = FALSE

Definition at line 495 of file commentscan.l.

◆ xrefItemKey

QCString commentscanYY_state::xrefItemKey

Definition at line 489 of file commentscan.l.

◆ xrefItemTitle

QCString commentscanYY_state::xrefItemTitle

Definition at line 491 of file commentscan.l.

◆ xrefKind

XRefKind commentscanYY_state::xrefKind = XRef_Item

Definition at line 476 of file commentscan.l.

◆ xrefListTitle

QCString commentscanYY_state::xrefListTitle

Definition at line 492 of file commentscan.l.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: