Here is a list of all variables with links to the classes they belong to:
- c -
- canType : Argument
- category : Resource
- categoryOf : ClassDefImpl::IMPL
- CCodeBuffer : lexcodeYY_state
- cCodeBuffer : lexscannerYY_state
- ccodeParser : lexcodeYY_state
- ccomment : preYY_state
- cd : GetDefResult
- cdataContext : xmlYY_state
- cell : LatexDocVisitor::ActiveRowSpan
- cellText : TableCell
- characters : XMLHandlers
- charContext : commentcnvYY_state
- charMap : CharAroundSpace
- chars : TokenInfo
- checkCV : GetDefInput
- checkDupEntry : pyscannerYY_state
- children : DocVerbatim::Private, FTVNode, QhpSectionTree::Node
- chunkBits : GrowVector< T >
- chunkMask : GrowVector< T >
- chunkSize : GrowVector< T >
- citePosition : CitationManager::Private
- clangAssistedParsing : Doxygen
- clangId : anonymous_namespace{tagreader.cpp}::TagClassInfo, anonymous_namespace{tagreader.cpp}::TagConceptInfo, anonymous_namespace{tagreader.cpp}::TagMemberInfo, anonymous_namespace{tagreader.cpp}::TagModuleInfo, anonymous_namespace{tagreader.cpp}::TagNamespaceInfo
- clangid : anonymous_namespace{tagreader.cpp}::TagEnumValueInfo
- clangParser : lexscannerYY_state, scannerYY_state
- clangUsrMap : Doxygen
- classDef : BaseClassDef, ConstraintClassDef, TemplateInstanceDef, UsesClassDef
- classes : NamespaceDefImpl
- classIndexLetterUsed : Index::Private
- classLinkedMap : Doxygen
- classList : anonymous_namespace{tagreader.cpp}::TagClassInfo, anonymous_namespace{tagreader.cpp}::TagFileInfo, anonymous_namespace{tagreader.cpp}::TagGroupInfo, anonymous_namespace{tagreader.cpp}::TagNamespaceInfo, anonymous_namespace{tagreader.cpp}::TagPackageInfo
- className : ClassDefImpl::IMPL, declinfoYY_state, STLInfo
- classScope : lexcodeYY_state, pycodeYY_state, sqlcodeYY_state, xmlcodeYY_state
- classTempList : declinfoYY_state
- classTempListFound : declinfoYY_state
- closeLen : SelectionMarkerInfo
- closeStr : SelectionMarkerInfo
- code : codeYY_state, fortrancodeYY_state, lexcodeYY_state, pycodeYY_state, sqlcodeYY_state, vhdlcodeYY_state, VHDLOutlineParser::Private, xmlcodeYY_state
- codeClassMap : codeYY_state, pycodeYY_state
- codeParserFactory : ParserManager::ParserPair
- col : commentcnvYY_state
- collabFileName : ClassDefImpl::IMPL
- collectXRefs : codeYY_state, fortrancodeYY_state, lexcodeYY_state, pycodeYY_state
- colNr : fortranscannerYY_state
- colSpan : LatexDocVisitor::ActiveRowSpan, TableCell
- column : ActiveRowSpan, CommentInPrepass, LatexDocVisitor::ActiveRowSpan, scannerYY_state, vhdl::parser::CharStream
- columnNr : Define
- commandOverrides : Entry
- comment : ObjCCallCtx
- commentContext : xmlYY_state
- commentCount : commentscanYY_state, preYY_state
- commentIndent : pyscannerYY_state
- commentMap : codeYY_state
- comments : fortranscannerYY_state
- commentScanner : fortranscannerYY_state, MarkdownOutlineParser::Private, pyscannerYY_state, scannerYY_state, VHDLOutlineParser::Private
- commentStack : commentcnvYY_state
- commentState : doctokenizerYY_state
- compoundName : MemberGroupInfo
- compoundType : AnnotatedIndexContext
- compSpec : vhdl::parser::VhdlParser::SharedState, VhdlConfNode
- compType : ClassDefImpl::IMPL
- conceptLinkedMap : Doxygen
- conceptList : anonymous_namespace{tagreader.cpp}::TagFileInfo, anonymous_namespace{tagreader.cpp}::TagGroupInfo, anonymous_namespace{tagreader.cpp}::TagNamespaceInfo
- condCount : commentscanYY_state
- condCtx : commentcnvYY_state, preYY_state
- condition : OutputCodeRecorder::CallInfo
- condStack : commentcnvYY_state, preYY_state
- confName : vhdl::parser::VhdlParser::SharedState
- confVhdl : VhdlConfNode
- constExpFileName : constexpYY_state
- constExpLineNr : constexpYY_state
- constExpParser : preYY_state
- constexpYY_extra : ConstExpressionParser::Private
- constraintClassList : ClassDefImpl::IMPL
- containment : UsesClassDef
- content : ColoredImgDataItem, PlantumlContent
- context : DocDiagramFileBase::Private, DocParser, DocParserContext, DocVerbatim::Private, DotFilePatcher::Map, HtmlContextInfo, NamespaceAliasInfo
- contextDefines : preYY_state
- contextMap : codeYY_state
- contextStack : codeYY_state, DocParser
- contiguous : SymbolModifiers
- contLineNr : fortrancodeYY_state
- copyArgString : scannerYY_state
- copyArgValue : defargsYY_state
- copyDocArg : commentscanYY_state
- copyStack : DocParserContext
- copyString : pyscannerYY_state
- count : SpecFormat
- countFlowKeywordsMutex : Doxygen
- cOutlineParser : lexscannerYY_state
- crawl : Crawlmap::Private
- crawlFile : Crawlmap::Private
- crawlFileName : Crawlmap
- crawlLinks : Crawlmap::Private
- created : Refid
- CScode : commentscanYY_state
- cts : HtmlHelp::Private
- ctsItemPresent : HtmlHelp::Private
- ctx : SIData_CurrentDoc
- curArgArray : defargsYY_state
- curArgAttrib : defargsYY_state
- curArgDefValue : defargsYY_state
- curArgDocs : defargsYY_state
- curArgName : defargsYY_state
- curArgTypeName : defargsYY_state
- curChar : vhdl::parser::VhdlParserTokenManager
- curClassBases : codeYY_state, pycodeYY_state
- curClassName : codeYY_state, pycodeYY_state, xmlcodeYY_state
- curIndent : fortranscannerYY_state, pyscannerYY_state
- curLexState : vhdl::parser::VhdlParserTokenManager
- curlyCount : codeYY_state, FileState, lexcodeYY_state, lexscannerYY_state, preYY_state, scannerYY_state
- curMask : Debug
- curPrio : Debug
- currArch : vhdlcodeYY_state
- currClass : vhdlcodeYY_state
- current : commentscanYY_state, DirIterator::Private, fortranscannerYY_state, lexscannerYY_state, pyscannerYY_state, scannerYY_state, vhdl::parser::VhdlParser::SharedState
- current_root : fortranscannerYY_state, lexscannerYY_state, pyscannerYY_state, scannerYY_state, vhdl::parser::VhdlParser::SharedState
- currentArgumentContext : scannerYY_state
- currentArgumentList : scannerYY_state
- currentCmd : commentscanYY_state
- currentColumn : LatexDocVisitor::TableState
- currentCommentId : codeYY_state
- currentCtx : codeYY_state
- currentCtxId : codeYY_state
- currentDefinition : codeYY_state, fortrancodeYY_state, lexcodeYY_state, pycodeYY_state, sqlcodeYY_state, vhdlcodeYY_state, xmlcodeYY_state
- currentFile : GetDefInput
- currentFontClass : codeYY_state, fortrancodeYY_state, lexcodeYY_state, pycodeYY_state, sqlcodeYY_state, vhdlcodeYY_state, xmlcodeYY_state
- currentMakeEntryType : commentscanYY_state
- currentMemberDef : codeYY_state, fortrancodeYY_state, lexcodeYY_state, pycodeYY_state, sqlcodeYY_state, vhdlcodeYY_state, xmlcodeYY_state
- currentModifiers : fortranscannerYY_state
- currentModule : fortrancodeYY_state
- currentNameId : codeYY_state
- currentObjId : codeYY_state
- currentToken : vhdl::parser::ParseException
- currentWordId : codeYY_state
- currName : vhdl::parser::VhdlParser::SharedState
- currP : vhdl::parser::VhdlParser::SharedState
- CurrScope : xmlcodeYY_state
- curTypeConstraint : defargsYY_state