Here is a list of all variables with links to the classes they belong to:
- m -
- m_absPath : DotGraph
- m_accessorClass : MemberDefImpl
- m_accessorType : MemberDefImpl
- m_alias : DefinitionAliasMixin< Base >
- m_allMemberList : GroupDefImpl
- m_allMemberNameInfoLinkedMap : GroupDefImpl
- m_allMembers : NamespaceDefImpl
- m_ambigClass : MemberInfo
- m_ambiguityResolutionScope : MemberInfo
- m_anc : MemberDefImpl
- m_anchor : DocAnchor, DocCite, DocHtmlCaption, DocInternalRef, DocLink, DocLinkedWord, DocRef, DocSecRefItem, DocSection, DocXRefItem, RefItem
- m_annEnumType : MemberDefImpl
- m_annMemb : MemberDefImpl
- m_annScope : MemberDefImpl
- m_args : ArgumentList, MemberDefImpl, RefItem
- m_attribs : DocAnchor, DocHorRuler, DocHRef, DocHtmlBlockQuote, DocHtmlCaption, DocHtmlCell, DocHtmlDescData, DocHtmlDescList, DocHtmlDescTitle, DocHtmlDetails, DocHtmlHeader, DocHtmlList, DocHtmlListItem, DocHtmlRow, DocHtmlSummary, DocHtmlTable, DocLineBreak, DocPara, DocStyleChange
- m_autoGroupStack : DocGroup
- m_baseClasses : LocalDef
- m_baseFile : LayoutNavEntry
- m_baseName : DotGraph
- m_bitfields : MemberDefImpl
- m_blockId : DocInclude
- m_blockstart : PerlModOutput
- m_bodySet : DocbookDocVisitor
- m_bstartedBody : RTFGenerator
- m_buffer : TextStream
- m_cache : FilterCache
- m_cached : Formula
- m_cachedAnonymousType : MemberDefImpl
- m_cachedDark : Formula
- m_cachedResolvedType : MemberDefImpl
- m_cachedTypedefTemplSpec : MemberDefImpl
- m_cachedTypedefValue : MemberDefImpl
- m_cacheItemList : Cache< K, V >
- m_cacheItemMap : Cache< K, V >
- m_calls : OutputCodeRecorder
- m_capacity : Cache< K, V >
- m_caption : DocHtmlTable
- m_captureIndex : reg::Match
- m_category : MemberDefImpl
- m_categoryRelation : MemberDefImpl
- m_chars : DocSeparator, DocWhiteSpace
- m_children : DiagramItem, DocCompoundNode, DotNode, LayoutNavEntry
- m_chunks : GrowVector< T >
- m_ci : DocbookDocVisitor, HtmlDocVisitor, LatexDocVisitor, ManDocVisitor, RTFDocVisitor, XmlDocVisitor
- m_class : AlphaIndexTableCell
- m_classDef : DiagramItem, DotNode, MemberDefImpl
- m_classes : FileDefImpl, GroupDefImpl, ModuleDefImpl
- m_classType : DotGfxHierarchyTable
- m_cleanUp : DotRunner
- m_codeGen : DocbookGenerator, HtmlGenerator, LatexGenerator, ManGenerator, OutputCodeDefer< OutputCodeGen >, RTFGenerator
- m_codeGenList : OutputList
- m_codeList : DocbookGenerator, HtmlGenerator, LatexGenerator, ManGenerator, RTFGenerator
- m_col : AlphaIndexTableCell, DocbookCodeGenerator, HtmlCodeGenerator, LatexCodeGenerator, ManCodeGenerator, ManGenerator, RTFCodeGenerator, XMLCodeGenerator
- m_colCnt : DocbookDocVisitor
- m_colIdx : DocHtmlCell
- m_collabFileName : DotClassGraph
- m_color : EdgeInfo
- m_compoundName : DocGroup
- m_concepts : FileDefImpl, GroupDefImpl, ModuleDefImpl, NamespaceDefImpl
- m_cond : ThreadPool
- m_constSpecifier : ArgumentList
- m_container : DualDirIterator< C, I >, MemberGroup, MemberList
- m_context : DocInclude, DocIncOperator
- m_contributing : ModuleDefImpl
- m_cs : Mapper< T >
- m_ctx : HtmlDocVisitor
- m_curCompound : anonymous_namespace{tagreader.cpp}::TagFileParser
- m_curEdgeNumber : DotGraph
- m_curEnumValue : anonymous_namespace{tagreader.cpp}::TagFileParser
- m_curIncludes : anonymous_namespace{tagreader.cpp}::TagFileParser
- m_curMember : anonymous_namespace{tagreader.cpp}::TagFileParser
- m_curNodeNumber : DotGraph
- m_current : QhpSectionTree, SearchIndexExternal
- m_curString : anonymous_namespace{tagreader.cpp}::TagFileParser
- m_decl : MemberDefImpl
- m_declArgList : MemberDefImpl
- m_declColumn : MemberDefImpl
- m_declFileName : MemberDefImpl
- m_declLine : MemberDefImpl
- m_def : DefinitionAliasImpl, MemberDefImpl
- m_defArgList : MemberDefImpl
- m_defaultParsers : ParserManager
- m_defaultValue : ConfigList
- m_defines : DefineManager::DefinesPerFile
- m_definition : SectionInfo, StyleData
- m_defTmpArgLists : MemberDefImpl
- m_defValue : ConfigBool, ConfigEnum, ConfigInt, ConfigString
- m_deleted : DotNode
- m_denseText : DocbookGenerator
- m_dependency : ConfigOption
- m_depth : DocAutoList
- m_descTable : DocbookGenerator
- m_detailedDescriptionCachedValue : MemberDefImpl
- m_diagram : DiagramRow
- m_dict : ConfigImpl
- m_dir : DocParamList, DotDirDeps, DotGraph, FileDefImpl, OutputGenerator, UsedDir
- m_dirIndex : DirDefImpl
- m_dirList : GroupDefImpl
- m_disabled : ConfigImpl
- m_disableLinks : LatexGenerator
- m_diskName : DirDefImpl, DotCallGraph, DotGroupCollaboration
- m_dispName : DirDefImpl
- m_distance : DotNode
- m_doc : ConfigOption
- m_docEntries : SearchIndexExternal
- m_docEnumValues : MemberDefImpl
- m_docFile : MemberGroup
- m_docLine : MemberGroup
- m_docname : FileDefImpl
- m_docProvider : MemberDefImpl
- m_docsForDefinition : MemberDefImpl
- m_doNotAddImageToIndex : DotGraph
- m_dotExe : DotRunner
- m_doxyCodeLineOpen : LatexCodeGenerator, RTFCodeGenerator
- m_dst : DirRelation, FilePair
- m_e : CondParser
- m_edgeInfo : DotNode
- m_edges : DotGroupCollaboration
- m_elapsedTime : SysTimeKeeper
- m_elements : AccessStack
- m_emptyRowSpanList : LatexDocVisitor
- m_emptySection : HtmlGenerator
- m_enable : DocStyleChange
- m_enabled : DocbookDocVisitor, GuardedSection, IndexList
- m_enabledFound : GuardedSection
- m_encoding : ConfigOption
- m_endPos : FilterCache
- m_entries : LinkedMap< T, Hash, KeyEqual, Map >, LinkedRefMap< T, Hash, KeyEqual, Map >, RefList, SectionRefs
- m_entry : DocIndexEntry
- m_enumBaseType : MemberDefImpl
- m_enumFields : MemberDefImpl
- m_enumScope : MemberDefImpl
- m_epsPlantumlContent : PlantumlManager
- m_epsPlantumlFiles : PlantumlManager
- m_err : CondParser
- m_exampleFile : DocInclude, DocIncOperator
- m_examples : GroupDefImpl, MemberDefImpl
- m_exception : MemberDefImpl
- m_exceptions : FileDefImpl
- m_exitMessage : AutoTrace
- m_explExt : MemberDefImpl
- m_explicitOutputFileBase : MemberDefImpl
- m_exportedModules : ModuleDefImpl
- m_expr : CondParser
- m_extensions : ParserManager
- m_external : DocbookCodeGenerator, XMLCodeGenerator
- m_extraTypeChars : MemberDefImpl
- m_f : TextStream
- m_file : DocAnchor, DocCite, DocHRef, DocHtmlCaption, DocInclude, DocInternalRef, DocLink, DocLinkedWord, DocRef, DocSecRefItem, DocSection, DocXRefItem, DotRunner, OutputGenerator
- m_fileDef : ConceptDefImpl, Entry, MemberDefImpl, ModuleDefImpl
- m_fileList : DirDefImpl, GroupDefImpl
- m_fileMap : DefineManager
- m_fileName : anonymous_namespace{tagreader.cpp}::TagFileParser, ConceptDefImpl, DebugLex, DocStyleChange, DotGraph, FileDefImpl, GroupDefImpl, HtmlCodeGenerator, HtmlDocVisitor, OutputGenerator, PageDefImpl, RefList, SectionInfo, vhdl::parser::VhdlErrorHandler, vhdl::parser::VhdlTokenManagerErrorHandler
- m_filePairs : UsedDir
- m_filePatchers : DotManager
- m_filePath : FileDefImpl
- m_fileScope : SymbolResolver::Private
- m_fileVersion : FileDefImpl
- m_finished : ThreadPool
- m_firstCol : ManDocVisitor, ManGenerator
- m_firstDescItem : LatexGenerator
- m_firstMember : DocbookGenerator
- m_fName : FileName
- m_forceRegen : Formula
- m_formalTemplateArguments : MemberDefImpl
- m_forward : DualDirIterator< C, I >
- m_fromUtf8 : HtmlHelpRecoder
- m_generated : SectionInfo
- m_generateImageMap : DotGraph
- m_globalScope : VariableContext
- m_graph : DotNode
- m_graphFormat : DotGraph
- m_graphId : DotGfxHierarchyTable, DotGraph
- m_graphType : DotClassGraph
- m_group : MemberDefImpl, RefItem
- m_groupAlias : MemberDefImpl
- m_groupFileName : MemberDefImpl
- m_groupHasDocs : MemberDefImpl
- m_groupId : ConceptDefImpl
- m_groupMember : MemberDefImpl
- m_grouppri : MemberDefImpl
- m_groups : GroupDefImpl
- m_groupScope : GroupDefImpl
- m_groupStartLine : MemberDefImpl
- m_grpId : MemberDefImpl
- m_hasCallerGraph : MemberDefImpl
- m_hasCallGraph : MemberDefImpl
- m_hasCaptionId : DocHtmlCaption
- m_hasDetailedDescriptionCached : MemberDefImpl
- m_hasDirectDeps : UsedDir
- m_hasDirectDstDeps : UsedDir
- m_hasDirectoryGraph : DirDefImpl
- m_hasDirectSrcDeps : UsedDir
- m_hasDoc : DotNode
- m_hasDocumentedParams : MemberDefImpl
- m_hasDocumentedReturnType : MemberDefImpl
- m_hasElse : GuardedSection
- m_hasEnumValues : MemberDefImpl
- m_hasGroupGraph : GroupDefImpl
- m_hasIncludedByGraph : FileDefImpl
- m_hasIncludeGraph : FileDefImpl
- m_hasInlineSource : MemberDefImpl
- m_hasInOutSpecifier : DocParamSect
- m_hasReferencedByRelation : MemberDefImpl
- m_hasReferencesRelation : MemberDefImpl
- m_hasTypeSpecifier : DocParamSect
- m_header : ConfigImpl
- m_height : Formula
- m_hide : DocbookCodeGenerator, DocbookDocVisitor, HtmlCodeGenerator, HtmlDocVisitor, LatexCodeGenerator, LatexDocVisitor, ManCodeGenerator, ManDocVisitor, RTFCodeGenerator, RTFDocVisitor, XMLCodeGenerator, XmlDocVisitor
- m_hierarchyLevel : LatexDocVisitor, LatexGenerator, RTFDocVisitor, RTFGenerator
- m_hits : Cache< K, V >
- m_iconv_null : HtmlHelpRecoder
- m_id : DocFormula, DocSection, DocXRefItem, Formula, OutputCodeList, OutputList, RefItem, RefList
- m_impl : ClassDefImpl, DefinitionAliasMixin< Base >, DefinitionMixin< Base >
- m_implOnly : MemberDefImpl
- m_imports : ModuleDefImpl
- m_incInfo : ConceptDefImpl
- m_inclByDepFileName : DotInclDepGraph, FileDefImpl
- m_inclDepFileName : DotInclDepGraph, FileDefImpl
- m_includedByList : FileDefImpl
- m_includedByMap : FileDefImpl
- m_includedFiles : DefineManager::DefinesPerFile
- m_includeFileName : DocIncOperator
- m_includeList : FileDefImpl
- m_includeMap : FileDefImpl
- m_indent : DocAutoList, DocAutoListItem, DocRoot, LatexGenerator, ManDocVisitor, PrintDocVisitor
- m_indentation : PerlModOutput
- m_indentLevel : LatexDocVisitor, RTFCodeGenerator, RTFDocVisitor, RTFGenerator
- m_index : DocEmoji, SearchIndex, StyleData
- m_indices : IndexList
- m_inGroup : DocbookGenerator
- m_inHeader : ManGenerator
- m_inherited : MemberInfo
- m_inheritFileName : DotClassGraph
- m_initializer : ConceptDefImpl, MemberDefImpl
- m_initLines : MemberDefImpl
- m_inLevel : DocbookGenerator
- m_inline : NamespaceDefImpl
- m_inList : DiagramItem
- m_inListItem : DocbookGenerator
- m_innerCompounds : NamespaceDefImpl
- m_input : DotAttributes
- m_insideCapture : reg::Match
- m_insideCodeLine : DocbookCodeGenerator, XMLCodeGenerator
- m_insideItem : LatexDocVisitor
- m_insidePre : DocbookDocVisitor, DocNode, HtmlDocVisitor, LatexDocVisitor, ManDocVisitor, PrintDocVisitor, RTFDocVisitor, XmlDocVisitor
- m_insideSpecialComment : OutputCodeRecorder
- m_insideSpecialHL : DocbookCodeGenerator, XMLCodeGenerator
- m_insideTabbing : LatexCodeGenerator, ManGenerator
- m_insideTableEnv : LatexGenerator
- m_insideTitle : HtmlDocVisitor
- m_inSimpleSect : DocbookGenerator
- m_instance : ConfigImpl
- m_interfaces : FileDefImpl
- m_intro : LayoutNavEntry
- m_invalidEntry : LayoutParser
- m_inverse : DotCallGraph, DotInclDepGraph
- m_isBlock : DocInclude
- m_isCheckedList : DocAutoList
- m_isConstructorCached : MemberDefImpl
- m_isDeleted : ArgumentList
- m_isDestructorCached : MemberDefImpl
- m_isDMember : MemberDefImpl
- m_isEmail : DocURL
- m_isEnumList : DocAutoList
- m_isExample : DocInclude, DocIncOperator
- m_isFirst : DocHtmlCell, DocIncOperator, DocPara, DocParamList
- m_isHeading : DocHtmlCell
- m_isLast : DocHtmlCell, DocIncOperator, DocPara, DocParamList
- m_isLinkableCached : MemberDefImpl
- m_isMemberRef : XMLCodeGenerator
- m_isPublished : NamespaceDefImpl
- m_isRoot : DotNode
- m_isSource : FileDefImpl
- m_isSubPage : DocRef, DocSecRefItem
- m_isTypedefValCached : MemberDefImpl
- m_it : DualDirIterator< C, I >
- m_itemNum : DocAutoListItem, DocHtmlListItem
- m_items : DiagramRow
- m_jobs : DotRunner
- m_key : DocXRefItem
- m_kind : ConfigOption, LayoutDocEntrySimple, LayoutNavEntry, SearchIndexIntf
- m_labColor : EdgeInfo
- m_label : CiteInfoImpl, DotNode, EdgeInfo, SectionInfo
- m_langExt : DocbookDocVisitor, HtmlDocVisitor, LatexDocVisitor, ManDocVisitor, RTFDocVisitor, XmlDocVisitor
- m_lastFile : HtmlGenerator
- m_lastIsPara : RTFDocVisitor
- m_lastLineInfo : HtmlCodeGenerator
- m_lastTitle : HtmlGenerator
- m_lcg : LatexDocVisitor
- m_len : GrowBuf, reg::SubMatch, VhdlString
- m_letter : AlphaIndexTableCell
- m_level : DiagramRow, DirDefImpl, DocHtmlHeader, DocSection, LocalToc, SectionInfo, SectionType
- m_levelListItem : DocbookGenerator
- m_lexName : DebugLex
- m_line : DocIncOperator
- m_lineNr : DocStyleChange, SectionInfo
- m_lineNumber : DocbookCodeGenerator, XMLCodeGenerator
- m_lineOffset : OutputCodeRecorder
- m_lineOffsets : FilterCache
- m_lineOpen : HtmlCodeGenerator
- m_linkRelations : DotDirDeps
- m_list : RefItem, TextGeneratorSqlite3Impl
- m_listItemInfo : LatexDocVisitor, ManDocVisitor, RTFDocVisitor, RTFGenerator
- m_listName : RefList
- m_listType : MemberList
- m_listvalue : ConfigObsolete
- m_livesInsideEnum : MemberDefImpl
- m_loc : AutoTrace
- m_localToc : PageDefImpl
- m_locator : anonymous_namespace{tagreader.cpp}::TagFileParser, LayoutParser
- m_lookup : LinkedMap< T, Hash, KeyEqual, Map >, LinkedRefMap< T, Hash, KeyEqual, Map >, RefList, SectionRefs
- m_lrRank : DotClassGraph
- m_map : HtmlHelpIndex, Mapper< T >, SymbolMap< T >
- m_maps : DotFilePatcher
- m_mask : DebugLex, LocalToc
- m_match : reg::Iterator
- m_maxInitLines : MemberDefImpl
- m_maxVal : ConfigInt
- m_md5Hash : DotRunner
- m_member : DocIndexEntry
- m_memberDef : MemberInfo
- m_memberGroup : MemberDefAliasImpl, MemberDefImpl
- m_memberGroupDocs : DocGroup
- m_memberGroupHeader : DocGroup
- m_memberGroupId : DocGroup
- m_memberGroupRefList : MemberList
- m_memberGroupRelates : DocGroup
- m_memberGroups : FileDefImpl, GroupDefImpl, ModuleDefImpl, NamespaceDefImpl
- m_memberLists : FileDefImpl, GroupDefImpl, ModuleDefImpl, NamespaceDefImpl
- m_members : MemberName, MemberNameInfo, MemberVector
- m_memDec : MemberDefImpl
- m_memDef : MemberDefImpl
- m_memSpec : MemberDefImpl
- m_metaData : MemberDefImpl
- m_minVal : ConfigInt
- m_misses : Cache< K, V >
- m_moduleDef : ConceptDefImpl, FileDefImpl, MemberDefImpl
- m_modules : GroupDefImpl
- m_mtype : MemberDefImpl
- m_mutex : FilterCache, IndexList, SysTimeKeeper, ThreadPool
- m_name : ConfigOption, DirRelation, DocFormula, FileInfo, FileName, MemberName, MemberNameInfo, RefItem, ScopedTypeVariant
- m_name2sym : HtmlEntityMapper
- m_name2symGh : EmojiEntityMapper
- m_namespaces : FileDefImpl, GroupDefImpl
- m_needsEnter : PrintDocVisitor
- m_needsSorting : MemberList
- m_nestingLevel : PageDefImpl
- m_node : AutoNodeStack
- m_noDivTag : DotGraph
- m_noMatch : SymbolMap< T >
- m_noParameters : ArgumentList
- m_normalHLNeedStartTag : XMLCodeGenerator
- m_nspace : ConceptDefImpl, MemberDefImpl
- m_num : DiagramItem
- m_number : DotNode
- m_numberOfFlowKW : MemberDefImpl
- m_numCols : DocHtmlTable, RTFGenerator
- m_numDecEnumValues : MemberList
- m_numDecMembers : MemberList
- m_numDocEnumValues : MemberList
- m_numDocMembers : MemberList
- m_obsolete : ConfigImpl
- m_ol : TextGeneratorOLImpl
- m_omitParagraph : RTFGenerator
- m_openCount : DocGroup
- m_openSectionCount : DocbookGenerator
- m_options : ConfigImpl
- m_orgType : ConfigObsolete
- m_other : PerlModDocVisitor
- m_outlineParser : vhdl::parser::VhdlParser
- m_output : PerlModDocVisitor, PerlModGenerator
- m_outputCodeList : OutputCodeList
- m_outputDiskName : FileDefImpl
- m_outputGenList : OutputList
- m_p : DocVisitor
- m_pageLinks : DocbookGenerator
- m_pages : GroupDefImpl
- m_pageScope : PageDefImpl
- m_pageTitle : RefList
- m_paragraph : DocSimpleListItem, ManGenerator
- m_paragraphs : DocParamList
- m_params : DocParamList
- m_paramTypes : DocParamList
- m_parent : DefineManager::DefinesPerFile, DiagramItem, DirDefImpl, DocNode, Entry, LayoutNavEntry
- m_parents : DotNode
- m_parentVisible : GuardedSection
- m_parser : AutoNodeStack, DocNode
- m_parsers : ParserManager
- m_part : LayoutParser
- m_partitionName : ModuleDefImpl
- m_partitions : ModuleDefImpl
- m_patchFile : DotFilePatcher
- m_path : FileDefImpl
- m_pathName : FileName
- m_pattern : DocIncOperator
- m_pngPlantumlContent : PlantumlManager
- m_pngPlantumlFiles : PlantumlManager
- m_pos : GrowBuf, GrowVector< T >::Iterator< C, I >, reg::Iterator, reg::SubMatch
- m_position : DocStyleChange
- m_prefix : DotGfxHierarchyTable, RefItem
- m_present : ConfigObsolete
- m_pretty : PerlModOutput
- m_primaryInterface : ModuleDefImpl
- m_property : DotDirPropertyBuilder
- m_prot : DiagramItem, MemberDefImpl, MemberInfo
- m_proto : MemberDefImpl
- m_pureSpecifier : ArgumentList
- m_qualifiedName : DefinitionAliasImpl
- m_qualifiers : MemberDefImpl
- m_re : reg::Iterator
- m_read : MemberDefImpl
- m_recoder : HtmlHelpIndex
- m_redefinedBy : MemberDefImpl
- m_redefines : MemberDefImpl
- m_ref : DocCite, DocLink, DocLinkedWord, DocRef, DocSecRefItem, SectionInfo
- m_reference : StyleData
- m_refId : DocbookCodeGenerator, XMLCodeGenerator
- m_refQualifier : ArgumentList
- m_refText : DocLink
- m_refType : DocRef, DocSecRefItem
- m_regenerate : DotGraph
- m_related : MemberDefImpl
- m_relatedAlso : MemberDefImpl
- m_relPath : DocbookCodeGenerator, DocCite, DocFormula, DocHRef, DocInternalRef, DocLink, DocLinkedWord, DocRef, DocSecRefItem, DocXRefItem, DotGraph, HtmlCodeGenerator, HtmlGenerator, LatexCodeGenerator, LatexGenerator, RTFGenerator
- m_renumbered : DotNode
- m_rep : QCString, reg::PToken
- m_requiresClause : MemberDefImpl
- m_resolvedTypedefs : SymbolResolver::Private
- m_rit : DualDirIterator< C, I >
- m_root : QhpSectionTree
- m_rootNav : LayoutParser
- m_rootNode : DotGroupCollaboration
- m_rootNodes : DotGfxHierarchyTable
- m_rootSubgraphNode : DotGfxHierarchyTable
- m_rootSubgraphs : DotGfxHierarchyTable
- m_row : AlphaIndexTableCell
- m_rowIdx : DocHtmlCell, DocHtmlRow
- m_rows : TreeDiagram
- m_runners : DotManager
- m_s : TextStream
- m_scope : DefinitionAliasImpl, DefinitionAliasMixin< Base >, DocIndexEntry, DotCallGraph, LayoutParser, RefItem
- m_scopePath : MemberInfo
- m_scopes : VariableContext
- m_sectionCount : HtmlGenerator
- m_sectionLevel : XmlDocVisitor
- m_sectionMap : MemberDefImpl
- m_sectionType : DocRef
- m_secTitle : RefList
- m_sharedState : vhdl::parser::VhdlParser
- m_shortName : DirDefImpl
- m_showLineNo : DocIncOperator, PageDefImpl
- m_showLineNumbers : OutputCodeRecorder
- m_simpleTable : DocbookGenerator
- m_singleLine : DocRoot
- m_sli : MemberGroupInfo
- m_sourceFileName : DocbookCodeGenerator, LatexCodeGenerator, RTFCodeGenerator
- m_spaces : ConfigOption, PerlModOutput
- m_src : DirRelation, FilePair
- m_srcDefMap : FileDefImpl
- m_srcMemberMap : FileDefImpl
- m_startComment : ConfigImpl
- m_startNode : DotCallGraph, DotClassGraph, DotInclDepGraph
- m_startTime : Timer
- m_startTimes : SysTimeKeeper
- m_stat : MemberDefImpl
- m_state : anonymous_namespace{tagreader.cpp}::TagFileParser
- m_stateStack : anonymous_namespace{tagreader.cpp}::TagFileParser
- m_stored : DefineManager::DefinesPerFile
- m_storeRepl : ConfigImpl
- m_str : GrowBuf, reg::Iterator, reg::Match, reg::SubMatch, VhdlString
- m_stream : PerlModOutput
- m_streamSet : LatexCodeGenerator
- m_stripCodeComments : DocbookCodeGenerator, DocInclude, DocIncOperator, HtmlCodeGenerator, LatexCodeGenerator, ManCodeGenerator, RTFCodeGenerator, XMLCodeGenerator
- m_stripIndentAmount : DocbookCodeGenerator, HtmlCodeGenerator, LatexCodeGenerator, ManCodeGenerator, RTFCodeGenerator, XMLCodeGenerator
- m_structs : FileDefImpl
- m_stvList : CallContext
- m_style : DocStyleChange, EdgeInfo
- m_subdirs : DirDefImpl
- m_subgraphId : DotNode
- m_subGrouping : FileDefImpl, GroupDefImpl, NamespaceDefImpl
- m_sublist : Entry
- m_subMatches : reg::Match
- m_subPages : PageDefImpl
- m_subscript : LayoutDocEntryMemberDecl
- m_summary : DocHtmlDetails
- m_svgPlantumlContent : PlantumlManager
- m_svgPlantumlFiles : PlantumlManager
- m_symbol : DocSymbol
- m_symbolName : DefinitionAliasImpl, DefinitionAliasMixin< Base >
- m_symName : DocEmoji
- m_t : DocbookCodeGenerator, DocbookDocVisitor, HtmlCodeGenerator, HtmlDocVisitor, LatexCodeGenerator, LatexDocVisitor, ManCodeGenerator, ManDocVisitor, OutputGenerator, PerlModOutputStream, RTFCodeGenerator, RTFDocVisitor, TextDocVisitor, TextGeneratorXMLImpl, XMLCodeGenerator, XmlDocVisitor
- m_tableStateStack : LatexDocVisitor
- m_tagFileCompounds : anonymous_namespace{tagreader.cpp}::TagFileParser
- m_tagName : anonymous_namespace{tagreader.cpp}::TagFileParser, DocStyleChange
- m_target : DocSecRefItem
- m_tArgList : ConceptDefImpl, MemberDefImpl
- m_templateMaster : MemberDefImpl
- m_templateMemberItem : LatexGenerator
- m_templSpec : DiagramItem
- m_texOrPdf : LatexDocVisitor
- m_text : CiteInfoImpl, DocCite, DocFormula, DocInclude, DocIncOperator, DocRef, Formula, RefItem
- m_textblockstart : PerlModDocVisitor
- m_textFormat : DotGraph
- m_textmode : PerlModDocVisitor
- m_theGraph : DotGraph
- m_thisVariant : DocNode
- m_title : anonymous_namespace{tagreader.cpp}::TagFileParser, DocSection, DocSimpleSect, DocXRefItem, GroupDefImpl, LayoutDocEntryMemberDecl, LayoutDocEntryMemberDef, LayoutDocEntrySection, LayoutNavEntry, PageDefImpl, RefItem, SectionInfo
- m_titleSet : GroupDefImpl
- m_token : CondParser
- m_tokenType : CondParser
- m_tooltip : DocLinkedWord, DotNode
- m_trailingReturnType : ArgumentList
- m_trimLeft : DocInclude
- m_truncated : DotNode
- m_tspec : MemberDefImpl
- m_type : DocHtmlList, DocInclude, DocIncOperator, DocParamList, DocParamSect, DocSimpleSect, EntryType, MemberDefImpl, MemberListType, ModuleDefImpl, NamespaceDefImpl, SectionInfo
- m_typeConstraints : MemberDefImpl
- m_upperCase : ManGenerator
- m_url : DocHRef, DocURL, DotNode, EdgeInfo
- m_url2IdMap : SearchIndex
- m_urlIndex : SearchIndex
- m_urlMaxIndex : SearchIndex
- m_urlOnly : DotGraph
- m_urls : SearchIndex::IndexWord, SearchIndex
- m_usedDirs : DirDefImpl
- m_usedNodes : DotCallGraph, DotClassGraph, DotGfxHierarchyTable, DotGroupCollaboration, DotInclDepGraph
- m_usedTableLevel : LatexCodeGenerator
- m_userComment : ConfigImpl, ConfigOption
- m_userGroupCount : LayoutParser
- m_userInitLines : MemberDefImpl
- m_usingDeclList : FileDefImpl, NamespaceDefImpl
- m_usingDirList : FileDefImpl, NamespaceDefImpl
- m_value : ConfigBool, ConfigEnum, ConfigInt, ConfigList, ConfigString, Token
- m_valueRange : ConfigEnum
- m_valueString : ConfigBool, ConfigInt, ConfigObsolete
- m_variant : anonymous_namespace{tagreader.cpp}::TagCompoundVariant, ScopedTypeVariant, SearchIndexIntf
- m_vec : GrowVector< T >::Iterator< C, I >
- m_vhdlSpec : MemberDefImpl
- m_virt : DiagramItem, MemberDefImpl, MemberInfo
- m_virtBaseClass : MemberInfo
- m_visible : DotNode, LayoutDocEntrySimple, LayoutNavEntry, LayoutParser
- m_visibleCells : DocHtmlRow
- m_volatileSpecifier : ArgumentList
- m_widgetType : ConfigList, ConfigString
- m_width : Formula
- m_word : DocLinkedWord, DocWord, SearchIndex::IndexWord
- m_words : SearchIndex
- m_work : ThreadPool
- m_workers : DotManager
- m_write : MemberDefImpl
- m_written : DotNode
- m_x : DiagramItem
- m_xrefListItems : MemberGroup
- m_y : DiagramItem
- m_zoomable : DotGraph
- macroDefinitions : Doxygen, preYY_state
- macroExpansion : preYY_state
- mainPage : Doxygen
- mainPrograms : fortranscannerYY_state
- make_instance : anonymous_namespace{tagreader.cpp}::CompoundFactory
- man : HtmlEntityInfo
- mapFile : DotFilePatcher::Map
- markdownSupport : commentscanYY_state, DocParserContext, doctokenizerYY_state
- markerChar : SelectionMarkerInfo
- maxIndentLevels : LatexDocVisitor, ManDocVisitor, RTFDocVisitor, RTFGenerator
- MaxLevel : SectionType
- maxNextCharInd : vhdl::parser::CharStream
- maxVal : DateTimeField
- md : GetDefResult
- memberDef : DocParserContext
- memberGroupInfoMap : Doxygen
- memberGroups : ClassDefImpl::IMPL
- memberList : MemberGroup
- memberListFileName : ClassDefImpl::IMPL
- memberLists : ClassDefImpl::IMPL
- memberName : GetDefInput
- memberNameLinkedMap : Doxygen
- members : anonymous_namespace{tagreader.cpp}::TagCompoundInfo
- membersMerged : ClassDefImpl::IMPL
- memCallContext : codeYY_state
- memspecEntry : scannerYY_state
- message : vhdl::parser::TokenMgrError
- metaData : ClassDefImpl::IMPL, Entry, NamespaceDefImpl
- method : ObjCCallCtx
- methodName : ObjCCallCtx
- mGrpId : Entry
- MinLevel : SectionType
- minVal : DateTimeField
- mlBrief : commentcnvYY_state
- modifiers : fortranscannerYY_state
- module : UseEntry
- moduleDef : ClassDefImpl::IMPL, ImportInfo
- moduleFileMap : ModuleManager::Private
- moduleIndexLetterUsed : Index::Private
- moduleList : anonymous_namespace{tagreader.cpp}::TagGroupInfo
- moduleNameMap : ModuleManager::Private
- moduleProcedures : fortranscannerYY_state
- moduleScope : pyscannerYY_state
- msArgs : scannerYY_state
- mscFileNameLinkedMap : Doxygen
- msName : scannerYY_state
- msType : scannerYY_state
- mtype : Entry, pyscannerYY_state, scannerYY_state
- mutex : AnchorGenerator::Private, CodeFragmentManager::Private::FragmentInfo, CodeFragmentManager::Private, ModuleManager::Private