Here is a list of all variables with links to the classes they belong to:
- n -
- name : anonymous_namespace{tagreader.cpp}::TagCompoundInfo, anonymous_namespace{tagreader.cpp}::TagEnumValueInfo, anonymous_namespace{tagreader.cpp}::TagIncludeInfo, anonymous_namespace{tagreader.cpp}::TagMemberInfo, Argument, BaseInfo, CallContext::Ctx, codeYY_state, ColoredImgDataItem, DateTimeField, declinfoYY_state, Define, DefinitionImpl::Private, DocDiagramFileBase::Private, DocImage::Private, DocLinkInfo, emojiEntityInfo, Entry, Example, FTVNode, HtmlAttrib, IndexField, pycodeYY_state, Resource, Rtf_Style_Default, SearchIndex::URL, SearchIndexExternal::SearchDocEntry, SearchIndexInfo, SelectionBlock, Statistics::stat, TokenInfo, xmlcodeYY_state, xmlYY_state
- nameMap : codeYY_state
- namespaceAliasMap : Doxygen
- namespaceIndexLetterUsed : Index::Private
- namespaceLinkedMap : Doxygen
- namespaceList : anonymous_namespace{tagreader.cpp}::TagFileInfo, anonymous_namespace{tagreader.cpp}::TagGroupInfo, anonymous_namespace{tagreader.cpp}::TagNamespaceInfo
- namespaces : NamespaceDefImpl
- nargs : Define
- nd : GetDefResult
- needNewEntry : commentscanYY_state
- needsSemi : scannerYY_state
- nestedComment : lexcodeYY_state, lexscannerYY_state, scannerYY_state
- nestingCount : commentcnvYY_state
- newName : emojiEntityCompatibility
- newState : ConfigFileState
- newXRefItemKey : commentscanYY_state
- newXRefKind : commentscanYY_state
- next : vhdl::parser::JJCalls, vhdl::parser::Token
- node : JSTreeFile
- nodeStack : DocParserContext
- nonoverridable : SymbolModifiers
- nonRecursive : Define
- nopass : SymbolModifiers
- normalText : SearchIndexExternal::SearchDocEntry
- nospaces : preYY_state
- noSuiteFound : pycodeYY_state
- ntf : DocSets::Private
- nts : DocSets::Private
- numAnnotated : AnnotatedIndexContext
- number : ManDocVisitor::ManListItemInfo, Marker, RTFDocVisitor::RTFListItemInfo, RTFGenerator::RTFListItemInfo
- numCols : LatexDocVisitor::TableState
- numPrinted : AnnotatedIndexContext