No Matches
TranslatorSpanish Class Reference

#include <src/translator_es.h>

Inheritance diagram for TranslatorSpanish:
Collaboration diagram for TranslatorSpanish:

Public Member Functions

QCString idLanguage () override
QCString latexLanguageSupportCommand () override
QCString trISOLang () override
QCString getLanguageString () override
 language codes for Html help
QCString trRelatedFunctions () override
QCString trRelatedSubscript () override
QCString trDetailedDescription () override
QCString trDetails () override
QCString trMemberTypedefDocumentation () override
QCString trMemberEnumerationDocumentation () override
QCString trMemberFunctionDocumentation () override
QCString trMemberDataDocumentation () override
QCString trMore () override
QCString trListOfAllMembers () override
QCString trMemberList () override
QCString trThisIsTheListOfAllMembers () override
QCString trIncludingInheritedMembers () override
QCString trGeneratedAutomatically (const QCString &s) override
QCString trEnumName () override
QCString trEnumValue () override
QCString trDefinedIn () override
QCString trModules () override
QCString trClassHierarchy () override
QCString trCompoundList () override
QCString trFileList () override
QCString trCompoundMembers () override
QCString trFileMembers () override
QCString trRelatedPages () override
QCString trExamples () override
QCString trSearch () override
QCString trClassHierarchyDescription () override
QCString trFileListDescription (bool extractAll) override
QCString trCompoundListDescription () override
QCString trCompoundMembersDescription (bool extractAll) override
QCString trFileMembersDescription (bool extractAll) override
QCString trExamplesDescription () override
QCString trRelatedPagesDescription () override
QCString trModulesDescription () override
QCString trDocumentation (const QCString &projName) override
QCString trModuleIndex () override
QCString trHierarchicalIndex () override
QCString trCompoundIndex () override
QCString trFileIndex () override
QCString trModuleDocumentation () override
QCString trClassDocumentation () override
QCString trFileDocumentation () override
QCString trReferenceManual () override
QCString trDefines () override
QCString trTypedefs () override
QCString trEnumerations () override
QCString trFunctions () override
QCString trVariables () override
QCString trEnumerationValues () override
QCString trDefineDocumentation () override
QCString trTypedefDocumentation () override
QCString trEnumerationTypeDocumentation () override
QCString trFunctionDocumentation () override
QCString trVariableDocumentation () override
QCString trCompounds () override
QCString trGeneratedAt (const QCString &date, const QCString &projName) override
QCString trClassDiagram (const QCString &clName) override
QCString trWarning () override
QCString trVersion () override
QCString trDate () override
QCString trReturns () override
QCString trSeeAlso () override
QCString trParameters () override
QCString trExceptions () override
QCString trGeneratedBy () override
QCString trNamespaceList () override
QCString trNamespaceListDescription (bool extractAll) override
QCString trFriends () override
QCString trRelatedFunctionDocumentation () override
QCString trCompoundReference (const QCString &clName, ClassDef::CompoundType compType, bool isTemplate) override
QCString trFileReference (const QCString &fileName) override
QCString trNamespaceReference (const QCString &namespaceName) override
QCString trPublicMembers () override
QCString trPublicSlots () override
QCString trSignals () override
QCString trStaticPublicMembers () override
QCString trProtectedMembers () override
QCString trProtectedSlots () override
QCString trStaticProtectedMembers () override
QCString trPrivateMembers () override
QCString trPrivateSlots () override
QCString trStaticPrivateMembers () override
QCString trWriteList (int numEntries) override
QCString trInheritsList (int numEntries) override
QCString trInheritedByList (int numEntries) override
QCString trReimplementedFromList (int numEntries) override
QCString trReimplementedInList (int numEntries) override
QCString trNamespaceMembers () override
QCString trNamespaceMemberDescription (bool extractAll) override
QCString trNamespaceIndex () override
QCString trNamespaceDocumentation () override
QCString trNamespaces () override
QCString trGeneratedFromFiles (ClassDef::CompoundType compType, bool single) override
QCString trReturnValues () override
QCString trMainPage () override
QCString trPageAbbreviation () override
QCString trDefinedAtLineInSourceFile () override
QCString trDefinedInSourceFile () override
QCString trDeprecated () override
QCString trCollaborationDiagram (const QCString &clName) override
QCString trInclDepGraph (const QCString &fName) override
QCString trConstructorDocumentation () override
QCString trGotoSourceCode () override
QCString trGotoDocumentation () override
QCString trPrecondition () override
QCString trPostcondition () override
QCString trInvariant () override
QCString trInitialValue () override
QCString trCode () override
QCString trGraphicalHierarchy () override
QCString trGotoGraphicalHierarchy () override
QCString trGotoTextualHierarchy () override
QCString trPageIndex () override
QCString trNote () override
QCString trPublicTypes () override
QCString trPublicAttribs () override
QCString trStaticPublicAttribs () override
QCString trProtectedTypes () override
QCString trProtectedAttribs () override
QCString trStaticProtectedAttribs () override
QCString trPrivateTypes () override
QCString trPrivateAttribs () override
QCString trStaticPrivateAttribs () override
QCString trTodo () override
QCString trTodoList () override
QCString trReferencedBy () override
QCString trRemarks () override
QCString trAttention () override
QCString trInclByDepGraph () override
QCString trSince () override
QCString trLegendTitle () override
QCString trLegendDocs () override
QCString trLegend () override
QCString trTest () override
QCString trTestList () override
QCString trProperties () override
QCString trPropertyDocumentation () override
QCString trClasses () override
QCString trPackage (const QCString &name) override
QCString trPackageListDescription () override
QCString trPackages () override
QCString trDefineValue () override
QCString trBug () override
QCString trBugList () override
QCString trRTFansicp () override
QCString trRTFCharSet () override
QCString trRTFGeneralIndex () override
QCString trClass (bool first_capital, bool singular) override
QCString trFile (bool first_capital, bool singular) override
QCString trNamespace (bool first_capital, bool singular) override
QCString trGroup (bool first_capital, bool singular) override
QCString trPage (bool first_capital, bool singular) override
QCString trMember (bool first_capital, bool singular) override
QCString trGlobal (bool first_capital, bool singular) override
QCString trAuthor (bool first_capital, bool singular) override
QCString trReferences () override
QCString trImplementedFromList (int numEntries) override
QCString trImplementedInList (int numEntries) override
QCString trRTFTableOfContents () override
QCString trDeprecatedList () override
QCString trEvents () override
QCString trEventDocumentation () override
QCString trPackageTypes () override
QCString trPackageFunctions () override
QCString trPackageMembers () override
QCString trStaticPackageFunctions () override
QCString trPackageAttribs () override
QCString trStaticPackageAttribs () override
QCString trAll () override
QCString trCallGraph () override
QCString trSearchResultsTitle () override
QCString trSearchResults (int numDocuments) override
QCString trSearchMatches () override
QCString trSourceFile (const QCString &filename) override
QCString trDirIndex () override
QCString trDirDocumentation () override
QCString trDirectories () override
QCString trDirReference (const QCString &dirName) override
QCString trDir (bool first_capital, bool singular) override
QCString trOverloadText () override
QCString trCallerGraph () override
QCString trEnumerationValueDocumentation () override
QCString trMemberFunctionDocumentationFortran () override
QCString trCompoundListFortran () override
QCString trCompoundMembersFortran () override
QCString trCompoundListDescriptionFortran () override
QCString trCompoundMembersDescriptionFortran (bool extractAll) override
QCString trCompoundIndexFortran () override
QCString trTypeDocumentation () override
QCString trSubprograms () override
QCString trSubprogramDocumentation () override
QCString trDataTypes () override
QCString trModulesList () override
QCString trModulesListDescription (bool extractAll) override
QCString trCompoundReferenceFortran (const QCString &clName, ClassDef::CompoundType compType, bool isTemplate) override
QCString trModuleReference (const QCString &namespaceName) override
QCString trModulesMembers () override
QCString trModulesMemberDescription (bool extractAll) override
QCString trModulesIndex () override
QCString trModule (bool first_capital, bool singular) override
QCString trGeneratedFromFilesFortran (ClassDef::CompoundType compType, bool single) override
QCString trType (bool first_capital, bool singular) override
QCString trSubprogram (bool first_capital, bool singular) override
QCString trTypeConstraints () override
QCString trDirRelation (const QCString &name) override
QCString trLoading () override
QCString trGlobalNamespace () override
QCString trSearching () override
QCString trNoMatches () override
QCString trFileIn (const QCString &name) override
QCString trIncludesFileIn (const QCString &name) override
QCString trDateTime (int year, int month, int day, int dayOfWeek, int hour, int minutes, int seconds, DateTimeType includeTime) override
 Compiles a date string.
QCString trDayOfWeek (int dayOfWeek, bool first_capital, bool full) override
QCString trMonth (int month, bool first_capital, bool full) override
QCString trDayPeriod (bool period) override
QCString trCiteReferences () override
QCString trCopyright () override
QCString trDirDepGraph (const QCString &name) override
QCString trDetailLevel () override
QCString trTemplateParameters () override
QCString trAndMore (const QCString &number) override
QCString trEnumGeneratedFromFiles (bool single) override
QCString trEnumReference (const QCString &name) override
QCString trInheritedFrom (const QCString &members, const QCString &what) override
QCString trAdditionalInheritedMembers () override
QCString trPanelSynchronisationTooltip (bool enable) override
QCString trProvidedByCategory () override
QCString trExtendsClass () override
QCString trClassMethods () override
QCString trInstanceMethods () override
QCString trMethodDocumentation () override
QCString trInterfaces () override
 old style UNO IDL services: implemented interfaces
QCString trServices () override
 old style UNO IDL services: inherited services
QCString trConstantGroups () override
 UNO IDL constant groups.
QCString trConstantGroupReference (const QCString &namespaceName) override
 UNO IDL constant groups.
QCString trServiceReference (const QCString &sName) override
 UNO IDL service page title.
QCString trSingletonReference (const QCString &sName) override
 UNO IDL singleton page title.
QCString trServiceGeneratedFromFiles (bool single) override
 UNO IDL service page.
QCString trSingletonGeneratedFromFiles (bool single) override
 UNO IDL singleton page.
QCString trDesignUnitHierarchy () override
 VHDL design unit hierarchy.
QCString trDesignUnitList () override
 VHDL design unit list.
QCString trDesignUnitMembers () override
 VHDL design unit members.
QCString trDesignUnitListDescription () override
 VHDL design unit list description.
QCString trDesignUnitIndex () override
 VHDL design unit index.
QCString trDesignUnits () override
 VHDL design units.
QCString trFunctionAndProc () override
 VHDL functions/procedures/processes.
QCString trVhdlType (VhdlSpecifier type, bool single) override
 VHDL type.
QCString trCustomReference (const QCString &name) override
QCString trConstants () override
QCString trConstantDocumentation () override
QCString trSequences () override
QCString trSequenceDocumentation () override
QCString trDictionaries () override
QCString trDictionaryDocumentation () override
QCString trSliceInterfaces () override
QCString trInterfaceIndex () override
QCString trInterfaceList () override
QCString trInterfaceListDescription () override
QCString trInterfaceHierarchy () override
QCString trInterfaceHierarchyDescription () override
QCString trInterfaceDocumentation () override
QCString trStructs () override
QCString trStructIndex () override
QCString trStructList () override
QCString trStructListDescription () override
QCString trStructDocumentation () override
QCString trExceptionIndex () override
QCString trExceptionList () override
QCString trExceptionListDescription () override
QCString trExceptionHierarchy () override
QCString trExceptionHierarchyDescription () override
QCString trExceptionDocumentation () override
QCString trCompoundReferenceSlice (const QCString &clName, ClassDef::CompoundType compType, bool isLocal) override
QCString trOperations () override
QCString trOperationDocumentation () override
QCString trDataMembers () override
QCString trDataMemberDocumentation () override
QCString trDesignUnitDocumentation () override
 VHDL design unit documentation.
QCString trConcept (bool first_capital, bool singular) override
 C++20 concept.
QCString trConceptReference (const QCString &conceptName) override
QCString trConceptList () override
QCString trConceptIndex () override
QCString trConceptDocumentation () override
QCString trConceptListDescription (bool extractAll) override
QCString trConceptDefinition () override
QCString trPackageList () override
QCString trFlowchart () override
QCString trRelatedSymbols () override
QCString trRelatedSymbolsSubscript () override
QCString trRelatedSymbolDocumentation () override
QCString trCompoundType (ClassDef::CompoundType compType, SrcLangExt lang) override
QCString trFileMembersDescriptionTotal (FileMemberHighlight::Enum hl) override
QCString trCompoundMembersDescriptionTotal (ClassMemberHighlight::Enum hl) override
QCString trNamespaceMembersDescriptionTotal (NamespaceMemberHighlight::Enum hl) override
Public Member Functions inherited from TranslatorAdapter_1_9_6
QCString updateNeededMessage () override
QCString trDefinition () override
QCString trDeclaration () override
Public Member Functions inherited from TranslatorAdapter_1_9_8
QCString updateNeededMessage () override
QCString trTopics () override
QCString trTopicDocumentation () override
QCString trTopicList () override
QCString trTopicIndex () override
QCString trTopicListDescription () override
QCString trModuleMembersDescriptionTotal (ModuleMemberHighlight::Enum hl) override
QCString trExportedModules () override
Public Member Functions inherited from TranslatorAdapter_1_10_0
QCString trCopyToClipboard () override
Public Member Functions inherited from TranslatorAdapter_1_11_0
QCString trImportant () override
Public Member Functions inherited from Translator
virtual QCString latexFontenc ()
virtual QCString latexFont ()
virtual QCString latexDocumentPre ()
virtual QCString latexDocumentPost ()
virtual QCString latexCommandName ()
virtual bool needsPunctuation ()
 add punctuation at the end of a brief description when needed and supported by the language

Additional Inherited Members

Protected Member Functions inherited from TranslatorAdapterBase
QCString createUpdateNeededMessage (const QCString &languageName, const QCString &versionString)
Protected Member Functions inherited from Translator
QCString p_latexCommandName (const QCString &latexCmd)
QCString createNoun (bool first_capital, bool singular, const QCString &base, const QCString &plurSuffix, const QCString &singSuffix="")
Protected Attributes inherited from TranslatorAdapterBase
TranslatorEnglish english

Detailed Description

Definition at line 121 of file translator_es.h.

Member Function Documentation

◆ getLanguageString()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::getLanguageString ( )

language codes for Html help

 0x402 Bulgarian
 0x405 Czech
 0x406 Danish
 0x413 Dutch
 0xC09 English (Australia)
 0x809 English (Britain)
 0x1009 English (Canada)
 0x1809 English (Ireland)
 0x1409 English (New Zealand)
 0x1C09 English (South Africa)
 0x409 English (United States)
 0x40B Finnish
 0x40C French
 0x407 German
 0x408 Greece
 0x439 Hindi
 0x40E Hungarian
 0x410 Italian
 0x814 Norwegian
 0x415 Polish
 0x816 Portuguese(Portugal)
 0x416 Portuguese(Brazil)
 0x419 Russian
 0x80A Spanish(Mexico)
 0xC0A Spanish(Modern Sort)
 0x40A Spanish(Traditional Sort)
 0x41D Swedish
 0x41F Turkey
 0x411 Japanese
 0x412 Korean
 0x804 Chinese (PRC)
 0x404 Chinese (Taiwan)

New LCIDs:

 0x421 Indonesian
 0x41A Croatian
 0x418 Romanian
 0x424 Slovenian
 0x41B Slovak
 0x422 Ukrainian
 0x81A Serbian (Serbia, Latin)
 0x403 Catalan
 0x426 Latvian
 0x427 Lithuanian
 0x436 Afrikaans
 0x42A Vietnamese
 0x429 Persian (Iran)
 0xC01 Arabic (Egypt) - I don't know which version of arabic is used inside translator_ar.h ,
       so I have chosen Egypt at random

Code for Esperanto should be as shown below but the htmlhelp compiler 1.3 does not support this (and no newer version is available).

0x48f Esperanto

So do a fallback to the default language

0x409 English (United States)
0xC1A Serbian (Serbia, Cyrillic)

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 160 of file translator_es.h.

161 {
162 return "0x40A Spanish";
163 }

◆ idLanguage()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::idLanguage ( )

Used for identification of the language. The identification should not be translated. It should be replaced by the name of the language in English using lower-case characters only (e.g. "czech", "japanese", "russian", etc.). It should be equal to the identification used in language.cpp.

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 133 of file translator_es.h.

134 { return "spanish"; }

◆ latexLanguageSupportCommand()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::latexLanguageSupportCommand ( )

Used to get the LaTeX command(s) for the language support. This method should return string with commands that switch LaTeX to the desired language. For example




The English LaTeX does not use such commands. Because of this the empty string is returned in this implementation.

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 150 of file translator_es.h.

151 {
152 return "\\usepackage[spanish, es-noshorthands, shorthands=off]{babel}";
153 }

◆ trAdditionalInheritedMembers()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trAdditionalInheritedMembers ( )

Header of the sections with inherited members specific for the base class(es)

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 2028 of file translator_es.h.

2029 { return "Otros miembros heredados"; }

◆ trAll()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trAll ( )

Used in the quick index of a class/file/namespace member list page to link to the unfiltered list of all members.

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 1530 of file translator_es.h.

1531 {
1532 return "Todos";
1533 }

◆ trAndMore()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trAndMore ( const QCString & number)

Used in dot graph when UML_LOOK is enabled and there are many fields

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 2004 of file translator_es.h.

2005 { return "y "+number+" más..."; }

◆ trAttention()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trAttention ( )

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 1089 of file translator_es.h.

1090 {
1091 return "Atención";
1092 }

◆ trAuthor()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trAuthor ( bool first_capital,
bool singular )

This text is generated when the \author command is used and for the author section in man pages.

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 1398 of file translator_es.h.

1399 {
1400 return createNoun(first_capital, singular, "autor", "es");
1401 }
QCString createNoun(bool first_capital, bool singular, const QCString &base, const QCString &plurSuffix, const QCString &singSuffix="")
Definition translator.h:782

References Translator::createNoun().

◆ trBug()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trBug ( )

Used as a marker that is put before a \bug item

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 1267 of file translator_es.h.

1268 {
1269 return "Defecto";
1270 }

◆ trBugList()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trBugList ( )

Used as the header of the bug list

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 1273 of file translator_es.h.

1274 {
1275 return "Lista de defectos";
1276 }

◆ trCallerGraph()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trCallerGraph ( )

This is used to introduce a caller (or called-by) graph

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 1656 of file translator_es.h.

1657 {
1658 return "Gráfico de llamadas a esta función:";
1659 }

◆ trCallGraph()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trCallGraph ( )

Put in front of the call graph for a function.

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 1536 of file translator_es.h.

1537 {
1538 return "Gráfico de llamadas de esta función:";
1539 }

◆ trCiteReferences()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trCiteReferences ( )

Header for the page with bibliographic citations

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 1980 of file translator_es.h.

1981 { return "Referencias bibliográficas"; }

◆ trClass()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trClass ( bool first_capital,
bool singular )

This is used for translation of the word that will possibly be followed by a single name or by a list of names of the category.

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 1331 of file translator_es.h.

1332 {
1333 return createNoun(first_capital, singular, "clase", "s");
1334 }

References Translator::createNoun().

Referenced by trCompoundType().

◆ trClassDiagram()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trClassDiagram ( const QCString & clName)

this text is put before a class diagram

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 608 of file translator_es.h.

609 {
610 return "Diagrama de herencia de "+clName;
611 }

◆ trClassDocumentation()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trClassDocumentation ( )

This is used in LaTeX as the title of the chapter containing the documentation of all classes, structs and unions.

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 489 of file translator_es.h.

490 {
491 if (Config_getBool(OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_FOR_C))
492 {
493 return "Documentación de estructuras de datos";
494 }
495 else if (Config_getBool(OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_VHDL))
496 {
498 }
499 else
500 {
501 return "Documentación de clases";
502 }
503 }
QCString trDesignUnitDocumentation() override
VHDL design unit documentation.
#define Config_getBool(name)
Definition config.h:33

References Config_getBool, and trDesignUnitDocumentation().

◆ trClasses()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trClasses ( )

Used for Java classes in the summary section of Java packages

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 1225 of file translator_es.h.

1226 {
1227 if (Config_getBool(OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_FOR_C))
1228 {
1229 return "Estructuras de datos";
1230 }
1231 else
1232 {
1233 return "Clases";
1234 }
1235 }

References Config_getBool.

◆ trClassHierarchy()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trClassHierarchy ( )

This is put above each page as a link to the class hierarchy

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 267 of file translator_es.h.

268 { return "Jerarquía de clases"; }

◆ trClassHierarchyDescription()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trClassHierarchyDescription ( )

This is an introduction to the class hierarchy.

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 326 of file translator_es.h.

327 {
328 if (Config_getBool(OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_VHDL))
329 {
330 return "Esta es la lista jerárquica de todas las entidades:";
331 }
332 else
333 {
334 return "Este listado de herencia está ordenado de forma general "
335 "pero no está en orden alfabético estricto:";
336 }
337 }

References Config_getBool.

◆ trClassMethods()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trClassMethods ( )

Used as the header of a list of class methods in Objective-C. These are similar to static public member functions in C++.

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 2066 of file translator_es.h.

2067 {
2068 return "Métodos de clase";
2069 }

◆ trCode()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trCode ( )

Text used the source code in the file index

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 973 of file translator_es.h.

974 {
975 return "código fuente";
976 }

◆ trCollaborationDiagram()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trCollaborationDiagram ( const QCString & clName)

this text is put before a collaboration diagram

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 919 of file translator_es.h.

920 {
921 return "Diagrama de colaboración de "+clName+":";
922 }

◆ trCompoundIndex()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trCompoundIndex ( )

This is used in LaTeX as the title of the chapter with the annotated compound index.

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 462 of file translator_es.h.

463 {
464 if (Config_getBool(OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_FOR_C))
465 {
466 return "Índice de estructuras de datos";
467 }
468 else
469 {
470 return "Índice de clases";
471 }
472 }

References Config_getBool.

◆ trCompoundIndexFortran()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trCompoundIndexFortran ( )

This is used in LaTeX as the title of the chapter with the annotated compound index (Fortran).

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 1711 of file translator_es.h.

1712 { return "Índice de tipos de datos"; }

◆ trCompoundList()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trCompoundList ( )

This is put above each page as a link to the list of annotated classes

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 271 of file translator_es.h.

272 {
273 if (Config_getBool(OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_FOR_C))
274 {
275 return "Estructuras de datos";
276 }
277 else
278 {
279 return "Lista de clases";
280 }
281 }

References Config_getBool.

◆ trCompoundListDescription()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trCompoundListDescription ( )

This is an introduction to the annotated compound list.

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 349 of file translator_es.h.

350 {
351 if (Config_getBool(OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_FOR_C))
352 {
353 return "Lista de estructuras con breves descripciones:";
354 }
355 else if (Config_getBool(OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_SLICE))
356 {
357 return "Lista de clases con breves descripciones:";
358 }
359 else
360 {
361 return "Lista de clases, estructuras, "
362 "uniones e interfaces con breves descripciones:";
363 }
364 }

References Config_getBool.

◆ trCompoundListDescriptionFortran()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trCompoundListDescriptionFortran ( )

This is an introduction to the annotated compound list (Fortran).

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 1684 of file translator_es.h.

1685 { return "Esta es la lista de los tipos de datos con breves descripciones:"; }

◆ trCompoundListFortran()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trCompoundListFortran ( )

This is put above each page as a link to the list of annotated data types (Fortran).

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 1676 of file translator_es.h.

1677 { return "Lista de campos de datos"; }

◆ trCompoundMembers()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trCompoundMembers ( )

This is put above each page as a link to all members of compounds.

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 288 of file translator_es.h.

289 {
290 if (Config_getBool(OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_FOR_C))
291 {
292 return "Campos de datos";
293 }
294 else
295 {
296 return "Miembros de clases";
297 }
298 }

References Config_getBool.

◆ trCompoundMembersDescription()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trCompoundMembersDescription ( bool extractAll)

This is an introduction to the page with all class members.

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 367 of file translator_es.h.

368 {
369 QCString result="Lista de todos los ";
370 if (Config_getBool(OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_FOR_C))
371 {
372 result+="campos de estructuras y uniones";
373 }
374 else
375 {
376 result+="campos de clases";
377 }
378 if (!extractAll)
379 {
380 result+=" documentados";
381 }
382 result+=" con enlaces a ";
383 if (!extractAll)
384 {
385 if (Config_getBool(OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_FOR_C))
386 {
387 result+="la documentación de la estructura/unión para cada campo:";
388 }
389 else
390 {
391 result+="la documentación de la clase para cada miembro:";
392 }
393 }
394 else
395 {
396 if (Config_getBool(OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_FOR_C))
397 {
398 result+="las estructuras/uniones a las que pertenecen:";
399 }
400 else
401 {
402 result+="las clases a las que pertenecen:";
403 }
404 }
405 return result;
406 }

References Config_getBool.

◆ trCompoundMembersDescriptionFortran()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trCompoundMembersDescriptionFortran ( bool extractAll)

This is an introduction to the page with all data types (Fortran).

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 1688 of file translator_es.h.

1689 {
1690 QCString result="Esta es la lista de todos ";
1691 result+="los tipos de datos miembro ";
1692 if (!extractAll)
1693 {
1694 result+="documentados ";
1695 }
1696 result+="con enlaces a ";
1697 if (!extractAll)
1698 {
1699 result+="la documentación de la estructura de datos para cada miembro";
1700 }
1701 else
1702 {
1703 result+="los tipos de datos a los que pertenecen:";
1704 }
1705 return result;
1706 }

◆ trCompoundMembersDescriptionTotal()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trCompoundMembersDescriptionTotal ( ClassMemberHighlight::Enum hl)

Reimplemented from TranslatorAdapter_1_9_6.

Definition at line 2566 of file translator_es.h.

2567 {
2568 bool extractAll = Config_getBool(EXTRACT_ALL);
2570 QCString result="Lista de ";
2571 result+=(masculine ? "todos los " : "todas las ");
2572 switch (hl)
2573 {
2575 if (Config_getBool(OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_FOR_C))
2576 {
2577 result+="estructuras y uniones";
2578 }
2579 else
2580 {
2581 result+="miembros de clases";
2582 }
2583 break;
2585 result+="funciones";
2586 break;
2588 result+="variables";
2589 break;
2591 result+="«typedefs»";
2592 break;
2594 result+="enumeraciones";
2595 break;
2597 result+="valores enumerados";
2598 break;
2600 result+="propiedades";
2601 break;
2603 result+="eventos";
2604 break;
2606 result+="símbolos relacionados";
2607 break;
2608 case ClassMemberHighlight::Total: // for completeness
2609 break;
2610 }
2611 if (!extractAll) result+=(masculine ? "documentados " : "documentadas ");
2612 result+=" con enlaces ";
2613 if (!extractAll)
2614 {
2615 if (Config_getBool(OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_FOR_C))
2616 {
2617 result+="a la documentación de la estructura/unión para cada campo:";
2618 }
2619 else
2620 {
2621 result+="a la documentación de la clase para cada miembro:";
2622 }
2623 }
2624 else
2625 {
2626 if (Config_getBool(OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_FOR_C))
2627 {
2628 result+="a las estructuras/uniones a las que pertenecen:";
2629 }
2630 else
2631 {
2632 result+="a las clases a las que pertenecen:";
2633 }
2634 }
2635 return result;
2636 }
bool isClassMemberHighlightMasculine(ClassMemberHighlight::Enum hl)

References ClassMemberHighlight::All, Config_getBool, ClassMemberHighlight::Enums, ClassMemberHighlight::EnumValues, ClassMemberHighlight::Events, ClassMemberHighlight::Functions, SpanishTranslatorUtils::isClassMemberHighlightMasculine(), ClassMemberHighlight::Properties, ClassMemberHighlight::Related, ClassMemberHighlight::Total, ClassMemberHighlight::Typedefs, and ClassMemberHighlight::Variables.

◆ trCompoundMembersFortran()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trCompoundMembersFortran ( )

This is put above each page as a link to all members of compounds (Fortran).

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 1680 of file translator_es.h.

1681 { return "Campos de datos"; }

◆ trCompoundReference()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trCompoundReference ( const QCString & clName,
ClassDef::CompoundType compType,
bool isTemplate )

used as the title of the HTML page of a class/struct/union

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 683 of file translator_es.h.

686 {
687 QCString result="Referencia de";
688 if (isTemplate) result+=" la plantilla de";
689 switch(compType)
690 {
691 case ClassDef::Class: result+=" la clase "; break;
692 case ClassDef::Struct: result+=" la estructura "; break;
693 case ClassDef::Union: result+=" la unión "; break;
694 case ClassDef::Interface: result+=" la interface "; break;
695 case ClassDef::Protocol: result+="l protocolo "; break;
696 case ClassDef::Category: result+=" la categoría "; break;
697 case ClassDef::Exception: result+=" la excepción "; break;
698 default: break;
699 }
700 result+=clName;
701 return result;
702 }
@ Interface
Definition classdef.h:112
@ Exception
Definition classdef.h:115

References ClassDef::Category, ClassDef::Class, ClassDef::Exception, ClassDef::Interface, ClassDef::Protocol, ClassDef::Struct, and ClassDef::Union.

◆ trCompoundReferenceFortran()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trCompoundReferenceFortran ( const QCString & clName,
ClassDef::CompoundType compType,
bool isTemplate )

used as the title of the HTML page of a module/type (Fortran)

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 1752 of file translator_es.h.

1755 {
1756 QCString result="Referencia de";
1757 if (isTemplate) result+=" la plantilla de";
1758 switch(compType)
1759 {
1760 case ClassDef::Class: result+="l módulo"; break;
1761 case ClassDef::Struct: result+="l tipo"; break;
1762 case ClassDef::Union: result+=" la unión"; break;
1763 case ClassDef::Interface: result+=" la interface"; break;
1764 case ClassDef::Protocol: result+="l protocolo"; break;
1765 case ClassDef::Category: result+=" la categoría"; break;
1766 case ClassDef::Exception: result+=" la excepción"; break;
1767 default: break;
1768 }
1769 result+=clName;
1770 return result;
1771 }

References ClassDef::Category, ClassDef::Class, ClassDef::Exception, ClassDef::Interface, ClassDef::Protocol, ClassDef::Struct, and ClassDef::Union.

◆ trCompoundReferenceSlice()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trCompoundReferenceSlice ( const QCString & clName,
ClassDef::CompoundType compType,
bool isLocal )

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 2355 of file translator_es.h.

2356 {
2357 QCString result="Referencia de";
2358 switch(compType)
2359 {
2360 case ClassDef::Class: result+=" la clase "; break;
2361 case ClassDef::Struct: result+=" la estructura "; break;
2362 case ClassDef::Union: result+=" la unión "; break;
2363 case ClassDef::Interface: result+=" la interface "; break;
2364 case ClassDef::Protocol: result+="l protocolo "; break;
2365 case ClassDef::Category: result+=" la categoría "; break;
2366 case ClassDef::Exception: result+=" la excepción "; break;
2367 default: break;
2368 }
2369 if (isLocal) result+=" local ";
2370 result+=clName;
2371 return result;
2372 }

References ClassDef::Category, ClassDef::Class, ClassDef::Exception, ClassDef::Interface, ClassDef::Protocol, ClassDef::Struct, and ClassDef::Union.

◆ trCompounds()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trCompounds ( )

This is used in the documentation of a file/namespace/group before the list of links to documented compounds

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 584 of file translator_es.h.

585 {
586 if (Config_getBool(OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_FOR_C))
587 {
588 return "Estructuras de datos";
589 }
590 else
591 {
592 return "Clases";
593 }
594 }

References Config_getBool.

◆ trCompoundType()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trCompoundType ( ClassDef::CompoundType compType,
SrcLangExt lang )

the compound type as used for the xrefitems

Reimplemented from TranslatorAdapter_1_9_6.

Definition at line 2490 of file translator_es.h.

2491 {
2492 QCString result;
2493 switch(compType)
2494 {
2495 case ClassDef::Class:
2496 if (lang == SrcLangExt::Fortran) trType(true,true);
2497 else result=trClass(true,true);
2498 break;
2499 case ClassDef::Struct: result="Estructura"; break;
2500 case ClassDef::Union: result="Unión"; break;
2501 case ClassDef::Interface: result="Interface"; break;
2502 case ClassDef::Protocol: result="Protocolo"; break;
2503 case ClassDef::Category: result="Categoría"; break;
2504 case ClassDef::Exception: result="Excepción"; break;
2505 case ClassDef::Service: result="Servicio"; break;
2506 case ClassDef::Singleton: result="Singleton"; break;
2507 default: break;
2508 }
2509 return result;
2510 }
@ Singleton
Definition classdef.h:117
QCString trClass(bool first_capital, bool singular) override
QCString trType(bool first_capital, bool singular) override

References ClassDef::Category, ClassDef::Class, ClassDef::Exception, ClassDef::Interface, ClassDef::Protocol, ClassDef::Service, ClassDef::Singleton, ClassDef::Struct, trClass(), trType(), and ClassDef::Union.

◆ trConcept()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trConcept ( bool first_capital,
bool singular )

C++20 concept.

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 2403 of file translator_es.h.

2404 {
2405 return createNoun(first_capital, singular, "concepto", "s");
2406 }

References Translator::createNoun().

◆ trConceptDefinition()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trConceptDefinition ( )

used to introduce the definition of the C++20 concept

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 2437 of file translator_es.h.

2438 {
2439 return "Definición de concepto";
2440 }

◆ trConceptDocumentation()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trConceptDocumentation ( )

used as the title of chapter containing all information about concepts.

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 2424 of file translator_es.h.

2425 { return "Documentación de conceptos"; }

◆ trConceptIndex()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trConceptIndex ( )

used as the title of chapter containing the index listing all concepts.

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 2420 of file translator_es.h.

2421 { return "Índice de conceptos"; }

◆ trConceptList()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trConceptList ( )

used as the title of page containing all the index of all concepts.

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 2416 of file translator_es.h.

2417 { return "Lista de conceptos"; }

◆ trConceptListDescription()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trConceptListDescription ( bool extractAll)

used as an introduction to the concept list

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 2428 of file translator_es.h.

2429 {
2430 QCString result="Esta es la lista de todos los conceptos ";
2431 if (!extractAll) result+="documentados ";
2432 result+="con breves descripciones:";
2433 return result;
2434 }

◆ trConceptReference()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trConceptReference ( const QCString & conceptName)

used as the title of the HTML page of a C++20 concept page

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 2408 of file translator_es.h.

2409 {
2410 QCString result="Referencia del concepto ";
2411 result+=conceptName;
2412 return result;
2413 }

◆ trConstantDocumentation()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trConstantDocumentation ( )

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 2263 of file translator_es.h.

2264 {
2265 return "Documentación de constantes";
2266 }

◆ trConstantGroupReference()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trConstantGroupReference ( const QCString & namespaceName)

UNO IDL constant groups.

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 2103 of file translator_es.h.

2104 {
2105 QCString result="Referencia a grupos de constantes de ";
2106 result+=namespaceName;
2107 return result;
2108 }

◆ trConstantGroups()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trConstantGroups ( )

UNO IDL constant groups.

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 2099 of file translator_es.h.

2100 { return "Grupos de constantes"; }

◆ trConstants()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trConstants ( )

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 2259 of file translator_es.h.

2260 {
2261 return "Constantes";
2262 }

◆ trConstructorDocumentation()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trConstructorDocumentation ( )

header that is put before the list of constructor/destructors.

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 931 of file translator_es.h.

932 {
933 return "Documentación de constructores y destructores";
934 }

◆ trCopyright()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trCopyright ( )

Text for copyright paragraph

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 1984 of file translator_es.h.

1985 { return "Copyright"; }

◆ trCustomReference()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trCustomReference ( const QCString & name)

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 2256 of file translator_es.h.

2257 { return "Referencia de "+name; }

◆ trDataMemberDocumentation()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trDataMemberDocumentation ( )

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 2385 of file translator_es.h.

2386 {
2387 return "Documentación de datos miembro";
2388 }

◆ trDataMembers()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trDataMembers ( )

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 2381 of file translator_es.h.

2382 {
2383 return "Datos miembro";
2384 }

◆ trDataTypes()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trDataTypes ( )

This is used in the documentation of a file/namespace/group before the list of links to documented compounds (Fortran)

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 1735 of file translator_es.h.

1736 { return "Tipos de datos"; }

◆ trDate()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trDate ( )

this text is generated when the \date command is used.

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 622 of file translator_es.h.

623 { return "Fecha"; }

◆ trDateTime()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trDateTime ( int year,
int month,
int day,
int dayOfWeek,
int hour,
int minutes,
int seconds,
DateTimeType includeTime )

Compiles a date string.

yearYear in 4 digits
monthMonth of the year: 1=January
dayDay of the Month: 1..31
dayOfWeekDay of the week: 1=Monday..7=Sunday
hourHour of the day: 0..23
minutesMinutes in the hour: 0..59
secondsSeconds within the minute: 0..59
includeTimeInclude time in the result string?

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 1932 of file translator_es.h.

1935 {
1936 static const char *days[] = { "Lunes","Martes","Miércoles","Jueves",
1937 "Viernes","Sábado","Domingo" };
1938 static const char *months[] = { "enero","febrero","marzo","abril",
1939 "mayo","junio","julio","agosto",
1940 "septiembre","octubre","noviembre","diciembre" };
1941 QCString sdate;
1942 if (includeTime == DateTimeType::DateTime || includeTime == DateTimeType::Date)
1943 {
1944 sdate.sprintf("%s, %d de %s de %d",days[dayOfWeek-1],day,months[month-1],year);
1945 }
1946 if (includeTime == DateTimeType::DateTime) sdate += " ";
1947 if (includeTime == DateTimeType::DateTime || includeTime == DateTimeType::Time)
1948 {
1949 QCString stime;
1950 stime.sprintf("%.2d:%.2d:%.2d",hour,minutes,seconds);
1951 sdate+=stime;
1952 }
1953 return sdate;
1954 }
QCString & sprintf(const char *format,...)
Definition qcstring.cpp:29

References Date, DateTime, QCString::sprintf(), and Time.

◆ trDayOfWeek()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trDayOfWeek ( int dayOfWeek,
bool first_capital,
bool full )

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 1955 of file translator_es.h.

1956 {
1957 static const char *days_short[] = { "lun", "mar", "mié", "jue", "vie", "sáb", "dom" };
1958 static const char *days_full[] = { "lunes", "martes", "miércoles", "jueves", "viernes", "sábado", "domingo" };
1959 QCString text = full? days_full[dayOfWeek-1] : days_short[dayOfWeek-1];
1960 return first_capital? text.mid(0,1).upper()+text.mid(1) : text;
1961 }
QCString upper() const
Definition qcstring.h:239
QCString mid(size_t index, size_t len=static_cast< size_t >(-1)) const
Definition qcstring.h:226

References QCString::mid(), and QCString::upper().

◆ trDayPeriod()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trDayPeriod ( bool period)

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 1969 of file translator_es.h.

1970 {
1971 static const char *dayPeriod[] = { "a. m.", "p. m." };
1972 return dayPeriod[period?1:0];
1973 }

◆ trDefinedAtLineInSourceFile()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trDefinedAtLineInSourceFile ( )

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 896 of file translator_es.h.

897 {
898 return "Definición en la línea @0 del archivo @1.";
899 }

◆ trDefinedIn()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trDefinedIn ( )

put after an undocumented member in the list of all members

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 255 of file translator_es.h.

256 { return "definido en"; }

◆ trDefinedInSourceFile()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trDefinedInSourceFile ( )

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 900 of file translator_es.h.

901 {
902 return "Definición en el archivo @0.";
903 }

◆ trDefineDocumentation()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trDefineDocumentation ( )

This is used in the documentation of a file before the list of documentation blocks for defines

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 554 of file translator_es.h.

555 { return "Documentación de «define»"; }

◆ trDefines()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trDefines ( )

This is used in the documentation of a file as a header before the list of defines

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 518 of file translator_es.h.

519 { return "defines"; }

◆ trDefineValue()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trDefineValue ( )

Text shown before a multi-line define

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 1257 of file translator_es.h.

1258 {
1259 return "Valor:";
1260 }

◆ trDeprecated()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trDeprecated ( )

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 909 of file translator_es.h.

910 {
911 return "Obsoleto";
912 }

◆ trDeprecatedList()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trDeprecatedList ( )

Used as the header of the list of item that have been flagged deprecated

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 1453 of file translator_es.h.

1454 {
1455 return "Lista de obsoletos";
1456 }

◆ trDesignUnitDocumentation()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trDesignUnitDocumentation ( )

VHDL design unit documentation.

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 2395 of file translator_es.h.

2396 { return "Documentación de unidades de diseño"; }

Referenced by trClassDocumentation().

◆ trDesignUnitHierarchy()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trDesignUnitHierarchy ( )

VHDL design unit hierarchy.

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 2147 of file translator_es.h.

2148 { return "Jerarquía de unidades de diseño"; }

◆ trDesignUnitIndex()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trDesignUnitIndex ( )

VHDL design unit index.

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 2162 of file translator_es.h.

2163 { return "Índice de unidades de diseño"; }

◆ trDesignUnitList()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trDesignUnitList ( )

VHDL design unit list.

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 2150 of file translator_es.h.

2151 { return "Lista de unidades de diseño"; }

◆ trDesignUnitListDescription()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trDesignUnitListDescription ( )

VHDL design unit list description.

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 2156 of file translator_es.h.

2157 {
2158 return "Esta es la lista de todos los miembros de unidades de diseño con "
2159 "enlaces a las entidades a las que pertenecen:";
2160 }

◆ trDesignUnitMembers()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trDesignUnitMembers ( )

VHDL design unit members.

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 2153 of file translator_es.h.

2154 { return "Miembros de unidades de diseño"; }

◆ trDesignUnits()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trDesignUnits ( )

VHDL design units.

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 2165 of file translator_es.h.

2166 { return "Unidades de diseño"; }

◆ trDetailedDescription()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trDetailedDescription ( )

header that is put before the detailed description of files, classes and namespaces.

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 175 of file translator_es.h.

176 { return "Descripción detallada"; }

◆ trDetailLevel()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trDetailLevel ( )

Detail level selector shown for hierarchical indices

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 1996 of file translator_es.h.

1997 { return "nivel de detalle"; }

◆ trDetails()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trDetails ( )

header that is used when the summary tag is missing inside the details tag

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 179 of file translator_es.h.

180 { return "Detalles"; }

◆ trDictionaries()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trDictionaries ( )

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 2275 of file translator_es.h.

2276 {
2277 return "Diccionarios";
2278 }

◆ trDictionaryDocumentation()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trDictionaryDocumentation ( )

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 2279 of file translator_es.h.

2280 {
2281 return "Documentación de diccionarios";
2282 }

◆ trDir()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trDir ( bool first_capital,
bool singular )

This returns the word directory with or without starting capital (first_capital) and in sigular or plural form (singular).

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 1632 of file translator_es.h.

1633 {
1634 return createNoun(first_capital, singular, "directorio", "s");
1635 }

References Translator::createNoun().

◆ trDirDepGraph()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trDirDepGraph ( const QCString & name)

Header for the graph showing the directory dependencies

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 1988 of file translator_es.h.

1989 { return "Gráfico de dependencias de directorios de "+name+":"; }

◆ trDirDocumentation()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trDirDocumentation ( )

This is used as the name of the chapter containing the documentation of the directories.

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 1610 of file translator_es.h.

1611 { return "Documentación de directorios"; }

◆ trDirectories()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trDirectories ( )

This is used as the title of the directory index and also in the Quick links of an HTML page, to link to the directory hierarchy.

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 1616 of file translator_es.h.

1617 { return "Directorios"; }

◆ trDirIndex()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trDirIndex ( )

This is used as the name of the chapter containing the directory hierarchy.

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 1604 of file translator_es.h.

1605 { return "Jerarquía de directorios"; }

◆ trDirReference()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trDirReference ( const QCString & dirName)

This returns the title of a directory page. The name of the directory is passed via dirName.

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 1622 of file translator_es.h.

1623 {
1624 QCString result="Referencia del directorio ";
1625 result+=dirName;
1626 return result;
1627 }

◆ trDirRelation()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trDirRelation ( const QCString & name)

directory relation for name

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 1871 of file translator_es.h.

1872 {
1873 return "Relación "+name;
1874 }

◆ trDocumentation()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trDocumentation ( const QCString & projName)

This is used in HTML as the title of index.html.

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 444 of file translator_es.h.

445 { return "Documentación" + (!projName.isEmpty()? " de " + projName : ""); }
bool isEmpty() const
Returns TRUE iff the string is empty.
Definition qcstring.h:150

References QCString::isEmpty().

◆ trEnumerations()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trEnumerations ( )

This is used in the documentation of a file as a header before the list of enumerations

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 530 of file translator_es.h.

531 { return "Enumeraciones"; }

◆ trEnumerationTypeDocumentation()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trEnumerationTypeDocumentation ( )

This is used in the documentation of a file/namespace before the list of documentation blocks for enumeration types

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 566 of file translator_es.h.

567 { return "Documentación de enumeraciones"; }

◆ trEnumerationValueDocumentation()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trEnumerationValueDocumentation ( )

This is used in the documentation of a file/namespace before the list of documentation blocks for enumeration values

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 1664 of file translator_es.h.

1665 { return "Documentación de valores enumerados"; }

◆ trEnumerationValues()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trEnumerationValues ( )

This is used in the documentation of a file as a header before the list of (global) variables

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 548 of file translator_es.h.

549 { return "Valores de enumeraciones"; }

◆ trEnumGeneratedFromFiles()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trEnumGeneratedFromFiles ( bool single)

Used file list for a Java enum

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 2008 of file translator_es.h.

2009 { QCString result = "La documentación de esta enumeración está generada de";
2010 if (single)
2011 result += "l siguiente archivo:";
2012 else
2013 result += " los siguientes archivos:";
2014 return result;
2015 }

◆ trEnumName()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trEnumName ( )

put after an enum name in the list of all members

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 247 of file translator_es.h.

248 { return "nombre de enumeración"; }

◆ trEnumReference()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trEnumReference ( const QCString & name)

Header of a Java enum page (Java enums are represented as classes).

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 2018 of file translator_es.h.

2019 { return "Referencia de la enumeración "+name; }

◆ trEnumValue()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trEnumValue ( )

put after an enum value in the list of all members

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 251 of file translator_es.h.

252 { return "valor enumerado"; }

◆ trEventDocumentation()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trEventDocumentation ( )

Header used for the documentation section of a class' events.

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 1471 of file translator_es.h.

1472 {
1473 return "Documentación de eventos";
1474 }

◆ trEvents()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trEvents ( )

Used as a header for declaration section of the events found in a C# program

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 1465 of file translator_es.h.

1466 {
1467 return "Eventos";
1468 }

◆ trExamples()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trExamples ( )

This is put above each page as a link to all examples.

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 318 of file translator_es.h.

319 { return "Ejemplos"; }

◆ trExamplesDescription()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trExamplesDescription ( )

This is an introduction to the page with the list of all examples

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 430 of file translator_es.h.

431 { return "Lista de todos los ejemplos:"; }

◆ trExceptionDocumentation()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trExceptionDocumentation ( )

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 2351 of file translator_es.h.

2352 {
2353 return "Documentación de excepciones";
2354 }

◆ trExceptionHierarchy()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trExceptionHierarchy ( )

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 2343 of file translator_es.h.

2344 {
2345 return "Jerarquía de excepciones";
2346 }

◆ trExceptionHierarchyDescription()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trExceptionHierarchyDescription ( )

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 2347 of file translator_es.h.

2348 {
2349 return "Este listado de herencia está ordenado de forma general, pero no está en orden alfabético estricto:";
2350 }

◆ trExceptionIndex()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trExceptionIndex ( )

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 2331 of file translator_es.h.

2332 {
2333 return "Índice de excepciones";
2334 }

◆ trExceptionList()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trExceptionList ( )

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 2335 of file translator_es.h.

2336 {
2337 return "Lista de excepciones";
2338 }

◆ trExceptionListDescription()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trExceptionListDescription ( )

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 2339 of file translator_es.h.

2340 {
2341 return "Esta es la lista de las excepciones con breves descripciones:";
2342 }

◆ trExceptions()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trExceptions ( )

this text is generated when the \exception command is used.

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 638 of file translator_es.h.

639 { return "Excepciones"; }

◆ trExtendsClass()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trExtendsClass ( )

Used in a method of an Objective-C category that extends a class. Note that the @1 marker is required and is replaced by a link to the class method.

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 2058 of file translator_es.h.

2059 {
2060 return "Extiende la clase @0.";
2061 }

◆ trFile()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trFile ( bool first_capital,
bool singular )

This is used for translation of the word that will possibly be followed by a single name or by a list of names of the category.

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 1340 of file translator_es.h.

1341 {
1342 return createNoun(first_capital, singular, "archivo", "s");
1343 }

References Translator::createNoun().

◆ trFileDocumentation()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trFileDocumentation ( )

This is used in LaTeX as the title of the chapter containing the documentation of all files.

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 508 of file translator_es.h.

509 { return "Documentación de archivos"; }

◆ trFileIn()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trFileIn ( const QCString & name)

when clicking a directory dependency label, a page with a table is shown. The heading for the first column mentions the source file that has a relation to another file.

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 1908 of file translator_es.h.

1909 {
1910 return "Archivo en "+name;
1911 }

◆ trFileIndex()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trFileIndex ( )

This is used in LaTeX as the title of the chapter with the list of all files.

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 477 of file translator_es.h.

478 { return "Índice de archivos"; }

◆ trFileList()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trFileList ( )

This is put above each page as a link to the list of documented files

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 284 of file translator_es.h.

285 { return "Lista de archivos"; }

◆ trFileListDescription()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trFileListDescription ( bool extractAll)

This is an introduction to the list with all files.

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 340 of file translator_es.h.

341 {
342 QCString result="Lista de todos los archivos ";
343 if (!extractAll) result+="documentados y ";
344 result+="con breves descripciones:";
345 return result;
346 }

◆ trFileMembers()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trFileMembers ( )

This is put above each page as a link to all members of files.

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 301 of file translator_es.h.

302 {
303 if (Config_getBool(OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_FOR_C))
304 {
305 return "Globales";
306 }
307 else
308 {
309 return "Miembros de los archivos";
310 }
311 }

References Config_getBool.

◆ trFileMembersDescription()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trFileMembersDescription ( bool extractAll)

This is an introduction to the page with all file members.

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 409 of file translator_es.h.

410 {
411 QCString result="Lista de ";
412 if (Config_getBool(OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_FOR_C))
413 {
414 result+="todas las funciones, variables, «defines», enumeraciones y «typedefs»";
415 }
416 else
417 {
418 result+="todos los miembros de los archivos";
419 }
420 if (!extractAll) result+=" documentados";
421 result+=" con enlaces ";
422 if (extractAll)
423 result+="a los archivos a los que corresponden:";
424 else
425 result+="a la documentación:";
426 return result;
427 }

References Config_getBool.

◆ trFileMembersDescriptionTotal()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trFileMembersDescriptionTotal ( FileMemberHighlight::Enum hl)

Reimplemented from TranslatorAdapter_1_9_6.

Definition at line 2512 of file translator_es.h.

2513 {
2514 bool extractAll = Config_getBool(EXTRACT_ALL);
2516 QCString result="Lista de ";
2517 result+=(masculine ? "todos los " : "todas las ");
2518 switch (hl)
2519 {
2521 if (Config_getBool(OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_FOR_C))
2522 {
2523 result+="funciones, variables, «defines», enumeraciones y «typedefs»";
2524 }
2525 else
2526 {
2527 result+="miembros de los archivos";
2528 }
2529 break;
2531 result+="funciones";
2532 break;
2534 result+="variables";
2535 break;
2537 result+="«typedefs»";
2538 break;
2540 result+="secuencias";
2541 break;
2543 result+="diccionarios";
2544 break;
2546 result+="enumeraciones";
2547 break;
2549 result+="valores enumerados";
2550 break;
2552 result+="macros";
2553 break;
2554 case FileMemberHighlight::Total: // for completeness
2555 break;
2556 }
2557 if (!extractAll) result+=(masculine ? "documentados " : "documentadas ");
2558 result+=" con enlaces ";
2559 if (extractAll)
2560 result+="a los archivos a los que corresponden:";
2561 else
2562 result+="a la documentación:";
2563 return result;
2564 }
bool isFileMemberHighlightMasculine(FileMemberHighlight::Enum hl)

References FileMemberHighlight::All, Config_getBool, FileMemberHighlight::Defines, FileMemberHighlight::Dictionaries, FileMemberHighlight::Enums, FileMemberHighlight::EnumValues, FileMemberHighlight::Functions, SpanishTranslatorUtils::isFileMemberHighlightMasculine(), FileMemberHighlight::Sequences, FileMemberHighlight::Total, FileMemberHighlight::Typedefs, and FileMemberHighlight::Variables.

◆ trFileReference()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trFileReference ( const QCString & fileName)

used as the title of the HTML page of a file

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 705 of file translator_es.h.

706 {
707 QCString result="Referencia del archivo ";
708 result+=fileName;
709 return result;
710 }

◆ trFlowchart()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trFlowchart ( )

This is used for translation of the word that will be followed by a single name of the VHDL process flowchart.

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 2456 of file translator_es.h.

2457 { return "Diagrama de flujo:"; }

◆ trFriends()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trFriends ( )

used in the class documentation as a header before the list of all friends of a class

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 665 of file translator_es.h.

666 { return "Amigas"; }

◆ trFunctionAndProc()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trFunctionAndProc ( )

VHDL functions/procedures/processes.

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 2168 of file translator_es.h.

2169 { return "Funciones/procedimientos/procesos"; }

◆ trFunctionDocumentation()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trFunctionDocumentation ( )

This is used in the documentation of a file/namespace before the list of documentation blocks for functions

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 572 of file translator_es.h.

573 { return "Documentación de funciones"; }

◆ trFunctions()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trFunctions ( )

This is used in the documentation of a file as a header before the list of (global) functions

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 536 of file translator_es.h.

537 { return "Funciones"; }

◆ trGeneratedAt()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trGeneratedAt ( const QCString & date,
const QCString & projName )

This is used in the standard footer of each page and indicates when the page was generated

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 599 of file translator_es.h.

600 {
601 QCString result="Generado el "+date;
602 if (!projName.isEmpty()) result+=" para "+projName;
603 result+=" por";
604 return result;
605 }

References QCString::isEmpty().

◆ trGeneratedAutomatically()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trGeneratedAutomatically ( const QCString & s)

this is put at the author sections at the bottom of man pages. parameter s is name of the project name.

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 239 of file translator_es.h.

240 { QCString result="Generado automáticamente por Doxygen";
241 if (!s.isEmpty()) result+=" para "+s;
242 result+=" del código fuente.";
243 return result;
244 }

References QCString::isEmpty().

◆ trGeneratedBy()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trGeneratedBy ( )

this text is used in the title page of a LaTeX document.

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 642 of file translator_es.h.

643 { return "Generado por"; }

◆ trGeneratedFromFiles()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trGeneratedFromFiles ( ClassDef::CompoundType compType,
bool single )

This is put at the bottom of a class documentation page and is followed by a list of files that were used to generate the page.

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 851 of file translator_es.h.

853 { // single is true implies a single file
854 bool vhdlOpt = Config_getBool(OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_VHDL);
855 QCString result="La documentación de est";
856 switch(compType)
857 {
858 case ClassDef::Class: result+=vhdlOpt? "a unidad de diseño":"a clase"; break;
859 case ClassDef::Struct: result+="a estructura"; break;
860 case ClassDef::Union: result+="a unión"; break;
861 case ClassDef::Interface: result+="a interface"; break;
862 case ClassDef::Protocol: result+="e protocolo"; break;
863 case ClassDef::Category: result+="a categoría"; break;
864 case ClassDef::Exception: result+="a excepción"; break;
865 default: break;
866 }
867 result+=" está generada de";
868 if (single) result+="l siguiente archivo:";
869 else result+=" los siguientes archivos:";
870 return result;
871 }

References ClassDef::Category, ClassDef::Class, Config_getBool, ClassDef::Exception, ClassDef::Interface, ClassDef::Protocol, ClassDef::Struct, and ClassDef::Union.

◆ trGeneratedFromFilesFortran()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trGeneratedFromFilesFortran ( ClassDef::CompoundType compType,
bool single )

This is put at the bottom of a module documentation page and is followed by a list of files that were used to generate the page.

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 1820 of file translator_es.h.

1822 {
1823 // single is true implies a single file
1824 QCString result="La documentación de est";
1825 switch(compType)
1826 {
1827 case ClassDef::Class: result+="e módulo"; break;
1828 case ClassDef::Struct: result+="e tipo"; break;
1829 case ClassDef::Union: result+="a unión"; break;
1830 case ClassDef::Interface: result+="a interface"; break;
1831 case ClassDef::Protocol: result+="e protocolo"; break;
1832 case ClassDef::Category: result+="a categoría"; break;
1833 case ClassDef::Exception: result+="a excepción"; break;
1834 default: break;
1835 }
1836 result+=" está generada de";
1837 if (single) result+="l siguiente archivo:";
1838 else result+=" los siguientes archivos:";
1839 return result;
1840 }

References ClassDef::Category, ClassDef::Class, ClassDef::Exception, ClassDef::Interface, ClassDef::Protocol, ClassDef::Struct, and ClassDef::Union.

◆ trGlobal()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trGlobal ( bool first_capital,
bool singular )

This is used for translation of the word that will possibly be followed by a single name or by a list of names of the category.

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 1387 of file translator_es.h.

1388 {
1389 return createNoun(first_capital, singular, "global", "es");
1390 }

References Translator::createNoun().

◆ trGlobalNamespace()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trGlobalNamespace ( )

Label used for search results in the global namespace

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 1883 of file translator_es.h.

1884 {
1885 return "Espacio de nombres global";
1886 }

◆ trGotoDocumentation()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trGotoDocumentation ( )

Used in the file sources to point to the corresponding documentation.

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 943 of file translator_es.h.

944 {
945 return "Ir a la documentación de este archivo.";
946 }

◆ trGotoGraphicalHierarchy()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trGotoGraphicalHierarchy ( )

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 983 of file translator_es.h.

984 {
985 return "Ir al gráfico de jerarquía de clases";
986 }

◆ trGotoSourceCode()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trGotoSourceCode ( )

Used in the file documentation to point to the corresponding sources.

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 937 of file translator_es.h.

938 {
939 return "Ir al código fuente de este archivo.";
940 }

◆ trGotoTextualHierarchy()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trGotoTextualHierarchy ( )

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 988 of file translator_es.h.

989 {
990 return "Ir al texto de jerarquía de clases";
991 }

◆ trGraphicalHierarchy()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trGraphicalHierarchy ( )

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 978 of file translator_es.h.

979 {
980 return "Gráfico de jerarquía de clases";
981 }

◆ trGroup()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trGroup ( bool first_capital,
bool singular )

This is used for translation of the word that will possibly be followed by a single name or by a list of names of the category.

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 1360 of file translator_es.h.

1361 {
1362 return createNoun(first_capital, singular, "módulo", "s");
1363 }

References Translator::createNoun().

◆ trHierarchicalIndex()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trHierarchicalIndex ( )

This is used in LaTeX as the title of the chapter with the class hierarchy.

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 456 of file translator_es.h.

457 { return "Índice jerárquico"; }

◆ trImplementedFromList()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trImplementedFromList ( int numEntries)

used in member documentation blocks to produce a list of members that are implemented by this one.

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 1421 of file translator_es.h.

1422 {
1423 return "Implementa "+trWriteList(numEntries)+".";
1424 }
QCString trWriteList(int numEntries) override

References trWriteList().

◆ trImplementedInList()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trImplementedInList ( int numEntries)

used in member documentation blocks to produce a list of all members that implement this abstract member.

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 1429 of file translator_es.h.

1430 {
1431 return "Implementado en "+trWriteList(numEntries)+".";
1432 }

References trWriteList().

◆ trInclByDepGraph()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trInclByDepGraph ( )

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 1094 of file translator_es.h.

1095 {
1096 return "Gráfico de los archivos que directa o "
1097 "indirectamente incluyen a este archivo:";
1098 }

◆ trInclDepGraph()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trInclDepGraph ( const QCString & fName)

this text is put before an include dependency graph

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 925 of file translator_es.h.

926 {
927 return "Gráfico de dependencias incluidas en "+fName+":";
928 }

◆ trIncludesFileIn()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trIncludesFileIn ( const QCString & name)

when clicking a directory dependency label, a page with a table is shown. The heading for the second column mentions the destination file that is included.

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 1917 of file translator_es.h.

1918 {
1919 return "Incluye archivo en "+name;
1920 }

◆ trIncludingInheritedMembers()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trIncludingInheritedMembers ( )

this is the remainder of the sentence after the class name

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 233 of file translator_es.h.

234 { return ", incluyendo todos los heredados:"; }

◆ trInheritedByList()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trInheritedByList ( int numEntries)

used in class documentation to produce a list of super classes, if class diagrams are disabled.

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 785 of file translator_es.h.

786 {
787 return "Heredado por "+trWriteList(numEntries)+".";
788 }

References trWriteList().

◆ trInheritedFrom()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trInheritedFrom ( const QCString & members,
const QCString & what )

Used for a section containing inherited members

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 2022 of file translator_es.h.

2023 { return members+" heredados de "+what; }

◆ trInheritsList()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trInheritsList ( int numEntries)

used in class documentation to produce a list of base classes, if class diagrams are disabled.

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 777 of file translator_es.h.

778 {
779 return "Hereda de "+trWriteList(numEntries)+".";
780 }

References trWriteList().

◆ trInitialValue()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trInitialValue ( )

Text shown before a multi-line variable/enum initialization

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 967 of file translator_es.h.

968 {
969 return "Valor inicial:";
970 }

◆ trInstanceMethods()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trInstanceMethods ( )

Used as the header of a list of instance methods in Objective-C. These are similar to public member functions in C++.

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 2074 of file translator_es.h.

2075 {
2076 return "Métodos de instancia";
2077 }

◆ trInterfaceDocumentation()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trInterfaceDocumentation ( )

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 2307 of file translator_es.h.

2308 {
2309 return "Documentación de interfaces";
2310 }

◆ trInterfaceHierarchy()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trInterfaceHierarchy ( )

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 2299 of file translator_es.h.

2300 {
2301 return "Jerarquía de interfaces";
2302 }

◆ trInterfaceHierarchyDescription()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trInterfaceHierarchyDescription ( )

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 2303 of file translator_es.h.

2304 {
2305 return "Este listado de herencia está ordenado de forma general, pero no está en orden alfabético estricto:";
2306 }

◆ trInterfaceIndex()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trInterfaceIndex ( )

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 2287 of file translator_es.h.

2288 {
2289 return "Índice de interfaces";
2290 }

◆ trInterfaceList()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trInterfaceList ( )

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 2291 of file translator_es.h.

2292 {
2293 return "Lista de interfaces";
2294 }

◆ trInterfaceListDescription()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trInterfaceListDescription ( )

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 2295 of file translator_es.h.

2296 {
2297 return "Esta es la lista de las interfaces con breves descripciones:";
2298 }

◆ trInterfaces()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trInterfaces ( )

old style UNO IDL services: implemented interfaces

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 2091 of file translator_es.h.

2092 { return "Interfaces exportadas"; }

◆ trInvariant()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trInvariant ( )

Text for the \invariant command

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 961 of file translator_es.h.

962 {
963 return "Invariante";
964 }

◆ trISOLang()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trISOLang ( )

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 155 of file translator_es.h.

156 {
157 return "es";
158 }

◆ trLegend()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trLegend ( )

text for the link to the legend page

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 1183 of file translator_es.h.

1184 {
1185 return "leyenda";
1186 }

◆ trLegendDocs()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trLegendDocs ( )

page explaining how the dot graph's should be interpreted The A in the text below are to prevent link to classes called "A".

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 1118 of file translator_es.h.

1119 {
1120 return
1121 "Esta página explica cómo interpretar los gráficos generados "
1122 "por doxygen.<p>\n"
1123 "Considérese el siguiente ejemplo:\n"
1124 "\\code\n"
1125 "/*! Clase invisible por truncamiento */\n"
1126 "class Invisible { };\n\n"
1127 "/*! Clase truncada, relación de herencia escondida */\n"
1128 "class Truncated : public Invisible { };\n\n"
1129 "/* Clase no documentada con comentarios de doxygen */\n"
1130 "class Undocumented { };\n\n"
1131 "/*! Clase que es heredera usando herencia publica */\n"
1132 "class PublicBase : public Truncated { };\n\n"
1133 "/*! Plantilla de clases */\n"
1134 "template<class T> class Templ { };\n\n"
1135 "/*! Clase que es heredera usando herencia protegida */\n"
1136 "class ProtectedBase { };\n\n"
1137 "/*! Clase que es heredera usando herencia privada */\n"
1138 "class PrivateBase { };\n\n"
1139 "/*! Clase que es usada por la clase heredada */\n"
1140 "class Used { };\n\n"
1141 "/*! Superclase que hereda de varias otras clases */\n"
1142 "class Inherited : public PublicBase,\n"
1143 " protected ProtectedBase,\n"
1144 " private PrivateBase,\n"
1145 " public Undocumented,\n"
1146 " public Templ<int>\n"
1147 "{\n"
1148 " private:\n"
1149 " Used *m_usedClass;\n"
1150 "};\n"
1151 "\\endcode\n"
1152 "Dará como resultado el siguiente gráfico:"
1153 "<p><center><img alt=\"\" src=\"graph_legend."+getDotImageExtension()+"\"></center></p>\n"
1154 "<p>\n"
1155 "Las cajas del gráfico superior tienen el siguiente significado:\n"
1156 "</p>\n"
1157 "<ul>\n"
1158 "<li>Una caja gris rellena representa la estructura o clase para la cual "
1159 "se generó el gráfico.\n"
1160 "<li>Una caja con borde negro indica una estructura o clase documentada.\n"
1161 "<li>Una caja con borde gris indica una estructura o clase no documentada.\n"
1162 "<li>Una caja con borde rojo indica una estructura o clase documentada"
1163 " de la que no todas las relaciones de herencia/asociación se "
1164 "muestran. Un gráfico queda cortado si no encaja dentro de los "
1165 "límites especificados."
1166 "</ul>\n"
1167 "<p>\n"
1168 "Las flechas tienen el siguiente significado:\n"
1169 "</p>\n"
1170 "<ul>\n"
1171 "<li>Una flecha azul oscuro se usa para mostrar una relación de herencia publica entre dos clases.\n"
1172 "<li>Una flecha verde oscuro se usa para una herencia protegida.\n"
1173 "<li>Una flecha rojo oscuro se usa para herencia privada.\n"
1174 "<li>Una flecha púrpura discontinua se usa si la clase está contenida o "
1175 "se usa por otra clase. La flecha está etiquetada por la variable "
1176 "con que se accede a la clase o estructura apuntada. \n"
1177 "<li>Una flecha amarilla discontinua indica la relación entre una instancia de plantilla y la clase de plantilla de la que se ha instanciado."
1178 " La flecha se etiqueta con los parámetros de plantilla de la instancia.\n"
1179 "</ul>\n";
1180 }
QCString getDotImageExtension()
Definition util.cpp:6765

References getDotImageExtension().

◆ trLegendTitle()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trLegendTitle ( )

title of the graph legend page

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 1110 of file translator_es.h.

1111 {
1112 return "Leyenda del gráfico";
1113 }

◆ trListOfAllMembers()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trListOfAllMembers ( )

put in the class documentation

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 221 of file translator_es.h.

222 { return "Lista de todos los miembros"; }

◆ trLoading()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trLoading ( )

Loading message shown when loading search results

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 1877 of file translator_es.h.

1878 {
1879 return "Cargando...";
1880 }

◆ trMainPage()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trMainPage ( )

This is in the (quick) index as a link to the main page (index.html)

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 883 of file translator_es.h.

884 { return "Página principal"; }

◆ trMember()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trMember ( bool first_capital,
bool singular )

This is used for translation of the word that will possibly be followed by a single name or by a list of names of the category.

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 1378 of file translator_es.h.

1379 {
1380 return createNoun(first_capital, singular, "miembro", "s");
1381 }

References Translator::createNoun().

◆ trMemberDataDocumentation()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trMemberDataDocumentation ( )

header that is put before the list of member attributes.

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 204 of file translator_es.h.

205 {
206 if (Config_getBool(OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_FOR_C))
207 {
208 return "Documentación de campos";
209 }
210 else
211 {
212 return "Documentación de datos miembro";
213 }
214 }

References Config_getBool.

◆ trMemberEnumerationDocumentation()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trMemberEnumerationDocumentation ( )

header that is put before the list of enumerations.

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 187 of file translator_es.h.

188 { return "Documentación de las enumeraciones miembro de la clase"; }

◆ trMemberFunctionDocumentation()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trMemberFunctionDocumentation ( )

header that is put before the list of member functions.

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 191 of file translator_es.h.

192 {
193 if (Config_getBool(OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_VHDL))
194 {
195 return "Documentación de funciones/procedimientos/procesos miembro";
196 }
197 else
198 {
199 return "Documentación de funciones miembro";
200 }
201 }

References Config_getBool.

◆ trMemberFunctionDocumentationFortran()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trMemberFunctionDocumentationFortran ( )

header that is put before the list of member subprograms (Fortran).

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 1672 of file translator_es.h.

1673 { return "Documentación de funciones/subrutinas miembros"; }

◆ trMemberList()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trMemberList ( )

used as the title of the "list of all members" page of a class

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 225 of file translator_es.h.

226 { return "Lista de los miembros"; }

◆ trMemberTypedefDocumentation()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trMemberTypedefDocumentation ( )

header that is put before the list of typedefs.

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 183 of file translator_es.h.

184 { return "Documentación de los «Typedef» miembros de la clase"; }

◆ trMethodDocumentation()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trMethodDocumentation ( )

Used as the header of the member functions of an Objective-C class.

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 2081 of file translator_es.h.

2082 {
2083 return "Documentación de métodos";
2084 }

◆ trModule()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trModule ( bool first_capital,
bool singular )

This is used for translation of the word that will possibly be followed by a single name or by a list of names of the category.

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 1812 of file translator_es.h.

1813 {
1814 return createNoun(first_capital, singular, "módulo", "s");
1815 }

References Translator::createNoun().

◆ trModuleDocumentation()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trModuleDocumentation ( )

This is used in LaTeX as the title of the chapter containing the documentation of all groups.

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 483 of file translator_es.h.

484 { return "Documentación de módulos"; }

◆ trModuleIndex()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trModuleIndex ( )

This is used in LaTeX as the title of the chapter with the index of all groups.

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 450 of file translator_es.h.

451 { return "Índice de módulos"; }

◆ trModuleReference()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trModuleReference ( const QCString & namespaceName)

used as the title of the HTML page of a module (Fortran)

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 1774 of file translator_es.h.

1775 {
1776 QCString result="Referencia del módulo ";
1777 result+=namespaceName;
1778 return result;
1779 }

◆ trModules()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trModules ( )

This is put above each page as a link to the list of all groups of compounds or files (see the \group command).

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 263 of file translator_es.h.

264 { return "Módulos"; }

◆ trModulesDescription()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trModulesDescription ( )

This is an introduction to the page with the list of class/file groups

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 438 of file translator_es.h.

439 { return "Lista de todos los módulos:"; }

◆ trModulesIndex()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trModulesIndex ( )

This is used in LaTeX as the title of the chapter with the index of all modules (Fortran).

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 1805 of file translator_es.h.

1806 { return "Índice de módulos"; }

◆ trModulesList()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trModulesList ( )

used as the title of page containing all the index of all modules (Fortran).

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 1739 of file translator_es.h.

1740 { return "Lista de módulos"; }

◆ trModulesListDescription()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trModulesListDescription ( bool extractAll)

used as an introduction to the modules list (Fortran)

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 1743 of file translator_es.h.

1744 {
1745 QCString result="Lista de todos los módulos ";
1746 if (!extractAll) result+="documentados ";
1747 result+="con breves descripciones:";
1748 return result;
1749 }

◆ trModulesMemberDescription()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trModulesMemberDescription ( bool extractAll)

This is an introduction to the page with all modules members (Fortran)

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 1786 of file translator_es.h.

1787 {
1788 QCString result="Lista de todos los miembros del módulo ";
1789 if (!extractAll) result+="documentados ";
1790 result+="con enlaces ";
1791 if (extractAll)
1792 {
1793 result+="a la documentación del módulo para cada uno:";
1794 }
1795 else
1796 {
1797 result+="al módulo al que pertenecen:";
1798 }
1799 return result;
1800 }

◆ trModulesMembers()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trModulesMembers ( )

This is put above each page as a link to all members of modules. (Fortran)

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 1782 of file translator_es.h.

1783 { return "Miembros del módulo"; }

◆ trMonth()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trMonth ( int month,
bool first_capital,
bool full )

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 1962 of file translator_es.h.

1963 {
1964 static const char *months_short[] = { "ene", "feb", "mar", "abr", "may", "jun", "jul", "ago", "sep", "oct", "nov", "dic" };
1965 static const char *months_full[] = { "enero", "febrero", "marzo", "abril", "mayo", "junio", "julio", "agosto", "septiembre", "octubre", "noviembre", "diciembre" };
1966 QCString text = full? months_full[month-1] : months_short[month-1];
1967 return first_capital? text.mid(0,1).upper()+text.mid(1) : text;
1968 }

References QCString::mid(), and QCString::upper().

◆ trMore()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trMore ( )

this is the text of a link put after brief descriptions.

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 217 of file translator_es.h.

218 { return "Más..."; }

◆ trNamespace()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trNamespace ( bool first_capital,
bool singular )

This is used for translation of the word that will possibly be followed by a single name or by a list of names of the category.

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 1349 of file translator_es.h.

1350 {
1351 QCString result = createNoun(first_capital, singular, "espacio", "s");
1352 result+=" de nombres";
1353 return result;
1354 }

References Translator::createNoun().

◆ trNamespaceDocumentation()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trNamespaceDocumentation ( )

This is used in LaTeX as the title of the chapter containing the documentation of all namespaces.

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 831 of file translator_es.h.

832 { return "Documentación de espacios de nombres"; }

◆ trNamespaceIndex()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trNamespaceIndex ( )

This is used in LaTeX as the title of the chapter with the index of all namespaces.

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 825 of file translator_es.h.

826 { return "Índice de espacios de nombres"; }

◆ trNamespaceList()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trNamespaceList ( )

used as the title of page containing all the index of all namespaces.

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 650 of file translator_es.h.

651 { return "Lista de espacios de nombres"; }

◆ trNamespaceListDescription()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trNamespaceListDescription ( bool extractAll)

used as an introduction to the namespace list

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 654 of file translator_es.h.

655 {
656 QCString result="Lista de ";
657 if (!extractAll) result+="todos ";
658 result+="los espacios de nombres documentados, con breves descripciones:";
659 return result;
660 }

◆ trNamespaceMemberDescription()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trNamespaceMemberDescription ( bool extractAll)

This is an introduction to the page with all namespace members

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 811 of file translator_es.h.

812 {
813 QCString result="Lista de todos los miembros de espacios de nombres ";
814 if (!extractAll) result+="documentados ";
815 result+="con enlaces a ";
816 if (extractAll)
817 result+="la documentación del espacio de nombres de cada miembro:";
818 else
819 result+="al espacio de nombres al que pertenecen:";
820 return result;
821 }

◆ trNamespaceMembers()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trNamespaceMembers ( )

This is put above each page as a link to all members of namespaces.

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 807 of file translator_es.h.

808 { return "Miembros del espacio de nombres "; }

◆ trNamespaceMembersDescriptionTotal()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trNamespaceMembersDescriptionTotal ( NamespaceMemberHighlight::Enum hl)

Reimplemented from TranslatorAdapter_1_9_6.

Definition at line 2638 of file translator_es.h.

2639 {
2640 bool extractAll = Config_getBool(EXTRACT_ALL);
2642 QCString result="Lista de ";
2643 result+=(masculine ? "todos los " : "todas las ");
2644 QCString singularResult = "";
2645 QCString pluralResult = "";
2646 switch (hl)
2647 {
2649 singularResult="miembro";
2650 pluralResult="miembros";
2651 break;
2653 singularResult="función";
2654 pluralResult="funciones";
2655 break;
2657 singularResult="variable";
2658 pluralResult="variables";
2659 break;
2661 singularResult="«typedef»";
2662 pluralResult="«typedefs»";
2663 break;
2665 singularResult="secuencia";
2666 pluralResult="secuencias";
2667 break;
2669 singularResult="diccionario";
2670 pluralResult="diccionarios";
2671 break;
2673 singularResult="enumeración";
2674 pluralResult="enumeraciones";
2675 break;
2677 singularResult="valor enumerado";
2678 pluralResult="valores enumerados";
2679 break;
2680 case NamespaceMemberHighlight::Total: // for completeness
2681 break;
2682 }
2683 result+=(pluralResult.isEmpty() ? singularResult+"s" : pluralResult);
2685 result+="del espacio de nombres ";
2686 if (!extractAll) result+=(masculine ? "documentados " : "documentadas ");
2687 result+=" con enlaces ";
2688 if (extractAll)
2689 result+="a la documentación del espacio de nombres de cada " + singularResult + ":";
2690 else
2691 result+="a los espacios de nombres a los que pertenecen:";
2692 return result;
2693 }
bool isNamespaceMemberHighlightMasculine(NamespaceMemberHighlight::Enum hl)

References NamespaceMemberHighlight::All, Config_getBool, NamespaceMemberHighlight::Dictionaries, NamespaceMemberHighlight::Enums, NamespaceMemberHighlight::EnumValues, NamespaceMemberHighlight::Functions, QCString::isEmpty(), SpanishTranslatorUtils::isNamespaceMemberHighlightMasculine(), NamespaceMemberHighlight::Sequences, NamespaceMemberHighlight::Total, NamespaceMemberHighlight::Typedefs, and NamespaceMemberHighlight::Variables.

◆ trNamespaceReference()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trNamespaceReference ( const QCString & namespaceName)

used as the title of the HTML page of a namespace

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 713 of file translator_es.h.

714 {
715 QCString result="Referencia del espacio de nombres ";
716 result+=namespaceName;
717 return result;
718 }

◆ trNamespaces()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trNamespaces ( )

This is used in the documentation before the list of all namespaces in a file.

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 841 of file translator_es.h.

842 { return "Espacios de nombres"; }

◆ trNoMatches()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trNoMatches ( )

Text shown when no search results are found

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 1895 of file translator_es.h.

1896 {
1897 return "Nada coincide";
1898 }

◆ trNote()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trNote ( )

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 1002 of file translator_es.h.

1003 {
1004 return "Nota";
1005 }

◆ trOperationDocumentation()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trOperationDocumentation ( )

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 2377 of file translator_es.h.

2378 {
2379 return "Documentación de operaciones";
2380 }

◆ trOperations()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trOperations ( )

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 2373 of file translator_es.h.

2374 {
2375 return "Operaciones";
2376 }

◆ trOverloadText()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trOverloadText ( )

This text is added to the documentation when the \overload command is used for a overloaded function.

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 1644 of file translator_es.h.

1645 {
1646 return "Esta es una función miembro sobrecargada que se "
1647 "suministra por conveniencia. Difiere de la anterior "
1648 "función solamente en los argumentos que acepta.";
1649 }

◆ trPackage()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trPackage ( const QCString & name)

Used as the title of a Java package

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 1238 of file translator_es.h.

1239 {
1240 return "Paquete "+name;
1241 }

◆ trPackageAttribs()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trPackageAttribs ( )

Used as a heading for a list of Java class variables with package scope.

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 1510 of file translator_es.h.

1511 {
1512 return "Atributos de paquete";
1513 }

◆ trPackageFunctions()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trPackageFunctions ( )

Used as a heading for a list of Java class functions with package scope.

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 1490 of file translator_es.h.

1491 {
1492 return "Funciones de paquete";
1493 }

◆ trPackageList()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trPackageList ( )

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 2446 of file translator_es.h.

2447 { return "Lista de paquetes"; }

◆ trPackageListDescription()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trPackageListDescription ( )

The description of the package index page

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 1245 of file translator_es.h.

1246 {
1247 return "Estos son los paquetes con breves descripciones (si están disponibles):";
1248 }

◆ trPackageMembers()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trPackageMembers ( )

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 1494 of file translator_es.h.

1495 {
1496 return "Miembros de paquete";
1497 }

◆ trPackages()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trPackages ( )

The link name in the Quick links header for each page

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 1251 of file translator_es.h.

1252 {
1253 return "Paquetes";
1254 }

◆ trPackageTypes()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trPackageTypes ( )

Used as a heading for a list of Java class types with package scope.

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 1482 of file translator_es.h.

1483 {
1484 return "Tipos de paquete";
1485 }

◆ trPage()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trPage ( bool first_capital,
bool singular )

This is used for translation of the word that will possibly be followed by a single name or by a list of names of the category.

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 1369 of file translator_es.h.

1370 {
1371 return createNoun(first_capital, singular, "página", "s");
1372 }

References Translator::createNoun().

◆ trPageAbbreviation()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trPageAbbreviation ( )

This is used in references to page that are put in the LaTeX documentation. It should be an abbreviation of the word page.

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 889 of file translator_es.h.

890 { return "pág."; }

◆ trPageIndex()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trPageIndex ( )

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 993 of file translator_es.h.

994 {
995 return "Índice de páginas";
996 }

◆ trPanelSynchronisationTooltip()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trPanelSynchronisationTooltip ( bool enable)

Used as a tooltip for the toggle button that appears in the navigation tree in the HTML output when GENERATE_TREEVIEW is enabled. This tooltip explains the meaning of the button.

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 2039 of file translator_es.h.

2040 {
2041 QCString opt = enable ? "habilitar" : "deshabilitar";
2042 return "pulsar para "+opt+" sincronización";
2043 }

◆ trParameters()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trParameters ( )

this text is generated when the \param command is used.

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 634 of file translator_es.h.

635 { return "Parámetros"; }

◆ trPostcondition()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trPostcondition ( )

Text for the \post command

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 955 of file translator_es.h.

956 {
957 return "Postcondición";
958 }

◆ trPrecondition()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trPrecondition ( )

Text for the \pre command

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 949 of file translator_es.h.

950 {
951 return "Precondición";
952 }

◆ trPrivateAttribs()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trPrivateAttribs ( )

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 1049 of file translator_es.h.

1050 {
1051 return "Atributos privados";
1052 }

◆ trPrivateMembers()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trPrivateMembers ( )

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 741 of file translator_es.h.

742 { return "Métodos privados"; }

◆ trPrivateSlots()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trPrivateSlots ( )

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 744 of file translator_es.h.

745 { return "Slots privados"; }

◆ trPrivateTypes()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trPrivateTypes ( )

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 1044 of file translator_es.h.

1045 {
1046 return "Tipos privados";
1047 }

◆ trProperties()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trProperties ( )

Used as a section header for IDL properties

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 1209 of file translator_es.h.

1210 {
1211 return "Propiedades";
1212 }

◆ trPropertyDocumentation()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trPropertyDocumentation ( )

Used as a section header for IDL property documentation

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 1215 of file translator_es.h.

1216 {
1217 return "Documentación de propiedades";
1218 }

◆ trProtectedAttribs()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trProtectedAttribs ( )

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 1034 of file translator_es.h.

1035 {
1036 return "Atributos protegidos";
1037 }

◆ trProtectedMembers()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trProtectedMembers ( )

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 732 of file translator_es.h.

733 { return "Métodos protegidos"; }

◆ trProtectedSlots()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trProtectedSlots ( )

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 735 of file translator_es.h.

736 { return "Slots protegidos"; }

◆ trProtectedTypes()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trProtectedTypes ( )

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 1029 of file translator_es.h.

1030 {
1031 return "Tipos protegidos";
1032 }

◆ trProvidedByCategory()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trProvidedByCategory ( )

Used in a method of an Objective-C class that is declared in a a category. Note that the @1 marker is required and is replaced by a link.

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 2049 of file translator_es.h.

2050 {
2051 return "Proporcionado por la categoría @0.";
2052 }

◆ trPublicAttribs()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trPublicAttribs ( )

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 1012 of file translator_es.h.

1013 {
1014 if (Config_getBool(OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_FOR_C))
1015 {
1016 return "Campos de datos";
1017 }
1018 else
1019 {
1020 return "Atributos públicos";
1021 }
1022 }

References Config_getBool.

◆ trPublicMembers()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trPublicMembers ( )

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 720 of file translator_es.h.

721 { return "Métodos públicos"; }

◆ trPublicSlots()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trPublicSlots ( )

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 723 of file translator_es.h.

724 { return "Slots públicos"; }

◆ trPublicTypes()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trPublicTypes ( )

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 1007 of file translator_es.h.

1008 {
1009 return "Tipos públicos";
1010 }

◆ trReferencedBy()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trReferencedBy ( )

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 1079 of file translator_es.h.

1080 {
1081 return "Referenciado por";
1082 }

◆ trReferenceManual()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trReferenceManual ( )

This is used in LaTeX as the title of the document

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 512 of file translator_es.h.

513 { return "Manual de referencia"; }

◆ trReferences()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trReferences ( )

This text is put before the list of members referenced by a member

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 1409 of file translator_es.h.

1410 {
1411 return "Hace referencia a";
1412 }

◆ trReimplementedFromList()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trReimplementedFromList ( int numEntries)

used in member documentation blocks to produce a list of members that are hidden by this one.

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 793 of file translator_es.h.

794 {
795 return "Reimplementado de "+trWriteList(numEntries)+".";
796 }

References trWriteList().

◆ trReimplementedInList()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trReimplementedInList ( int numEntries)

used in member documentation blocks to produce a list of all member that overwrite the implementation of this member.

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 801 of file translator_es.h.

802 {
803 return "Reimplementado en "+trWriteList(numEntries)+".";
804 }

References trWriteList().

◆ trRelatedFunctionDocumentation()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trRelatedFunctionDocumentation ( )

used in the class documentation as a header before the list of all related classes

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 675 of file translator_es.h.

676 { return "Documentación de clases amigas y funciones relacionadas"; }

◆ trRelatedFunctions()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trRelatedFunctions ( )

used in the compound documentation before a list of related functions.

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 167 of file translator_es.h.

168 { return "Funciones relacionadas"; }

◆ trRelatedPages()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trRelatedPages ( )

This is put above each page as a link to all related pages.

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 314 of file translator_es.h.

315 { return "Páginas relacionadas"; }

◆ trRelatedPagesDescription()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trRelatedPagesDescription ( )

This is an introduction to the page with the list of related pages

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 434 of file translator_es.h.

435 { return "Lista de toda la documentación relacionada:"; }

◆ trRelatedSubscript()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trRelatedSubscript ( )

subscript for the related functions.

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 171 of file translator_es.h.

172 { return "(Observar que estas no son funciones miembro.)"; }

◆ trRelatedSymbolDocumentation()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trRelatedSymbolDocumentation ( )

used in the class documentation as a header before the list of all related classes.

Supersedes trRelatedFunctionDocumentation

Reimplemented from TranslatorAdapter_1_9_6.

Definition at line 2486 of file translator_es.h.

2487 { return "Documentación de símbolos amigos y relacionados"; }

◆ trRelatedSymbols()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trRelatedSymbols ( )

Please translate also updated body of the method trMemberFunctionDocumentation(), now better adapted for VHDL sources documentation.

used in the compound documentation before a list of related symbols.

Supersedes trRelatedFunctions

Reimplemented from TranslatorAdapter_1_9_6.

Definition at line 2471 of file translator_es.h.

2472 { return "Símbolos relacionados"; }

◆ trRelatedSymbolsSubscript()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trRelatedSymbolsSubscript ( )

subscript for the related symbols

Supersedes trRelatedSubscript

Reimplemented from TranslatorAdapter_1_9_6.

Definition at line 2478 of file translator_es.h.

2479 { return "(Observar que estos no son símbolos miembro.)"; }

◆ trRemarks()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trRemarks ( )

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 1084 of file translator_es.h.

1085 {
1086 return "Comentarios";
1087 }

◆ trReturns()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trReturns ( )

this text is generated when the \return command is used.

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 626 of file translator_es.h.

627 { return "Devuelve"; }

◆ trReturnValues()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trReturnValues ( )

This is used as the heading text for the retval command.

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 878 of file translator_es.h.

879 { return "Valores devueltos"; }

◆ trRTFansicp()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trRTFansicp ( )

Used as ansicpg for RTF file

The following table shows the correlation of Charset name, Charset Value and

Codepage number:
Charset Name       Charset Value(hex)  Codepage number
DEFAULT_CHARSET           1 (x01)
SYMBOL_CHARSET            2 (x02)
OEM_CHARSET             255 (xFF)
ANSI_CHARSET              0 (x00)            1252
RUSSIAN_CHARSET         204 (xCC)            1251
EE_CHARSET              238 (xEE)            1250
GREEK_CHARSET           161 (xA1)            1253
TURKISH_CHARSET         162 (xA2)            1254
BALTIC_CHARSET          186 (xBA)            1257
HEBREW_CHARSET          177 (xB1)            1255
ARABIC _CHARSET         178 (xB2)            1256
SHIFTJIS_CHARSET        128 (x80)             932
HANGEUL_CHARSET         129 (x81)             949
GB2313_CHARSET          134 (x86)             936
CHINESEBIG5_CHARSET     136 (x88)             950

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 1307 of file translator_es.h.

1308 {
1309 return "1252";
1310 }

◆ trRTFCharSet()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trRTFCharSet ( )

Used as ansicpg for RTF fcharset

See also
trRTFansicp() for a table of possible values.

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 1316 of file translator_es.h.

1317 {
1318 return "0";
1319 }

◆ trRTFGeneralIndex()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trRTFGeneralIndex ( )

Used as header RTF general index

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 1322 of file translator_es.h.

1323 {
1324 return "Índice";
1325 }

◆ trRTFTableOfContents()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trRTFTableOfContents ( )

used in RTF documentation as a heading for the Table of Contents.

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 1441 of file translator_es.h.

1442 {
1443 return "Tabla de contenidos";
1444 }

◆ trSearch()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trSearch ( )

This is put above each page as a link to the search engine.

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 322 of file translator_es.h.

323 { return "Buscar"; }

◆ trSearching()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trSearching ( )

Message shown while searching

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 1889 of file translator_es.h.

1890 {
1891 return "Buscando...";
1892 }

◆ trSearchMatches()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trSearchMatches ( )

This string is put before the list of matched words, for each search result. What follows is the list of words that matched the query.

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 1581 of file translator_es.h.

1582 {
1583 return "Coincidencias:";
1584 }

◆ trSearchResults()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trSearchResults ( int numDocuments)

This string is put just before listing the search results. The text can be different depending on the number of documents found. Inside the text you can put the special marker $num to insert the number representing the actual number of search results. The numDocuments parameter can be either 0, 1 or 2, where the value 2 represents 2 or more matches. HTML markup is allowed inside the returned string.

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 1561 of file translator_es.h.

1562 {
1563 if (numDocuments==0)
1564 {
1565 return "Disculpe, no se encontraron documentos que coincidan con su búsqueda.";
1566 }
1567 else if (numDocuments==1)
1568 {
1569 return "Se encontró <b>1</b> documento que coincide con su búsqueda.";
1570 }
1571 else
1572 {
1573 return "Se encontraron <b>$num</b> documentos que coinciden con su búsqueda. "
1574 "Se muestran los mejores resultados primero.";
1575 }
1576 }

◆ trSearchResultsTitle()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trSearchResultsTitle ( )

This string is used as the title for the page listing the search results.

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 1548 of file translator_es.h.

1549 {
1550 return "Resultados de la búsqueda";
1551 }

◆ trSeeAlso()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trSeeAlso ( )

this text is generated when the \sa command is used.

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 630 of file translator_es.h.

631 { return "Ver también"; }

◆ trSequenceDocumentation()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trSequenceDocumentation ( )

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 2271 of file translator_es.h.

2272 {
2273 return "Documentación de secuencias";
2274 }

◆ trSequences()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trSequences ( )

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 2267 of file translator_es.h.

2268 {
2269 return "Secuencias";
2270 }

◆ trServiceGeneratedFromFiles()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trServiceGeneratedFromFiles ( bool single)

UNO IDL service page.

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 2124 of file translator_es.h.

2125 {
2126 // single is true implies a single file
2127 QCString result="La documentación de este servicio "
2128 "está generada de";
2129 if (single) result+="l siguiente archivo:"; else result+=" los siguientes archivos:";
2130 return result;
2131 }

◆ trServiceReference()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trServiceReference ( const QCString & sName)

UNO IDL service page title.

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 2110 of file translator_es.h.

2111 {
2112 QCString result="Referencia a servicios de ";
2113 result+=sName;
2114 return result;
2115 }

◆ trServices()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trServices ( )

old style UNO IDL services: inherited services

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 2095 of file translator_es.h.

2096 { return "Servicios incluidos"; }

◆ trSignals()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trSignals ( )

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 726 of file translator_es.h.

727 { return "Señales"; }

◆ trSince()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trSince ( )

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 1100 of file translator_es.h.

1101 {
1102 return "Desde";
1103 }

◆ trSingletonGeneratedFromFiles()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trSingletonGeneratedFromFiles ( bool single)

UNO IDL singleton page.

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 2133 of file translator_es.h.

2134 {
2135 // single is true implies a single file
2136 QCString result="La documentación de este «singleton» "
2137 "está generada de";
2138 if (single) result+="l siguiente archivo:"; else result+=" los siguientes archivos:";
2139 return result;
2140 }

◆ trSingletonReference()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trSingletonReference ( const QCString & sName)

UNO IDL singleton page title.

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 2117 of file translator_es.h.

2118 {
2119 QCString result="Referencia a «singleton» de ";
2120 result+=sName;
2121 return result;
2122 }

◆ trSliceInterfaces()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trSliceInterfaces ( )

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 2283 of file translator_es.h.

2284 {
2285 return "Interfaces";
2286 }

◆ trSourceFile()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trSourceFile ( const QCString & filename)

This is used in HTML as the title of page with source code for file filename

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 1592 of file translator_es.h.

1593 {
1594 return "Archivo de código fuente " + filename;
1595 }

◆ trStaticPackageAttribs()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trStaticPackageAttribs ( )

Used as a heading for a list of static Java class variables with package scope.

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 1518 of file translator_es.h.

1519 {
1520 return "Atributos estáticos de paquete";
1521 }

◆ trStaticPackageFunctions()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trStaticPackageFunctions ( )

Used as a heading for a list of static Java class functions with package scope.

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 1502 of file translator_es.h.

1503 {
1504 return "Funciones estáticas de paquete";
1505 }

◆ trStaticPrivateAttribs()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trStaticPrivateAttribs ( )

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 1054 of file translator_es.h.

1055 {
1056 return "Atributos estáticos privados";
1057 }

◆ trStaticPrivateMembers()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trStaticPrivateMembers ( )

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 747 of file translator_es.h.

748 { return "Métodos privados estáticos"; }

◆ trStaticProtectedAttribs()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trStaticProtectedAttribs ( )

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 1039 of file translator_es.h.

1040 {
1041 return "Atributos estáticos protegidos";
1042 }

◆ trStaticProtectedMembers()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trStaticProtectedMembers ( )

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 738 of file translator_es.h.

739 { return "Métodos protegidos estáticos"; }

◆ trStaticPublicAttribs()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trStaticPublicAttribs ( )

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 1024 of file translator_es.h.

1025 {
1026 return "Atributos públicos estáticos";
1027 }

◆ trStaticPublicMembers()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trStaticPublicMembers ( )

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 729 of file translator_es.h.

730 { return "Métodos públicos estáticos"; }

◆ trStructDocumentation()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trStructDocumentation ( )

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 2327 of file translator_es.h.

2328 {
2329 return "Documentación de estructuras de datos";
2330 }

◆ trStructIndex()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trStructIndex ( )

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 2315 of file translator_es.h.

2316 {
2317 return "Índice de estructuras de datos";
2318 }

◆ trStructList()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trStructList ( )

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 2319 of file translator_es.h.

2320 {
2321 return "Lista de estructuras de datos";
2322 }

◆ trStructListDescription()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trStructListDescription ( )

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 2323 of file translator_es.h.

2324 {
2325 return "Esta es la lista de las estructuras de datos con breves descripciones:";
2326 }

◆ trStructs()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trStructs ( )

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 2311 of file translator_es.h.

2312 {
2313 return "Estructuras de datos";
2314 }

◆ trSubprogram()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trSubprogram ( bool first_capital,
bool singular )

This is used for translation of the word that will possibly be followed by a single name or by a list of names of the category.

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 1855 of file translator_es.h.

1856 {
1857 return createNoun(first_capital, singular, "subprograma", "s");
1858 }

References Translator::createNoun().

◆ trSubprogramDocumentation()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trSubprogramDocumentation ( )

This is used in the documentation of a file/namespace before the list of documentation blocks for subprograms (Fortran)

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 1729 of file translator_es.h.

1730 { return "Documentación de funciones/subrutinas"; }

◆ trSubprograms()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trSubprograms ( )

This is used in the documentation of a file as a header before the list of (global) subprograms (Fortran).

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 1723 of file translator_es.h.

1724 { return "Funciones/subrutinas"; }

◆ trTemplateParameters()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trTemplateParameters ( )

Section header for list of template parameters

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 2000 of file translator_es.h.

2001 { return "Parámetros de plantilla"; }

◆ trTest()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trTest ( )

Used as a marker that is put before a test item

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 1193 of file translator_es.h.

1194 {
1195 return "Prueba";
1196 }

◆ trTestList()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trTestList ( )

Used as the header of the test list

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 1199 of file translator_es.h.

1200 {
1201 return "Lista de pruebas";
1202 }

◆ trThisIsTheListOfAllMembers()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trThisIsTheListOfAllMembers ( )

this is the first part of a sentence that is followed by a class name

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 229 of file translator_es.h.

230 { return "Lista completa de los miembros de"; }

◆ trTodo()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trTodo ( )

Used as a marker that is put before a \todo item

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 1064 of file translator_es.h.

1065 {
1066 return "Tareas pendientes";
1067 }

◆ trTodoList()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trTodoList ( )

Used as the header of the todo list

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 1070 of file translator_es.h.

1071 {
1072 return "Lista de tareas pendientes";
1073 }

◆ trType()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trType ( bool first_capital,
bool singular )

This is used for translation of the word that will possibly be followed by a single name or by a list of names of the category.

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 1846 of file translator_es.h.

1847 {
1848 return createNoun(first_capital, singular, "tipo", "s");
1849 }

References Translator::createNoun().

Referenced by trCompoundType().

◆ trTypeConstraints()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trTypeConstraints ( )

C# Type Constraint list

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 1861 of file translator_es.h.

1862 {
1863 return "Restricciones de tipo";
1864 }

◆ trTypedefDocumentation()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trTypedefDocumentation ( )

This is used in the documentation of a file/namespace before the list of documentation blocks for typedefs

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 560 of file translator_es.h.

561 { return "Documentación de «typedef»"; }

◆ trTypedefs()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trTypedefs ( )

This is used in the documentation of a file as a header before the list of typedefs

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 524 of file translator_es.h.

525 { return "typedefs"; }

◆ trTypeDocumentation()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trTypeDocumentation ( )

This is used in LaTeX as the title of the chapter containing the documentation of all data types (Fortran).

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 1717 of file translator_es.h.

1718 { return "Documentación de tipos de datos"; }

◆ trVariableDocumentation()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trVariableDocumentation ( )

This is used in the documentation of a file/namespace before the list of documentation blocks for variables

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 578 of file translator_es.h.

579 { return "Documentación de variables"; }

◆ trVariables()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trVariables ( )

This is used in the documentation of a file as a header before the list of (global) variables

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 542 of file translator_es.h.

543 { return "Variables"; }

◆ trVersion()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trVersion ( )

this text is generated when the \version command is used.

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 618 of file translator_es.h.

619 { return "Versión"; }

◆ trVhdlType()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trVhdlType ( VhdlSpecifier type,
bool single )

VHDL type.

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 2171 of file translator_es.h.

2172 {
2173 switch(type)
2174 {
2176 if (single) return "Biblioteca";
2177 else return "Bibliotecas";
2179 if (single) return "Paquete";
2180 else return "Paquetes";
2182 if (single) return "Señal";
2183 else return "Señales";
2185 if (single) return "Componente";
2186 else return "Componentes";
2188 if (single) return "Constante";
2189 else return "Constantes";
2191 if (single) return "Entidad";
2192 else return "Entidades";
2194 if (single) return "Tipo";
2195 else return "Tipos";
2197 if (single) return "Subtipo";
2198 else return "Subtipos";
2200 if (single) return "Función";
2201 else return "Funciones";
2203 if (single) return "Registro";
2204 else return "Registros";
2206 if (single) return "Procedimiento";
2207 else return "Procedimientos";
2209 if (single) return "Arquitectura";
2210 else return "Arquitecturas";
2212 if (single) return "Atributo";
2213 else return "Atributos";
2215 if (single) return "Proceso";
2216 else return "Procesos";
2218 if (single) return "Puerto";
2219 else return "Puertos";
2220 case VhdlSpecifier::USE:
2221 if (single) return "Cláusula de uso";
2222 else return "Cláusulas de uso";
2224 if (single) return "Genérico";
2225 else return "Genéricos";
2227 return "Cuerpo del paquete";
2229 return "Unidades";
2231 if (single) return "Variable compartida";
2232 else return "Variables compartidas";
2234 if (single) return "Archivo";
2235 else return "Archivos";
2237 if (single) return "Grupo";
2238 else return "Grupos";
2240 if (single) return "Instanciación";
2241 else return "Instanciaciones";
2243 if (single) return "Alias";
2244 else return "Aliases";
2246 if (single) return "Configuración";
2247 else return "Configuraciones";
2249 return "Varios";
2251 return "Restricciones";
2252 default:
2253 return "Clase";
2254 }
2255 }
Definition types.h:731
Definition types.h:737
Definition types.h:734


◆ trWarning()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trWarning ( )

this text is generated when the \warning command is used.

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 614 of file translator_es.h.

615 { return "Atención"; }

◆ trWriteList()

QCString TranslatorSpanish::trWriteList ( int numEntries)

this function is used to produce a comma-separated list of items. use generateMarker(i) to indicate where item i should be put.

Implements Translator.

Definition at line 753 of file translator_es.h.

754 {
755 QCString result;
756 // the inherits list contain `numEntries' classes
757 for (int i=0;i<numEntries;i++)
758 {
759 // use generateMarker to generate placeholders for the class links!
760 result+=generateMarker(i); // generate marker for entry i in the list
761 // (order is left to right)
763 if (i!=numEntries-1) // not the last entry, so we need a separator
764 {
765 if (i<numEntries-2) // not the fore last entry
766 result+=", ";
767 else // the fore last entry
768 result+=" y ";
769 }
770 }
771 return result;
772 }
QCString generateMarker(int id)
Definition util.cpp:290

References generateMarker().

Referenced by trImplementedFromList(), trImplementedInList(), trInheritedByList(), trInheritsList(), trReimplementedFromList(), and trReimplementedInList().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: